Guide to Galactic Dominance

Chapter 339 Fierce Battle with Jijit (8)

On the planet Jigit, in the traditional water-dwelling building of Jigit Master, a family of capybara people hugged each other, leaving tears of joy. Originally, they thought that this would be the end of the Zigit civilization. Even if they joined the Order Association, there was no way to save the Zigit civilization.

Especially when Captain Samalu rushed to the front with Digit's only warship and risked his own life to create opportunities for other warships of the Order Association, the Digit people were already desperate. Captain Samalus is an idol-level military figure of the Zigit people. He represents the Zigit civilization and participates in the fleet of the Order Association. He is a banner figure. His sacrifice has a huge blow to the Zigit people.

But no one expected that the savior-like Starfleet Fleet appeared. First, the Space Fleet drove back the Tezion Fleet, and then the huge Silver Wings Fleet beat the drowned dog. The arrogant Tezion people seemed to have encountered Like a nemesis, he was severely taught a lesson by the people on earth.

Although most of the Jigit people have no concept of earth civilization, and do not even know the relationship between the Order Association and the earth, the civilization of Tezien is probably a good civilization to deal with at this time.

Only the public affairs bureau (government) on the planet Jigit has some understanding of the origins and rifts between some Order Associations and the people on Earth.

Weinfer, the chief official of Zigit Star, proposed at the meeting of the Public Affairs Bureau: "Zigit Planet has followed the footsteps of the Order Association for decades, and now it is obvious that the Order Association does not have the ability to resist the invasion of Taezion. Strength. And our Zigit civilization also lost almost all its war power in this war. Now is the time when the Zigit star is most vulnerable. This war is about to come to an end, and the people of the Star Alliance Earth will Obtain victory. Obviously they will become the most powerful civilization in the star field. Moreover, they are capable of defeating Taizion. Jijit Star has been able to maintain a relatively independent status for a long time, mainly because we have no obvious enemies, and Taizion Villain civilizations like Zion are far enough away from us. But now, we are facing a major crisis. Therefore, I suggest that after the war, we should seek to establish a closer relationship with earth civilization and seek the benefits that earth civilization provides us. Protect."

All the leaders of Jigit Star basically understood what Weinfer meant behind what he said. If we ask for shelter from the earth's civilization, it is inevitable that the Zigit civilization may lose its independence and even become a vassal of the earth's civilization. However, the Zigit people themselves do not have too strong ambitions. They mainly focus on maintaining their own way of life. If the people on earth are willing to let them continue to survive on their home planet in their own way, vassalization is not an unacceptable option.

At the same time, the war between the Digit Outer Space Star Alliance and Taizion has entered a white-hot stage. At this time, the Order Association has basically withdrawn from the battle. Such a large-scale battle has never been experienced by any civilization in the Order Association. If it stays on the battlefield at this time, it is even very likely to be accidentally injured by artillery fire from both sides.

Caesar withdrew the fleet from the fire zone. When he counted the numbers again, he found that the Order Association's warships had less than 500, and more than half of them had been lost.

Hawins stood in the bridge, his usual calmness and calmness long gone. At this time, he desperately asked the battleship helmsman to take the battleship out of the warp trap, and constantly asked other battleships to cover his flagship.

"You low-level idiots, hurry up and protect me from leaving." Haywins roared. The lizard man's roar was full of coldness and ruthlessness. However, in the hierarchical Tezion Empire, protecting the royal members is the responsibility of Tezion. It was the duty of Zien's army, even if the prince asked them to die, they could only do it.

Orans couldn't help but be very disappointed when he saw Havins who had completely lost his composure. He chose Hawins as his master, mainly because he believed that Hawins had a calmness and self-cultivation that ordinary Taizi benefactors did not have. However, at this juncture, Hawins' performance was not even as good as Subes, who was willing to die with the fleet. He was just thinking about escaping and could not think about it from the perspective of the empire at all.

Tezion battleships kept flashing out to block the bullet holes for Havins' flagship. The dense and powerful unicorn cannons are extremely penetrating. However, although these unicorn cannons can penetrate enemy ships and cause the enemy ships to lose a certain amount of combat effectiveness, they will not clear their sight quickly. Therefore, the wreckage of the penetrated battleship gradually formed a barrier, covering Haywins' flagship.

However, it was precisely this performance that allowed Bai Zhongqi to quickly determine that the Tezien battleship, which was protected by layers of layers, must be the flagship of this large fleet, and the eleventh prince must also be on this ship. In the battleship.

Bai Zhongqi smiled softly and said to Ling: "How about, let's take a risk and kill this big guy."

"Is it that battleship? Judging from its shape, it should be of the same class as the Holy King that Subes rode last time."

Ling's bright eyes fell on Bai Zhongqi and asked expectantly: "What are you going to do, Your Majesty?"

Bai Zhongqi smiled and said, "Let's try that thing that I haven't used in a long time."

After all, Ling and Bai Zhongzhen were connected by the Supreme Order, and after getting along for a long time, it was easy to understand Bai Zhongzhen's plan.

"Okay, I'm waiting for your orders, Your Majesty."

Bai Zhongqi waved his hand casually, and the original game control screen appeared in front of him. This was also his main method of controlling the battleship.

After clicking on the command, the body of the Holy Falcon, which had stopped shooting, began to shake for a while. From the outside, this huge battlecruiser was actually somewhat blurred, and it did not look so clear.

Then, the light and shadow of the Holy Falcon suddenly changed and disappeared. In the next moment, the head of state ship appeared more than a hundred kilometers directly in front of the flagship of the Tezien fleet, which was protected at all levels. superior.

Hawins, who was trying to escape at high speed, saw a Star Alliance battleship appear out of thin air on the bridge, and his eyes were about to burst.

"This is a space jump! How come people on earth have mastered this technology? This is impossible! This is unscientific!" Haywins screamed crazily.

What interrupted him was the concentrated fire from hundreds of main and secondary guns on the Holy Falcon, blocking the Tezion flagship with firepower.

"Quick, stop him!" Haywins has already been injured due to the collision of the battleship. He usually doesn't wear armor, so he is more vulnerable to injury.

More Tezion warships rushed over, trying to attack the Holy Falcon, but their artillery fire could only create ripples on the Holy Falcon's shield, causing no substantial damage at all.

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