On the flying saucer, the two benefactors looked at Bai Zhongqi who was raising his gun to kill, and they were also confused.

Shen Shenzhiruofu shouted: "Is this earthling an idiot? He actually beat our people to death in front of our flying saucer. He didn't know that our flying saucer would blow him up to nothing. ?"

Qingya's Ji Yangbo sighed: "It's a pity that we can't do this. We need to capture one or two earthlings alive as much as possible."

"Then go and catch him."

In this game, both parties regard the other as their prey.

Bai Zhongqi looked at the open door of the flying saucer, and then there was a noise. He saw a group of strange aliens rushing down with weapons. These aliens are no longer just Bablondi people, but clearly have multiple races. They have different physiological characteristics and weapons adapted to their bodies.

"Then let's begin." Bai Zhongqi raised his gun and attacked.

The scene immediately became chaotic. Five earth warriors used iridium weapons, constantly dodging and changing positions, looking for bunkers and shooting at the benefactor's vassal soldiers. The soldiers of the Benefactor's servants were constantly shot, but their numbers were large and their attack was fierce.

For a time, many people in the shelter became the unlucky ones in the crossfire. Lian Budu quickly pulled his nephew and turned over to hide behind the armored truck.

"Why are these Xinglian people so reckless? I started to fight with them now." Bu regretted a little. He usually thought Bai Zhongqi was a very rational person, but he didn't expect that he would be so impatient at the critical moment and start fighting directly. .

Bai Zhongqi's agent was quite capable. The servant soldiers who rushed down from the flying saucer were not powerful characters, and their weapons were not as good as Star Alliance standard weapons. Bai Zhongqi brought down a group of people in an instant. But now Bai Zhongqi couldn't relax, not only because of the flying saucer that could destroy his five agents at any time, but also because he had a very bad feeling in his heart.

On the flying saucer, Qingya Jiyang Bo looked at the earth-born warrior flying up and down like the hero in a science fiction action movie, and said: "With such skills, he should be an outstanding warrior on the earth."

Shen Shenzhiruofu said: "No, these are not real humans."

In order to deal with the enemy, Bai Zhongqi finally used the abilities of the agents. Each of the five agents showed their magical powers, and the weapons or energy beams clearly shot out from their bodies confirmed that these agents were not real humans at all, but modified bionics. people.

"So that's how it is." Qingya Ji Yangbo exclaimed. The creation of mechanical warriors is not uncommon in many cosmic civilizations, but the one created by Star Alliance, which is completely indistinguishable from humans and can even eat and sleep, is really novel.

"Then there is no need for these guys to stay. There are still two left, right? Those two have not participated in the battle yet. They should be real earthlings. Capture them." Qingya Ji Yang Bo immediately made a decision.

Shen Shenzhiruofu also smiled and said, "Okay, let the fun begin."

Bai Zhongqiu kept shooting. Suddenly he felt a sense of danger and immediately jumped back. Then a string of bullets hit the place where he was standing. The weapon on the flying saucer actually attacked him.

Bai Zhongqi didn't dare to wait patiently. Unlike the light weapons used by infantry, the power of artillery fire on the flying saucer was not comparable to that of light weapons. Now the benefactor directly used the flying saucer weapon to attack him, making him feel as if he was standing on the edge of a cliff, being constantly blown by the strong wind.

"Wait, those are...?" Bai Zhongqi looked at the sky inadvertently, and then he discovered something that shocked him even more - more flying saucers of the same type were flying over. Just like the previous flying saucer, they all Not from outer space, but quite literally here.

There were a total of eight flying saucers that arrived at the main peak of Beishan Mountain. After the remaining few arrived one after another, the same ramp was lowered, and then aliens of various races and strange looks began to hold weapons. He jumped down from the spacious hatch and attacked Bai Zhongchui.

"This is a trap!" Bai Zhongqi realized a serious problem. If Benefactor knew about the existence of Star Alliance on Taoran and judged that Star Alliance intended to detect the situation of Benefactor civilization, he would definitely react. Although there is no direct war between the Star Alliance and the Benefactor, they are definitely potential enemies and cannot have much room for maneuver.

Now Bai Zhongqi came to attend the Beishan Grand Fair, and the benefactor directly set up an ambush here, surrounding himself with nine flying saucers and thousands of vassal soldiers.

The benefactors should not know their true identity, but for a similar purpose, they must also hope to get information from the people on earth. The Benefactor understands very well that as long as he is on this planet, he cannot transmit information and can only rely on physical transmission of information to communicate. This means that what Bai Zhongqi has mastered has not yet been completely synchronized with the Star Alliance.

But this is not the case in reality. Bai Zhongqi uses the supreme command to control the agent, and the agent's knowledge is also Bai Zhongqi's knowledge, and has been compiled and uploaded to the database.

Bai Zhongqi no longer had the heart to guess what the benefactor's intentions were. He had to get through this difficulty now.

At this time, on the surface of Taoran Star, six medium-sized space battleships were slowly breaking away from the influence of the planet's gravity and slowly rising into space.

The strange atmosphere of Taoran Star prevented any facilities in orbit, not even the Yinglong cruiser hidden on Taoran Satellite 2, from noticing much movement on Taoran Star. Because optical detection equipment cannot penetrate the special atmosphere of Taoran Star.

Until, the huge Benefactor space battleship rose from the atmosphere of Taoran Star, and adjusted its course to aim at the Yinglong on Taoran Satellite 2.

Bai Zhongqi immediately received the information sent back by the Yinglong. The Yinglong was outside the planet and was not affected by communication interference. He received the picture sent back by the Ying Long. The appearance of these six Benefactor warships was far different from that of the Star Alliance warships. They looked more like polyhedral footballs. Directly on the bow of the ship were two huge cannons with astonishing power.

Undoubtedly, the target of these battleships is the Star Alliance heavy cruiser.

Not only were Bai Zhongchu and others trapped on Taoran Star, but the Star Alliance battleship prepared by Bai Zhongchu also fell into the enemy's trap. The benefactor, who is full of hostility, obviously wants to spend all the resources invested by the Star Alliance on Taoran Star here.

Bai Zhongqi was also furious: "Since you want to play, then I will play with you to the end!"

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