Guide to Galactic Dominance

Chapter 232 Contact with Taizion (Part 1)

The new news brought by Raccoon Qiu made Bai Zhongqi feel a little nervous. The scale of the fleet sent by Taizien to Danlu Interstellar Cloud was larger than they had previously predicted. In the news of the restoration of Haras, the Tezion Empire said that they would send a fleet of one thousand battleships there, but the intelligence obtained by Raccoon Qiu showed that Tezion had sent a total of more than one thousand battleships. A large fleet, and subsequent mobile fleets with dozens of ships in each fleet.

The Tezien civilization's covetousness for the Danlu Interstellar Cloud may need to be re-evaluated. In order to capture the Danlu Interstellar Cloud, these lizardmen even did not hesitate to sell planets in the border areas in exchange for more military expenses and resources. In terms of military capabilities, the Tezion Empire has a huge army and war weapons. However, to send such a large army to perform tasks thousands of light years away requires a massive amount of logistical supplies. In addition, when it comes to planet development and utilization, the Taizien people are insufficient in their capabilities, and have even outsourced planet construction work to other civilizations in the past.

Bai Zhongqiu began to quickly sum up the matter in his mind, "Tezien's fleet is already on its way, but depending on the situation, it should only be a group of advance fleets. A larger fleet may still be in the preparation stage, or it may be sent to other fleets after departure. The Star Territory is resting and waiting for the follow-up logistics to be delivered before being able to continue this invasion."

In fact, Bai Zhongqi's guess is very close to reality. Basically any civilization will go through a period of preparation for war against other civilizations. And Taizion's attack on the earth across thousands of light years requires a huge amount of preparation work.

Unlike the Iridium people, who are a cheating civilization, wherever the Iridium people send their fleets, their warships can use atomic construction equipment to manufacture the various supplies they need, such as ammunition, military supplies, etc. However, for relatively common military civilizations such as Taizion, space wars are somewhat similar to earth wars. The movements of the fleet are all constrained by the supply line. If the supply line is too long, the entire fleet will be more dangerous.

The difference between the Tezion civilization and other civilizations is that they also have the habit of supporting war with war. This group of lizardmen will cause endless killing and suffering wherever they go. They will directly plunder the creatures on the passing planet as their own rations, loot their items, and convert them into war capabilities.

This time, the Taizians also wanted to be safe and defeat Iridium, a civilization with a higher level of civilization than them, so they sent more battleships, but this also made supplies more difficult. It is absolutely impossible for the Taizien people to jump from the Treasure Box Star Field to the Danlu Interstellar Cloud in one go. During the voyage, they would stop at least a few times to plunder the surrounding planets and replenish the fleet's needs before continuing.

"It seems like we may have more time."

However, the next news Raccoon Qiu told him made him feel nervous again.

"These Taizien people don't usually come to Puping'a. They did a big business in Puping'a a few months ago, and they exchanged Wrap8 engines with Bolkevin in a clear way, and now they are here to raise military supplies." Raccoon Qiu didn't realize how much the news he said shocked Bai Zhongqiu.

In the previous anti-invasion preparation timetable made by Bai Zhongqi, Wrap7 was used as the speed measurement standard. This is also the information Tezien himself said.

However, Taizion actually updated the main engine of the battleship a few months ago, using Bolkevan's innovative technology to upgrade the original Wrap7 spacecraft to Wrap8 level. Wrap8 means that the battleship can reach 1,000 times the speed of light, and the time from the Treasure Box Star Field to the Danlu Interstellar Cloud has been shortened to a little more than a year.

"These damn lizard people, they have been exchanging information with us, but they deliberately concealed such important information. Could it be that they have seen through my deception? But they are still going on. He must ask for information from the fake Halas." Bai Zhongqi couldn't help but ponder,

After calming down, Bai Zhongqi knew that this change actually did not change his schedule much. The movements of the Tezien people were relatively fast, but after all, this was a long-distance attack that was thousands of light years away. The Tezien Empire had also expanded the size of its fleet, and just preparing the logistics would have cost lives. Taizion would stop several times during the voyage to hunt by himself and wait for the supplies to arrive later.

In this way, there should be little change in the two-year preparation period predicted by Bai Zhongchu.

Bai Zhongqi took a look at the main needs of Tezien's benefactors when they came to Puping'a for trade. The largest quantity was energy storage batteries. Most of Taizion's weapons, ranging from light rifles to large fighter jets, require the energy supply of these energy storage batteries. The technical level of the energy storage batteries they purchased is not high. Not to mention the level of energy wallets, the level of concentrated batteries delivered to people on earth by Iridium is also far behind.

Tezion's own energy technology is not high, and these things can usually be produced by themselves, but at critical moments, Tezien needs a batch of better energy supply devices.

Other things are miscellaneous and all-encompassing, including detectors for optical search, various sensors mounted on soldiers or vehicles, robots and engineering equipment for engineering, supplies for the maintenance of warships and aircraft, There are even textiles in considerable quantities.

This even made Bai Zhongqi doubt whether Taizien did not have a similar strategic reserve warehouse at all.

Raccoon Qiu said: "It seems that the Taizi benefactors, who are used to bullying weak civilizations, have chosen an opponent similar to them this time. In the past, they would not have used such high-end things, but this time they can choose the best. They use the best, and obviously their opponents cannot be taken lightly."

Bai Zhongqi nodded.

"Contact the Taizians, we want to do business with them. Buying their planet is too troublesome. Our Eagle Shield Civilization is not very interested in an enclave in the universe, and the price they ask is too high, which is not in our interests. . But I am interested in getting a batch of slaves sold by the Taizien people."

Of course Raccoon Qiu knew that he, as a customer, could not afford to buy a planet. Among the planets that Tezien put up for sale this time, the cheapest one was worth 20 million servants.

When Raccoon Qiu heard that Bai Zhongqi wanted to buy a slave, he thought he knew something and said quickly: "Slaves are not very expensive, and Taizien got some good stuff this time. Boss, have you heard about Feiju?" Star? The Feiju people are a group of primates with cat ears and cat tails. I heard that during the prosperity of the second civilization, the Feiju people were still an advanced civilization. I don’t know why they have declined to the point where they are no longer even an interstellar civilization. .Tezien has conquered the Feiju Star and found that selling these relatively rare primates is more cost-effective than eating them. Some customers who bought these Feiju Star slaves said they were happy after using them..."

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