Guide to Galactic Dominance

Chapter 414 Be Prepared for Danger in Times of Peace

When Bai Zhongqi received the "Compulsory Conscription Law" endorsed by the Star Alliance Government and the Space Army, he was playing with the scarlet gem his representative brought back from Taoran.

He put down the stone and reviewed the summary of the compulsory conscription law with a glass tablet. He took a deep breath and sighed: "If this thing is released, I'm afraid it will cause a ripple."

Ling, who was lying next to Bai Zhongbao, was fighting for a stuffed toy with Bai Zhongbao's cat-eared fox. The little cat-eared fox was much stronger than an elephant, and Ling bared his teeth and couldn't play with it. Very happy.

"Then don't pass. Anyway, we estimate that it won't be that difficult to deal with the three major enslavers, and the current output of bionics is also very impressive."

Star Alliance now has a large number of factories that are producing androids non-stop. What's even more terrifying is that new android factories are being built every few days. These android factories use atomic construction equipment, but only produce androids. Nowadays, there is no fixed number of androids produced by Star Alliance every day, because the output is changing every day and growing every day.

In the three years since Iridium traveled across the planet, Star Alliance has produced as many as 20 million bionic humans, which have been used in various industries. Bai Zhongqi currently has five million androids serving in the Space Army. If he does not do this, the Space Army's large number of ships will not be able to move at all.

Bai Zhongqi has been paying close attention to the increasingly serious non-employment phenomenon within the Star Alliance for a long time. He said: "The two major technologies of atomic construction and bionic man can be said to be the core technologies of Iridium. They not only created the United Empire of Iridium and the Star Alliance. The take-off of the United Empire may also send the Star Alliance to a hell of civilized evolution. Due to various restrictions in the United Empire and the ideological concepts of the Iridium people, bionic people have not strongly affected the entire society. However, it is different on Earth. People feel at ease. They believe that exploitation is a suitable way of life. In the old era, people exploited and were exploited. In the interstellar era, there were robots and androids, so everyone said that we might as well build tens of billions of androids and robots, and everyone could sit back and relax at home. Just play.”

Zero could feel Bai Zhongqi's sense of worry. She said: "The invention of bionics and robots is to free human beings from simple repetitive and low-value labor. But after people are freed from these low-value labor, they may also lose the ability to perform any labor. Willingness, including intelligent labor and creative labor, without these, civilization will lose its motivation to move forward."

Bai Zhongqi nodded and said: "Yes, although Star Alliance still has a large amount of Iridium technology and knowledge that is being digested, I think it is normal for it to be digested for a quarter of a century. However, if some societies within Star Alliance If the problem is not solved, we may enter a long period of stagnant development, which is terrible for any civilization."

The development of civilization is inherently a path of retreat. When a civilization's productivity and ability to understand the universe no longer improve, the situation will not simply stand still. Some of its own contradictions may intensify, even if it controls massive resources. , or it may eventually self-destruct due to competition and distribution problems.

The Star Alliance is now full of flowers and seems to be bright, but there are also some hidden dangers, which Bai Zhongqi must take into consideration in times of peace.

"So, the Compulsory Conscription Act still needs to be passed?"

Bai Zhongqi said: "Yes, why not? It's just that we can only recruit a limited number of people now. If we can solve the problem of non-employment, I will be more radical. As for the opposition, we have not encountered opposition for a day. For two days, the populists will not be responsible for the people’s future, but I am responsible for the people.”

Ling Xiao smiled and said, "You are responsible for your own people, and you have pure noble sentiments."

This is true. Bai Zhongqi's power does not come from the people, and it has nothing to do with the people. His power comes from the supreme command.

Bai Zhongqi pressed the green permission button on the glass plate. This button will trigger the following process: the Star Alliance government will get his permission and approval, and then the Star Alliance government and the Space Force will propose this proposal to the Star Alliance Parliament. And more than half of the android members of the Star Alliance Council will vote in favor, and this bill will definitely pass.

As for how the MPs from various countries voted, it doesn’t matter.

This structure of the Federation Council has always been criticized by people on Earth who are accustomed to neoliberal democratic government. Not only Westerners, but even many Chinese people are very dissatisfied with this composition. The matter of the bionic congressmen is only known to the senior executives of the Star Alliance. This is a secret that is not spread to the outside world. The outside world generally believes that these congressmen are from Iridium and are die-hard supporters of the Führer.

There are people on Earth who are constantly pushing for the Star Alliance Council to carry out large-scale reforms, demanding that the power of the Star Alliance be vested in the people of Earth, and that the composition of personnel be mixed and matched according to population proportions and countries to achieve "real democracy."

Of course, there are people who have been talking about and promoting this kind of thing, but it does not affect the normal operation of Star Alliance at all. Bai Zhongqi just laughed at it.

Bai Zhongqi once watched a political commentary program. The front and back sides represented different views on the power structure of the Star Alliance. One party strongly advocated the implementation of Earth's original democratic politics. Not only must the Prime Minister of the Star Alliance be elected by one person and one vote, but the Star Alliance Parliament must also be fully elected. Elected by the citizens of Earth.

At that time, scholars on the other side who did not support the so-called Earth-style democracy poignantly pointed out: "The democratic system that has been in operation on Earth for only two or three centuries has already suffered from various shortcomings at the end of the old era, not to mention that there were originally The issue of manipulation by the Brain Worm One-Sentence Council. Now that we are exposed to more organizational methods of interstellar civilizations, we stubbornly choose to use our own problematic and backward system. Isn’t this an idiot?”

Some guests directly sarcastically said: "Most of the material wealth currently enjoyed on Earth was not created by our Earth country, but by the people of Iridium. The supply policy of Star Alliance citizens, that is, their food, clothing, housing and transportation, is not It was created by the citizens of the Star Federation themselves, but was created and given to us by our Head of State using the Supreme Directive. What you guys who advocate 'real democracy' are actually doing is to occupy the wealth created and lent by others under the guise of being shared by all people. .According to your values ​​and logic, almost everything used by Star Alliance citizens is brought by the head of state, is his private property, and is sacred and inviolable. You expect to use so-called democracy to turn other people's things into legal things of your own. It’s just that lard has blinded your heart and made you crazy.”

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