Guide to Galactic Dominance

Chapter 325 The Fleet of the Order Association

After receiving the information, Bai Zhongqi immediately left the surface of Lingge Planet in a blue wave boat and came to the Sacred Falcon parked in orbit. In fact, not only him, but also the Space Force crew and the Orbital Airborne Corps returned to the battleship. Only the android soldiers of the Delta Corps remained on Linge Star.

"If the coming fleet is really Taizien, and a battle breaks out between us in the outer space of Linge Planet, then Linge Planet will obviously not be spared. Even if it will not be completely destroyed like Luzhao Planet, I am afraid that the planet There will also be heavy losses." Ling served Bai Zhongqi a cup of tea and said with a little regret.

The charming blonde girl couldn't help but flash in Bai Zhongqi's mind, but he quickly dismissed it.

"Now we can only try our best to protect Lingge Star, but everything must be based on the battlefield situation." Bai Zhongqi could only express this.

Unlike the earth, after Bai Zhongqi knew that he was going to fight the Taizien people, he dug up almost tens of millions of square kilometers of the earth's crust in more than a year and built a large number of underground facilities and shelters on the earth. But such conditions do not exist in Lingge Star. Even if he now asks Lingge Star for emergency evacuation, it will only cause greater panic or even disaster.

At this time, Bai Zhongqi looked at the face reflected in the water in the teacup, feeling a little dazed. I don’t know when I have become the person I am now. The loss of life and damage to the planet could no longer affect his originally sensitive heart. When he clearly understands his mission and goals, everything around him becomes unimportant. He will focus all his energy on the goal, no matter what the cost.

Zero said: "The Silver Ling Army is in the Lei Guanglan galaxy less than a light-year away from us. After turning on the warp speed, it can quickly enter the battlefield."

Bai Zhongqi has never been a player who will play all the cards in the first game. He always hides several cards in his sleeves and then chooses to play the trump card at the most appropriate time.

"Don't worry, let's check the situation first."

Bai Zhongqi is still calm and calm, even though he only has a fleet of 66 battleships now, and his opponent is Tezien with thousands of battleships, but he can immediately attack Tezien when they arrive in the outer space of Linge Star. Using the anti-shield sharing technology manufactured by Lin Yin to overload their shield array, even 66 battleships can drift away after causing heavy losses to the Taizien.

Bai Zhongqi took a sip of tea and thought about more things.

"No, Tezion's second batch of fleet should not be ready at this time, and the size should be more than 2,000 warships. Even if the drawdown comes in advance, the speed is too fast."

Doubts remain doubts, but the Star Alliance Space Force is still ready and ready.

Finally, the warp bubble, which had crossed an unknown distance, suddenly jumped out in space. After the warp bubble burst, Bai Zhongqi immediately pushed the camera to take pictures of the ship inside.

"Hey, the style of these ships doesn't look like Tezion." Zero noticed first.

Bai Zhongqi looked more carefully: "Not only is it not Tezien, but it also has different styles. There are at least four or five battleships from different sources."

Ling said unexpectedly: "In the past, no big civilization visited this remote little place. But after Tezien came, it was us, and now there is such a wave of strength. What the hell is going on."

This large fleet of about 1,300 to 400 warships discovered the Star Alliance warships after arriving in the outer space of Linge Star. However, this large fleet did not take any immediate measures. Obviously, it is not an easy task to command the warships of multiple civilizations and knead them into a whole.

"Your Majesty, the other party has sent a direct video call request to speak with the fleet commander." Xu Lanzhou, as the fleet commander, is the one who directly handles these things.

Bai Zhongqi nodded and said, "Get through to the other party and you will be responsible for the communication."

Xu Lanzhou opened the video call, and a split screen popped up on Bai Zhongqi's side. On the screen was an extremely tall gorilla with thick black hair. It's just that this gorilla is wearing a well-tailored uniform and an electronic device of unknown purpose.

"This is the Order Association's anti-Tezion joint fleet. I am Commander Caesar from the Planet of the Apes civilization. Please announce the name of your civilization and why it appears on the indigenous planet occupied by the Tezion civilization."

It was also the first time that Xu Lanzhou saw a talking gorilla, but the universe is so big and she had seen stranger things, so she didn't show any surprise.

"We are the expedition fleet of Iridium - the Earth civilization. The Tezien Empire is our enemy. In order to prevent the Tezien civilization from continuing to attack our star domain, we are ordered to destroy the Tezien people's forward base and cut off Their route." Xu Lanzhou's answer was quite candid. This female general was not a liar in the first place. After hearing that the other party was an anti-Tezien alliance, she immediately revealed her identity.

General Caesar was very surprised: "It turns out that you are the targets of the Tezion Empire's invasion across thousands of light years. If my inference is correct, your presence here means that the fleet led by the sixteenth prince of Tezion, Subes, has already Were you defeated?"

"That's right." Xu Lanzhou replied succinctly.

The upright gorilla Caesar's eyes widened, but his expression was full of doubt: "It's really an unbelievable thing."

After all, Xu Lanzhou was born in the Iridium United Empire, and she has always been full of confidence. At this time, the heroic female general said to Caesar eloquently: "Tezion has chosen a very wrong opponent, and that is us."

Caesar does not like the arrogant primates. Although the upright gorillas are very close to the primates, many upright gorillas, including Caesar, believe that they are better than the primates. Not only do upright gorillas have better physical fitness, but upright gorillas also have a stronger sense of good and evil, rarely harm their own kind, and are full of compassion and a sense of justice. On the other hand, the primates are too shrewd but lack sincerity, weak but good at deception. Although they are the most populous race in the galaxy, they often have serious internal conflicts and are even more brutal and murderous.

The first batch of Tezion's fleet completely destroyed a fleet of 300 warships from the Order Association. Caesar once despaired of Tezion's terrifying military strength, but now these people from the earth are spreading wild words, They had defeated the Taizians, which was not normal.

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