Guide to Galactic Dominance

Chapter 383 Blindfold

The officers of the vassal tribe finally heard what happened among the captives of vassal tribesmen who survived on the summit of the main peak of Bei Mountain. It's just that Bai Zhongqi still played a trick when he left. The people of the vassal clan did not see the invisible landing craft taking off, but only saw the flying saucer taken away by the earth people taking off, and firing incendiary bombs at the zombies surrounding the mountain.

"We must find these two adults, otherwise we will be in serious trouble."

"The people on Earth have not been away for a long time. As long as we conduct a large-scale search, we will definitely be able to find the two adults."

"Yes, we can activate the flying beasts in this area and let these beasts find flying saucers for us."

"Our flying saucer can emit infrasound waves similar to those of the flying saucer and form a sound wave field, making the flying saucer think that the flying saucer is their core member and follow the orders issued by the flying saucer. If the people on earth understand this mechanism and turn off the sound waves on the flying saucer, Infrasound transmitting device, then it will be difficult for the flying beasts to find them."

"No, if the infrasound waves are turned off, the flying saucers will attract more attention from the flying beasts. The flying beasts will not allow anything other than them to fly in the sky. In that case, they will definitely besiege the flying saucers. According to our inspection Feixuan's abnormal movements can determine where the enemy is."

These vassals of the benefactor are actually the core of the benefactor's military power. The benefactor cannot organize any war independently and relies entirely on these vassals with professional military skills. But many times, they cannot choose the best tactics and strategies, because they must protect the benefactor, and the benefactor is something that cannot be sacrificed.

It is because of this that Bai Zhongqi successfully used the flying saucer to mobilize the search force of the benefactor's vassal clan. The landing craft he drove safely flew thousands of kilometers and rested temporarily in a huge cave in the mountains.

Bai Zhongqi slipped around in the cave and said to Nanma next to him: "This place is far enough and the terrain is complex enough. We are hiding in a cave in the ravine and there is no sign of pursuers. If we are lucky, we can get there. If we wait here for five days, we can capture Tao Ranxing in one fell swoop."

Nan Ma asked with a smile: "Then, Head of State, will you wait here peacefully?"

Bai Zhongqi smiled slightly and said confidently: "Of course not, we have to teach the benefactor a lesson."

Just on the road, Bai Zhongqiu and Hu had already tortured Shen Shenzhiruofu and Qingya's Jiyang Bo, and he had obtained information about the benefactor's deployment in Tao Ranxing.

Although Benefactor has been in Taoran Star for ten years, Benefactor has not done any in-depth cultivation and construction here. This is completely different from what the Iridium people do. The Iridium people often actually develop a planet, establish colonial cities, immigrate, and draw local people into the Iridium United Empire. Now that the Star Alliance has been established, the routine is similar.

However, the Benefactors were impatient to carry out construction, especially since Taoran Star was extremely far away from their home star field. They performed this task mainly in response to the request of the allied controllers, so they lacked motivation.

Basically, for civilizations that have reached a certain level, a distant habitable planet is not very attractive to them. Civilizations such as Taizien and Benefactor are the overlords of a star field. They often control most or even all the planets in an entire star field. They have sufficient expansion space and potential resources. Even in their own star field, There are still some planets that have not been fully developed, let alone planets that are completely out of the way.

Therefore, the benefactors are not willing to spend their time in a place like Tao Ranxing, so there are only six benefactors here. The benefactors have brought many vassals, but they have no intention of doing any construction here. A number of bases were built in which living and other recreational facilities were built.

"The Benefactor has two bases on Taoran Planet, with about 100,000 vassal military and logistical personnel. Although this force should not be underestimated, it is still okay to cause some trouble to the Benefactor." Bai Zhongqi said.

Nanma smiled and said, "Especially since all their flying power is devoted to searching for our traces."

He paused slightly and then said: "But even so, their base should have a relatively complete defense system. There are thousands or even tens of thousands of vassal clan thugs. We only have a few people and a landing craft. Even if we sneak into them How many waves can it cause in our base?"

Bai Zhongqi said: "Create as much trouble as you can. In fact, I originally planned that you and Mr. Hu would not need to go, but stay in the mountains and wait for five days. We will naturally have a warship to pick you up."

Nan Ma wrapped his coat and pretended to be aggrieved: "Oh, the altitude of this mountain is high, the temperature is low, and there is nothing to eat. If you leave me here, head of state, I can't survive."

Bai Zhongqi rolled his eyes. It is not difficult for a star warrior master like Nan Ma to escape the gravity of the planet and rush into space at once. It is pure nonsense to say that he will starve to death in the snowy mountains.

"Nan Ma, after all, you and Hu are important star warrior masters in the Star Alliance. The actions we take have certain risks. The damage caused to you two is something the Star Alliance does not want to bear."

Nan Ma shook his bald head and said cheerfully: "Your Majesty, you underestimate our Star Warrior Master too much. We are just breaking into enemy lines to cause destruction. This is not something I can do."

Suddenly he also said at this time: "The benefactor has ruined my planet. Eradicating the benefactor is like digging out a cancer on the body. It will be very effective. I am also willing to go and deal with the benefactor and do my best for your majesty's great cause." A lot of hard work.”

The Turassan country where Hu was born also had nobles and monarchs, so Hu itself had some feudal overtones. Now that he has recognized Bai Zhongcui and Xinglian as his new boss and home, he behaves very much like a loyal minister.

Bai Zhongqi knew that he could not convince the two of them, so no matter what destructive things he did next, Nan Ma and Hu would follow him, which put a little pressure on him. After all, he did not allow the two of them to make mistakes. However, it is also helpful for his actions, because the tricks of the two Star Warrior Masters can surprise the group of benefactors.

Bai Zhongchui has already identified a base of Benefactor from Shen Shenzhiruofu, which controls most of the flying saucers and is where Benefactor loads supplies on Taoran. Bai Zhongchui decided to start from this base first, triggering Panic, fishing in troubled waters.

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