Guide to Galactic Dominance

Chapter 239 Supply Ship

In the outer space of Puping Asing, Tezien's business representative Jimelas still rubbed his chin with some resentment. Not long ago, he actually lost to a man from the primate clan. This was a great shame for the martial and conceited Taizion.

Several of his subordinates were knocked down by the Star Warriors, which was somewhat excusable, but his opponent was a thin-looking primate who didn't have sharp teeth and claws like the great Taizi benefactor. , and there are no thick scales or strong muscles. But he defeated himself easily, which is unforgivable.

In fact, among the benefactors of Taiz, Jimelas is not considered to have outstanding individual strength. Jimelas, who came from a good background, had some fighting training, and had also joined the army, eating his enemies alive on the battlefield (something almost every Taizion soldier had done). However, his job now is as Taizion's business representative, not as a soldier fighting on the field. When it comes to martial arts, Jimelas is already a little rusty.

Jimelas looked at the universe outside the porthole and asked one of his subordinates: "Don't you know the whereabouts of that bastard from the Eagle Shield Civilization?"

The subordinate replied: "The other party actually only has one spaceship that looks like a capital ship. After the merchant envoys returned, the warship left. We have no ability to track them."

Jimeilas was so angry that he pushed his men, but there was nothing he could do. He knew very well that if he wanted to know the whereabouts of the other party, he would have to use a lot of detection equipment. The Ping people definitely have these things, but if Jimeiras If Lars wants to ask Puping'a about the whereabouts of the Eagle Shield Civilization, Puping'a may not necessarily give him the answer. This is out of consideration for protecting every customer.

And even if Puping'a's businessman had no bottom line and was willing to sell him the information, Jimelas didn't have the money to buy it. It is impossible for the finances of Taizion civilization to cover his needs alone. If Taizion's business department knew that he had done this, he might be directly torn into pieces.

Jimelas said resentfully: "Compile a report. We have to report to the Emperor about the Eagle Shield Civilization. This civilization is very unfriendly to us. If we encounter them in the future, we must kill and eat them!"

The relatively rational subordinates looked at the ferocious-faced boss and understood very well that this was Jimelas's desire to avenge his personal revenge. He also complained in his heart that Tezien civilization is unfriendly to any civilization inferior to itself. Civilizations in the galaxy that are unfriendly to Tezien...well, probably all civilizations are unfriendly to Tezien, even if They are two important allies of Tezion.

The subordinates still dutifully reminded their superiors: "The mysterious arrival of this Eagle Shield Civilization may not be the civilization of the surrounding star field at all. If it comes to this star field across a long distance, it means that their technical level may not be Low, and the civilization level may exceed ours. If we provoke such an enemy for no reason, I'm afraid..."

Jimelas once again pushed his men away angrily and shouted: "Asshole, what are you talking about? Can the insult suffered by Tezien be written off like this? Damn high-level civilization, I think these Eagle Shield people, at best With a level 12 or 3 civilization, our Tezion Empire has a huge fleet, and the Eagle Shield People will definitely be defeated by us!"

After losing his temper for a while, Jimelas had to put down his emotions and make arrangements for the fleet to return. Although there were some twists and turns this time and he lost face, he completed his work well. He traded a large amount of supplies for the next historic expedition of the Tezien civilization.

Jimelas had received a communication from his home planet yesterday. The military department of the Tezion Empire had ordered him to directly convert the merchant fleet into a supply fleet and transport it to the Blue Lantern Star Field about 300 light-years away. There, Jimelas needed to resupply the Taezion Empire's expeditionary fleet.

The Tezien expedition fleet set off in a hurry, and many things were not brought with it. The character of the Tezien people was not that rigorous, and even the ammunition of some battleships was not neat. But it doesn’t matter. The Tezien people rely on war to support war. After arriving in the Blue Lantern Star Territory, the Tezien expedition fleet will attack several surrounding civilizations. The levels of these civilizations are relatively low, and the Tezion fleet can plunder enough things and even replenish weapons.

Even as arrogant as Jimelas, he is quite worried about this expedition. The Tezion expedition fleet spans thousands of light years and attacks the Earth civilization in the Danlu interstellar cloud. The length of the supply line has become terrifying. Taizion plans to take three rest breaks along the way and establish transit bases along the way to store supplies, gather troops, etc.

This activity is also extremely risky for Tezien. The Tezien civilization has obtained the specific situation of the star field during the first two rests. There are no particularly strong enemies in the two star areas, and there are fat sheep that can be hunted by them. .

The entire expedition was a challenge to the organizational capabilities of the Tezion civilization. Emperor Tezien attached great importance to this expedition and did not hesitate to sell some unimportant planets in exchange for war supplies.

Gemelas also had enthusiasm in his eyes: "As long as we can seize the Danlu Interstellar Cloud, Taizien Civilization will no longer have to be afraid of those higher civilizations. These bullshit advanced civilizations are too high-minded, although they will not do anything to our civilization as a whole. However, when encountering our fleet, they are basically destroyed directly, and those Toifang Birdmen are restricting our development. With Danlu Interstellar Cloud as a rear area that will not be disturbed, Taizien can always Continue to develop until we also become a higher civilization!"

At this moment, the indifferent subordinates spoke to Jimelas again: "Sir, the military department reminded us to strengthen our defenses. Now the military department is relatively short of power. This time it only gave us four frigates to escort us, not even one. None of the cruisers.”

Jimelas snorted: "Are you an idiot? In the surrounding star fields, there is no civilization that would even think of us. Don't they want to live? As long as they take action , we will extinguish the fire of their civilization."

His subordinates had no complaints about the rough Jimelas. Anyway, that was the virtue of the Taiz benefactor. He also felt that what Jimelas said was reasonable. Among the three surrounding star fields, Tezien was not the one with the highest level of civilization, but it was the most troublesome opponent. Tezien basically walked sideways in these star areas. , that is to say, you should retreat when encountering advanced civilization.

However, Jimelas never thought of the possibility that the people who wanted to attack them were not from the nearby star field at all.

Sorry, I’ll post one chapter first, and I’ll wait until tomorrow for more updates. I’m too tired.

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