Guide to Galactic Dominance

Chapter 388 Non-Employment

Bai Zhongqi smiled and touched the electronic payment device on the counter of the milk tea shop with his mobile phone. It made a soft ding sound. The milk tea girl behind the counter smiled at the customer who looked a bit like the head of state and said: " Chenghui." Then he handed him two cups of milk tea.

Bai Zhongqi said thank you, handed a cup to his girlfriend Han Jiaxue, and said, "When I came back this time, I found that the money in my account had skyrocketed. I felt like I was going to become a rich man."

These words really deserved a beating. Han Jiaxue curled her lips, feeling hopeless at her boyfriend's rogueness.

"The basic income in your citizen account has not been touched, so naturally you will save more and more."

Bai Zhongqi chuckled: "I didn't think I was a person who could save money before, but now I realize it was all a misunderstanding."

The two sat down at a small table in the milk tea shop. The milk tea girl who served just now seemed to have finished get off work. She took over the shift with another young girl, changed her uniform and left with a smile. When she left, she was still talking to Bai Zhongqi. Say hello to Han Jiaxue.

Bai Zhongqi suddenly remembered that Han Jiaxue seemed to have a book bar, and asked, "How is your store doing lately?"

After asking this question, Bai Zhongqi felt that he was really incompetent as a boyfriend. On the contrary, he didn't know much about his girlfriend's work, and Wei Wei felt a little embarrassed.

Han Jiaxue said: "Business is still about the same as before. After changing the currency, the gross profit has dropped a lot, but because the rent costs have also dropped, and the electricity and water bills have not been paid, so it is not bad. It's just recruitment. It’s getting more and more difficult for people. Everyone now receives a basic income and has no worries about food and drink. Which country doesn’t have a non-employment rate of 30 to 40%? Young people now basically work for three or four hours a day. I work part-time, so I work very hard during shifts.”

Bai Zhongqi nodded after hearing this. He was also very concerned about the transformation and reform of various countries on the earth. After leaping forward to the interstellar era, people's lives have undergone tremendous changes.

The material life that the Star Alliance can provide is richer than anyone in any previous era could have imagined. The large number of public ecological farms and consumer factories built by Starlink provide a large number of daily consumer goods, from food to clothes, to daily electronic supplies, cars, building materials, etc.

In addition, nuclear power plants, water companies, heating companies, etc. controlled by Star Alliance also provide basic services to Star Alliance citizens free of charge.

This will inevitably lead to a consequence, that is, most of the world's private for-profit enterprises, no matter what kind of services they provide, cannot compete with the Starlink public economic sector. No matter how these private companies fight, they will eventually go bankrupt.

Even if some capitalists try to stir up some waves in public opinion, ordinary people are not stupid. After Star Alliance completely monopolizes infrastructure and basic living supplies, no one needs to spend money to buy them. No matter how clever the private companies are, everyone is still the same. Be able to distinguish between your own interests and those of your bosses.

Although companies have closed down on a large scale and people have become unemployed on a large scale, society is generally very stable, because a large number of unemployed people are enjoying a newer and better life at home. They can't help but scold their previous employers as to why they lost their jobs. On the contrary, life is better than working hard and exhaustingly.

Bai Zhongqi was also quite emotional about this phenomenon, "At the beginning, Comrade Ma and other sages proposed the principles of distribution according to work and no food without work, but now it seems that it is not so appropriate. At the technical level of Star Alliance, to meet The daily consumption needs of tens of billions of people can be easily met, and we still have a large amount of unused production capacity. So our current situation is that everyone does not have to do anything, and as a result, life is better than before. As a result, many people I don’t want to be re-employed at all.”

Unlike the situation in the United Empire of Iridium, Iridium, which has developed for five thousand years, has a sound employment system and national psychological state. Employment on Iridium is a citizen obligation and is compulsory, and Iridium people naturally believe that creating and Efforts make people glorious. The existence value of Iridium people is to create contributions, either for themselves or for society.

But it is obvious that the Earth has not yet naturally transitioned from the old capitalist labor value of "supporting the family" to the stage of Iridium. This has led to the Star Alliance, after realizing a huge supply capacity, to collapse the so-called labor and employment market. In the labor market After being decoupled from the market, people lack the motivation to re-employ.

This phenomenon has not become particularly acute and extreme in East Asian countries such as Country C. Even though Country C has been making rapid progress on state capitalism in recent decades, the founding of the country still had a socialist complex, and the Chinese people have always respected Hard work despises laziness, so when a series of star-linked monopoly basic industries and supply industries opened up jobs on a large scale, these giant companies, which were similar to the original national-title enterprises, attracted a large number of jobs. Many people even simply wanted to win a job. positions within the system.

Although there is no longer any system to separate, as long as you are a Star Alliance citizen, you will have sound protection from birth to death. The word guarantee is even an understatement, rather supply.

In the newly introduced labor regulations of country C, it is determined that 20 hours of work per week is considered full-time work. Although the large-scale Starlink enterprises cannot use that many employees, they still attract tens of millions of employed people. Most people's work load is not heavy, and many people's jobs are even focused on learning and training.

But no matter what, the employment rate in country C is still relatively high.

The previous developed countries in Europe and the United States are completely different. After more than a dozen European countries implemented the national supply policy of the Star Alliance, the non-employment rate has reached more than 70%. The word non-employment rate was even renamed to avoid the unpleasant word unemployment.

Many people in developed countries who have become lazy used to receive social security and unemployment insurance. Now they can eat well, live in better houses, and drive better cars without going out to work. Some people can even go to work. Traveling to places like Cuihaixing, Liequexing, and Mars makes me even less willing to work.

This has become a serious social problem and has attracted the attention of many scholars and research institutions. Some people also criticized the Star Alliance government for relaxing the national supply policy too quickly. Prime Minister Du Peng responded directly to these people. The Star Alliance can obviously make everyone live better. Is it because they take care of the original industry that they have to tremble and sit back and watch the stars? Is the standard of living of the federal people worth it?

Naturally, after many people live a comfortable life without working, their energy may be involved in other places, such as social issues.

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