Guide to Galactic Dominance

I wrote an arithmetic post, but my passion has run out, and I have more plans to update it.

Will the third update today be tomorrow?

Doing math is really tiring. I calculated how many battleships there are in Star Alliance, and put them in the related works to see for yourself.

My grades have declined, and this white-faced guy understands that there is something wrong with my rhythm. But the exciting part is coming, Bai Lian will make the novel fuller.

Regarding adding updates, let’s play a simple way. If the monthly ticket reaches 300 within a week, the white face will update 10,000 on weekends or Mondays. The monthly votes in the second week reached 300 again, and another 10,000 will be added on weekends or Mondays. If the monthly pass is 300 in a week, 10,000 words will be updated on weekends or Mondays. If the monthly pass is 600 in a week, an additional 10,000 words will be updated on the day. If it is less than 300, the monthly tickets for that week will not be accumulated for the next week. It will look better if you put it together with more updates.


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