Guide to Galactic Dominance

Chapter 368 Encounter on the road

The two-day trek was quite difficult for Bai Zhongqi, but the head of state who was greedy for enjoyment would not really focus on the journey. He set up the agent's automatic cruise program, and he followed Zero on the Holy Falcon. Start trying various desserts.

Although there are still many animals on the grassland, many of them are things that do not exist on the earth. Groups of dinosaur-like reptiles jumping like kangaroos, and giant starfish-like creatures floating in the water from time to time. These are all native creatures of Taoran Star, and they look very strange.

It's just that Bai Zhongqi has seen a lot of planets, and now he is somewhat accustomed to all kinds of strange creatures. He has no desire to explore these ordinary creatures.

On the second day, the convoy encountered some interesting things while traveling.

Several "people" who looked extremely disgusting squatted on the ground, tearing apart the body of a dead creature with the head of a deer and the body of a cow without any manners.

They were obviously aware of the sound of the motorcade moving, but those guys had no intention of moving and were concentrating on eating raw meat.

Bu glanced over there and said to Bai Zhongqi: "A bunch of zombies."

Bai Zhongqi looked at those "people" who were somewhat similar to zombies, but obviously not irrational at all, and then he became interested.

"Zombie ghosts have a great desire to eat, and they will only attack humans when they are eating." Bu explained.

"Aren't you going to kill them?" Bai Zhongqi asked.

Bu shook his head and said: "Although zombie ghosts attack humans and feed on humans, they still distinguish what kind of humans can become their prey. They will not provoke those they cannot afford. And there is a group of zombie ghosts here. , indicating that there may be more zombie ghosts nearby. If a battle breaks out and we kill some zombie ghosts, it may also attract other zombie ghosts nearby to gather, which will be even more troublesome."

Bu added: "Of course, this does not mean that we have nothing to do with these disgusting things. If they cause trouble, we will let them die miserably."

Bai Zhongqi pulled his hood forward, "In my opinion, they are no different from dead corpses."

The convoy did not stop at all, bypassing the positions of several zombies and continuing to drive in the direction of Beishan.

As the convoy walked away, several zombies surrounding the food raised their heads and looked in the direction the convoy was leaving. The eyes of these zombies are yellow or green, which makes them look particularly scary. Eating raw flesh and their mangled and decaying bodies make them look extremely uncomfortable.

These zombies jumped up, then moved in the other direction, swinging their not very agile bodies and left.

On the team's side, even if Bai Zhongqi and several other powerful aliens were present, Bu was still very cautious and did not want to cause additional trouble. It's just that sometimes if you don't look for trouble, trouble will come to you.

On the only way to Beishan, there is a group of low stone hills lacking vegetation. A road separates the numerous hills and leads to Beishan. Bu explained to Bai Zhongqi that this road existed before the nuclear war, and it is also one of the few facilities on the planet that is still being used today.

But today on this road, Bu saw a nail roadblock set up by someone, and a sparse group of guys standing there in front of the roadblock.

These people were dressed a bit like members of a hunting group, except that their clothes were more ragged and mostly patched. The older brothers surrounded in the middle were better dressed, with fairly suitable leather jackets.

There was a guy with a mohawk haircut and a spiked wristband on his wrist. He looked a bit punk and tough. He held a large sign high with a large cross painted on it.


The leader, who was short in stature, had a short haircut, but a thick beard, shouted loudly.

Bu's eyelids jumped and he quickly told Bai Zhongqi: "These people are robbers."

Bai Zhongqi was still a little surprised: "The surface of your place is full of dangers. There are basically no human activities, but there are quite a few monsters. If they are robbers, who are they going to rob? Are they robbing shelters? Basically, your refuges are only those who can escape from It’s unlikely to be broken in from the outside if it’s broken from within.”

Bu explained: "They are said to be robbers now, but they may not be who they are at other times. Now is the time when the big market is about to be held. Many shelters are heading to Beishan with a large amount of property, and there will be people in each convoy. Good thing. These robbers may be ordinary hunting groups from other refuges, but at this time they choose to rob, and the rewards may be more substantial than trading. If they find that robbery is not easy, or the rewards are insufficient, they will encounter When encountering any difficulties, they will transform into good shelter hunters."

Bai Zhongqi nodded and said, "Okay, no matter who they are, they are going to attack us now."

The convoy slowly stopped in front of the roadblock. The hunters in Shelter 101 all picked up rifles from their motorcycles, and someone on two off-road vehicles pointed their roof-mounted machine guns at the group of bandits. However, the bandits were obviously not unprepared. They set up strong bunkers on both sides, and even had hypothetical recoilless rifles in the bunkers.

"Damn, these people actually have cannons." Bu muttered.

Heavy firepower is extremely valuable in any shelter. But not all shelters have the technology to produce artillery, and even if they do, the materials for artillery production are scarce. Although some pre-nuclear war artillery pieces survive and are still operational, each shelter still has a limited number of artillery pieces.

The bald and short bandit leader held a loudspeaker and shouted to the people in the convoy: "Everyone, I'm sorry, you have to pay the toll if you have to pass through here."

Bang said bitterly: "These bastards."

Bai Zhongqi signaled Bu not to speak, but rode his motorcycle to the front of the team. He shouted at the top of his voice: "If we don't stay with you, we don't have to pay tolls. Then we'll turn around. Bye-Bye."

As he spoke, he turned the handlebars to make a U-turn. The bald and short bandit leader was a little dazed when he saw this. He had never thought about how he would change his excuse for buying tolls if he didn't pass through here.

The bandit leader became anxious, raised his gun and shot in the air, shouting: "You are not allowed to leave, you will get money as soon as you come."

Bai Zhongqi said: "You yourself said that you only have to collect money when crossing the road. Now you have to collect money even if you don't cross the road."

The bandit leader groaned and said: "That's it, if we are willing to collect money, you have to pay it."

Bai Zhongqi laughed and asked, "If I am willing to take your life, will you give it to me?"

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