Guide to Galactic Dominance

Chapter 319 Will you enslave us?

When the Star Alliance mobile infantry jumped from the landing craft that had not yet landed, they did not find any enemies on the ground.

Although Linge Planet is not a complete interstellar civilization, its technological level and development level are actually higher than those of the Earth in the old era. The Linge Planet people have initially mastered the first stage of nuclear fusion and have made certain achievements in electronic technology. Before the Tezion invasion, they had manned spacecraft that regularly went to other planets for inspections, and super-heavy rockets capable of launching more than 1,000 tons of supplies.

Even if Taizion seizes control of the planet, the Linge people can still know what is happening in the universe outside the atmosphere through observation.

Once upon a time, the Lingge people saw the eight warships stationed in the orbit of the planet by Taizien and felt that they were so majestic that no matter what kind of weapons they had, they could not threaten these eight warships like King Kong. But just now, a large group of more terrifying space battleships appeared and wiped out the Tezion battleship like a grandson.

Obviously, the wind direction of Lingge Star is going to change!

The Seifui people who were commandeered by Taizion immediately gave up their jobs. The lizardmen ran their own way. The Seifui people also hurriedly withdrew from various institutions and facilities. Many people even boarded the plane back to the Seifui Kingdom. ship. The puppet troops guarding the workers and citizens of the If Republic Federation disappeared. The workers found themselves stopping their machines and walking out of the factory without anyone blocking them. Everyone became excited for a while.

No one knew what happened yet. Everyone was looking at each other on the street blankly.

At this time, Jenna rode a bicycle through the neighborhood. The extremely excited and happy girl waved a red scarf in her hand and shouted: "The Taizien people have been defeated, the Taizien people have been defeated, we become free!"

Her clear and sweet voice seemed to have infinite magic, or the word freedom itself was the most magical word. All the people on the street were excited. Many people chased Jenna's bicycle, forming a crowd on the street. There was a long line of people, and they were all shouting something.

"The Taizians are defeated and we are free!"

It wasn't until several Star Alliance landing airships landed over the city of Dulag that the jubilant people stopped cheering timidly and timidly. People retreated. Faced with such a powerful spaceship, everyone's heart was filled with excitement. Pretending to be uneasy and scared.

Jenna stopped the bicycle. She was also curious and afraid. What Chalmers said to her was still in her ears. It was impossible for a powerful alien civilization to take their life and death seriously.

She kept praying in her heart, hoping that the aliens coming out of the spaceship would not be as vicious as the Taizians.

The outer wall of the landing airship was lowered and turned into a gangway, and a group of people wearing individual power armor walked down from inside. They look the same as the Linge people in appearance, unlike the Taizien people who have obvious alien features.

Different from the rough and ferocious individual armors of the Taizien people, these people's individual armors have unique visual effects, are simple and full of agility.

The leading heavy-armored soldier looked around and saw the panicked people, but he did not do anything extra. The heavy-armored soldier slightly bent his knees, and then the individual armor discharged plasma refrigerant, and he flew into the air. The motorized infantry behind him followed suit in the same manner, paying no attention to the hundreds or even thousands of Yi people in front of them.

Seeing these mobile infantry going their own way, Jenna was a little anxious. She suddenly ran up and shouted to the last mobile infantry who had not yet flown into the sky: "Who are you? Did you defeat the Tez benefactors?"

The mobile infantry glanced at Jenna, and obviously gave the girl some preferential treatment because of Jenna's beauty. He answered her question: "We are earthlings, and Taizion is our enemy. If you mean the orbit of the planet, The Tezion fleet on board was indeed sunk by us."

The mobile infantry's individual armor is equipped with a multi-language pack, and the language of the Linge people is imported through Tezion's data, so there is no obstacle to talking to these locals.

Jenna asked another question: "Then will you occupy Linge Planet and enslave us?"

The mobile infantryman looked at the girl's pitiful appearance and was obviously a little affected. He said: "Occupation is probably possible, but this is a matter decided by our superiors and our head of state. But as for slavery, I can guarantee that it will be No, people on earth love peace, and we will not enslave anyone, because we don’t need to do that at all.”

The mobile infantryman said a few words and was urged by the leader of the team. The mobile infantryman quickly turned on the power module and let himself fly into the sky. Mrs. Yi was left standing on the ground looking at them, speechless. Come.

It is completely impossible to say that Bai Zhongqi has no ambitions for Lingge Star. The conditions of Lingge Star can be said to be unique. As a civilization rich in resources and that has not yet fully entered the interstellar era, there is great potential here.

Most civilizations that rely on natural reproduction to develop their populations will probably experience a certain decline in population with the development of science and technology after entering the interstellar era. The greatly increased life span, the increased exploration of life, the sharp decrease in the desire to have children, and even other external factors have made the population size of interstellar civilization not particularly large.

Only after breaking through a certain bottleneck will it rise significantly again.

As a civilization on the eve of the interstellar era, Linge Planet has a large population, and the average quality and knowledge level of these populations are higher than those on Earth. Bai Zhongqi can successfully transform Earth people to adapt to the new Earth civilization, then he can also use the same Set, so that civilizations like Linge Star can keep up with the pace of development and transform into a Star Alliance society.

Unfortunately, Bai Zhongqi does not have much administrative power now, so it is impossible to directly and effectively control the entire planet. Linge Star itself is in a state of division, and it is useless to simply control a large political power. However, Bai Zhongqi also hopes to take his time. As for how to plan for Lingge Star in the future, that is a matter for the future.

What Bai Zhongqi is most concerned about now is the military confrontation and strategic game against the Tezien Empire. This time he attacked Lingge Planet and took away the Tezien Empire's first forward base on the way to invade the earth. As long as this place is not opened, Taizien would have to find other routes or attack Lingge Star. No matter which one it is, it will be a big waste of time for the Tezion Empire.

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