Guide to Galactic Dominance

Chapter 294 Reversing the Situation

Lin Yin's efforts came a little late. She finally found a feasible method to overload the shield array by collecting data on the use of various shield arrays. However, at this time, the shield array had already fallen after suffering a large number of blows. It fell into a trough, and completely collapsed after Bai Zhongqi assembled the Titans of Homeland and issued a devastating blow.

The energy cores of more than 200 Tezion battleships have been severely damaged at this time. This is the sequelae of the shield array technology being breached. After all, the technical level of the Tezion battleship is more than one generation behind the Star Alliance battleship. Without the protection of the shield array, even the Iridium frigate is enough to compete with their cruiser level.

Bell and Walnut on the Iron Duke frigate were both conscientiously at their respective positions. One of them became the ship's radar sergeant, and the other became the intelligence officer. The Iron Duke is also among the Star Alliance battleships. Most of its crew members are from the slaves Bai Zhongqi rescued from the Taizen people at that time.

At this moment, Lingdang was already a very qualified female soldier. She could not hide her excitement, but she was still very responsible in receiving and feeding back the intelligence collected by various battleship detection systems, while her good sister Walnut began to Gather this intelligence and react to it.

Bell looked at the walnut and said: "Tez's benefactor is going to die!"

Walnut is still more cautious, but the joy in his brows is beyond words, "We can't relax until the last moment."

Lingdang couldn't help but say: "Lina and the others are really great. They inspired everyone in the most difficult time."

Walnut smiled and said: "We are not bad either."

"Yes, we have avenged many of our compatriots on Feiju Star! We defeated Tezien's large fleet today. In the future, we can defeat more Tezien fleets and liberate more companions and planets, so that everyone no longer has to be afraid. These lizard people can live a better life.”

The Iron Duke's naval guns kept firing at a Tezion frigate that had lost its protection. Bells and Walnuts watched this scene eagerly. After bearing a large number of blows from the Iron Duke, the Tezion frigate finally supported Unable to hold on, the airspace exploded into a ball of fire.

In the outer space of the entire earth, more than 300 Star Alliance battleships focused their most powerful firepower on their enemies. The most dazzling thing is the Home Titan in the middle of the formation, surrounded by battleships of all sizes.

This battleship, which may be larger than all battleships combined, is extremely powerful and spectacular after being transformed into a battleship. When Bai Zhongqi obtained the Home Stone, he used the mysterious technology of the elder race to set the Home Stone into the current Home Titan. He also kept this secret and never made it known to the public.

In the past, civilizations that obtained the Home Stone in legends basically regarded it as a paradise that could travel across the universe. When Bai Zhongqi knew that the Home Stone had the ability to manufacture and sail, he naturally set it as a dual-use planet. The existence of Homeworld Titan.

On this Home Titan, Bai Zhongqi has installed countless offensive and defensive weapons, not to mention that with the energy support of the mysterious technology left by the elder race, the shield that the battleship-shaped Home Titan can raise is almost impossible to be used by ordinary civilizations. Conquered by a large fleet. And Bai Zhongqi combined the battleship and the Home Titan, and set up the earth-shattering tactical strike weapon just now-the final beam cannon.

The output power of a single engine reaches 9800MW. When concentrated at one point, the destructive power is extremely amazing. Before this, the Iridium people had imagined similar weapons, but there were no battleships powerful enough to carry such a domineering energy output. Only Home Titan, which has the technological foundation left over from the Archaean Era, can turn Iridium's technological vision into a real reality.

Subeis, who was still holding on to his stubborn will to resist, had completely lost his composure at this time. He couldn't accept that after he planned and paid so much, he was beaten to ashes by the final king bomb brought out by the people on earth. His emotions had completely collapsed when he killed his bodyguard. The hysterical Subes still refused to accept defeat, and the Taizien, who only knew how to fight to the death, had no fear of choosing to escape later.

It's just that in their eyes, the Home Titan, which is as big as an asteroid, shoots out the terminal beam cannon full of divine power and unstoppable from the bow position from time to time. At the same time, hundreds of thousands of weapons compete to emit weapons around the Home Titan battleship. Like the Tathagata Buddha with thousands of hands and palms, he directly smashes the enemies in front of him into powder.

When missiles and electromagnetic artillery shells hit their warships, there was basically no chance to breathe. These Tezion warships would be directly penetrated and detonated.

At this time, Wang Daodun was like a chicken. He jumped down from the captain's chair and walked back and forth on the bridge, shouting: "Kilin, hurry up, this is the best time for human-headed dogs like us. When we were improving our results, we also got a battleship to show off!"

Keelin said angrily: "Are you looking for death? Even if these Tezien battleships have no shields, they still have naval guns. If our frigate body is to rush into their fleet, we will be the unlucky ones." Maybe if you are unlucky, you may be affected by friendly artillery shells."

Wang Daodong jumped up anxiously on the ground, pointed to a position on the star map and shouted: "Did you see it? This is right here. This is a blind spot for enemy ships to shoot. Let's get under this position and shoot the gun at it." If you hit me, you can kill someone in a matter of minutes!"

Keelin quickly calculated and found that the area pointed by Wang Dao was indeed a shooting blind spot for the Tezien fleet. There is no up, down, left, or right in the universe, but battleships have relative positions to each other. The Tezion battleship confronts the Star Alliance battleship from the front. Most of the naval guns fire horizontally and upward. Only in the direction below and behind them, most of them Even the naval guns cannot take care of it. If they want to attack there, they will inevitably need to adjust the position of the battleships, and in that case they will not be able to deal with the huge number of Star Alliance battleships in front of them.

Keelin was unequivocal and immediately launched the battleship. Neither she nor Wang Daodun were heroic people, and they would not give in when they could grab someone's head at the critical moment. The Keeling made a small semicircle and drove directly to the shooting blind spot below and behind the Tezien fleet. Keeling immediately moved All the ship's guns were aimed at a Tezion battleship and fired fiercely at it.

After receiving firepower, the Tezien battleship tried to turn around alone to fight back against the Keelin. However, under the leadership of Wang Daundui, the Keelin smoothly changed its position, always hiding in the blind spot, and finally fired four shots. After more than ten rounds of artillery shells, the Tezien battleship was finally destroyed.

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