Guide to Galactic Dominance

Chapter 267 Order Association

The Tezion expedition fleet has entered several huge warp bubbles and gone away, leaving only the wreckage of a warship in space. Ten days later, several reconnaissance spacecraft appeared at this location.

The shapes of these reconnaissance spacecraft are not uniform. Some are spindle-shaped and some are rod-shaped. It seems that they come from several different civilizations.

"My condolences to the heroes who tried to intercept the atrocities of the cannibals." An alien captain with a short stature and a head like a capybara on Earth lowered his head to the wreckage.

Standing next to him was an alien with a particularly slender body and amphibian-like skin on his hands. He said: "The Order Association has made too many sacrifices to stop the Tezion civilization this time."

A strong and hairy upright gorilla walked out from behind them. This gorilla was at least two and a half meters tall and probably weighed close to 800 pounds. Naturally, he was also an intelligent creature with a very high IQ. He was dressed in armor and looked particularly powerful.

"The significance of the existence of the Order Association is to prevent the three major enslaver civilizations from continuing to wreak havoc in the galaxy. The Silver and High Governance Council are unwilling to bear the responsibilities, and we, the Order Association, will shoulder the responsibility."

The capybara man hurriedly said: "General Caesar, we have never hesitated in our original intention. The Tezien civilization must be stopped."

The Amphibious Man said: "This time the Tezien civilization has dispatched on such a large scale and has destroyed two civilizations along the way. They haven't stopped yet. After a little reorganization, they set off on the journey again. What is their goal?"

The upright gorilla named General Caesar had a solemn expression: "No matter what the goal of the Taizians is, they must have planned a shocking event this time, which may have a major impact on all peace-loving civilizations in the galaxy."

He lowered his head and put his hands on the table, regretting and regretting, "We hurriedly united. Although we prepared nearly three hundred battleships and were lucky enough to meet Taiz's benefactor, it was of no avail. If we want to defeat Taiz Well, we need stronger and more warships."

The capybara man said with difficulty: "Our Jidit civilization is not good at fighting, and the size of the fleet is not large. This time we participated in the Order Association and brought out dozens of warships, which is our limit."

The amphibious man also said: "Yes, our home planet also needs to be protected. In addition to cannibals, we have other enemies to worry about. If we rashly draw out a large amount of fleet power, we may face greater risks. ."

The Capybara asked: "With just the civilization in our Order Association, it may be difficult to stop Taizion's action. Maybe we should ask the Galactic Parliament for help?"

Caesar said sarcastically: "How can those guys who think they are the rulers of the Galaxy respond to us? In their view, no matter what Tezion does, it will have no impact on them, just like the Galaxy Parliament released The Torifang civilization in the Treasure Box Star Territory is obviously powerful enough to compete with Tezien, but the Torifang people never take the initiative to stop Tezien's atrocities, causing so many innocent civilizations to be killed by Tezien. Destruction and enslavement.”

Caesar also knew that the so-called Order Association established by their civilization actually had a combined military strength that was not as powerful as Taizion. More than sixty years ago, when the home of the upright gorillas, the Planet of the Apes, was attacked by Tezion, the upright gorillas rose up to resist. At that time, an outstanding diplomat united more than a dozen civilizations with similar values ​​and supported the concept of justice and peace to form a loose defense alliance organization, the Order Association.

However, the civilization levels in the Order Association are not very high. For example, the Planet of the Apes civilization is already the highest among them, with a level 20 civilization. However, one-third of the civilizations in it are still below level 15 and are low-level civilizations.

In the war against Tezion more than sixty years ago, the Order Association assembled hundreds of warships and launched a decisive battle with Tezion in the Levando system where the Planet of the Apes is located. In the end, Tezien suffered heavy losses. Forced to withdraw from the war. In fact, the Order Association suffered greater losses in this war.

Although Taizion is cruel, he is not stupid. When multiple civilizations gather together, although they are still weak, it is not cost-effective to eat them. In the following time, the civilizations of the Order Association held together to keep warm. Taizion tried to attack some of the lower civilizations, but they were all driven back by the Order Association's combined fleet.

As a result, the Order Association has increased its self-confidence. At a new civilization summit, some civilizations, led by the Planet of the Apes civilization, directly proposed the ambition to completely defeat Tezion and liberate the vassal civilizations enslaved by Tezion.

But the reality is extremely cruel. Taizion does not attack the Order Association just because it is more troublesome to deal with. But if the Order Association takes the initiative to cause trouble, they will crush the Order Association's fleet like a bug.

Caesar also realized how unrealistic the program formulated by the Order Association was.

"No matter what, even if we can't defeat Tezien, we must know what Tezien's intentions are. If Tezien's actions this time may pose a huge threat to the Order Association, we must make a desperate move. , and devoted all our efforts to stop them."

Shu Tai, the capybara general of the Didit civilization, had worries in his simple little eyes, "Tezion has invaded other civilizations and has never gone so far. They have spanned more than 700 light years, and they will continue to go." Let’s go forward and see where their destination is this time.”

Caesar said: "No matter where it is, it must be of great significance to the Tezien civilization, allowing them to take such a big risk to come. Unfortunately, this time it was a good opportunity. The three thousand battleships sent by the Tezien people , stay away from the Tezion Empire. If we can destroy these battleships, Tezion will be greatly weakened. Unfortunately..."

Caesar felt powerless at this time. Even the strongest Planet of the Apes civilization in the Order Association could not bring out hundreds of warships at a time to block Tezion's expedition. The Order Association assembled 300 warships, originally intending to use them to harass Taizion. However, the military ability of the sixteenth prince should not be underestimated, and he quickly launched a beautiful siege and annihilation battle, wiping out all the fleets of the Order Association.

"The Order Association can no longer spare more expeditionary force, and we are the only hope. We are not familiar with the new starry sky, there may be dangers, and we may also encounter like-minded friends. Although we cannot defeat enemies, but at least collect enough intelligence for the association’s reference,” Caesar said.

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