Guide to Galactic Dominance

Chapter 425 Two Stars Change

This incident can be said to have started due to Bai Zhongqi's hand slipping for a moment, and ended due to Bai Zhongqi's series of combination punches. Among them, the Star Alliance government does not seem to play a big role, but from another perspective, the Star Alliance government may actually have a greater counter-effect.

The compulsory conscription law introduced by the Star Alliance government and the Space Force Command ignited panic among some non-employed people, causing them to join the opposition. Later, the Star Alliance government mishandled the demonstrations in various places. In other words, at that time, both Du Peng and Xiao Yu were more arranging which new planets the Star Alliance would develop, and the Star Alliance's resource supply increased. by how many percentage points.

Earthlings have a very special status in the Star Alliance. They are the main body of the Star Alliance, but they do not seem to have much to do with the actual operations of the Star Alliance. People on Earth are not that keen on the development of the Star Sea. They are supplied by the Star Alliance, but they do not have a comprehensive and unified strategic thinking.

The interstellar government composed of Iridium people and Earth's elites, in very traditional terms, is divorced from the masses and does not respond to the actual needs of the masses. But the paradox is that the people on earth don’t know what is better for their future. When they first enter the new era from the old era, they may have the material preparations in place, but they are out of touch in terms of thinking and goals.

But people on earth will always have to pay the price for their arrogance.

One morning that Bai Zhongqi didn't expect at all, the Liequexing Administrative Star Government under the control of the Yinling Army and the Cuihaixing Administrative Star Government composed of naturalized Cuihaixing people issued a statement - Liequexing and Cuihaixing Announced to withdraw from the Star Alliance and no longer submit to the direct jurisdiction of the Star Alliance government. The two administrative star regimes declared that Lieque Star and Cuihaixing were the jurisdiction of the Head of State, and the administrative star regime directly obeyed the Will of the Head of State.

This situation was unexpected even by Bai Zhongchu.

The Silver Ling Army has always disliked the Iridium people who drove them away, and now that they have joined the Star Alliance, they are still dissatisfied with the performance of the Star Alliance. After the global anti-Star Alliance and anti-Führer activities on Earth, the Yin Ling Army became even more disgusted with the Earth that lacked faith and worship of the Führer. The Silver Ling Army unanimously decided to escape from the Star Alliance directly with Lie Que Star. , declared independence, came under the direct rule of the head of state, and ignored the Star Alliance people anymore.

As for Cui Haixing, they watched Lie Quexing learn what he did after becoming independent. In the beginning, the Cuihaixing administrative star government was run by Iridium people. After Xiao Yu became the full-time commander of the space army from the governor, Bai Zhongqi promoted a group of locals and immigrants from Earth who had good naturalization results as administrative star officials. The people of Cuihaixing have a very strong sense of imperial power, and the power displayed by Bai Zhongqi and his leadership of the Chuanxing Academy naturally give him a supreme status in the hearts of the people of Cuihaixing.

As soon as Liequexing became independent, Cuihaixing urgently decided that we might as well become independent, so he also issued a statement almost identical to that of the Silver Ling Army.

However, although these two administrative stars declared their independence boldly, they did not take any measures to sever their ties with the Star Alliance. Star Alliance coins are still used, citizen cards are still used, and their service members in the Star Alliance Space Force have not been recalled.

At this time, some smarter people on earth discovered a fact - it doesn't seem to make much difference whether the Star Alliance exists or not, because as long as the head of state Bai Zhongzhen exists, the huge mechanical civilization he controls can operate. Can provide services to the population in the area he controls. So whether it is the Star Alliance, the United Iridium Empire, the Green Sea or the independent regime of Lieqi, the name does not make any difference between them.

An independent self-media person even lamented directly in his article that day: "...people on Earth have spurned imperial power and despots for hundreds of years. Even when the Star Alliance was completed, it was like burying their heads in The ostrich in the sand pretends not to see the huge giant that stretches across the entire sky and even the starry sky, thinking that our lives have not changed and that we are just living a more technologically advanced life. However, the giant is already around us. It has never been clearer than it is today. The so-called Star Alliance is basically the Führer's empire. The Iridium United Empire and the Star Alliance are just products of the Führer using different names. Everything we have today is due to him and will be because of his decisions. And go in a different direction. Whether we like it or not, our lives will be closely linked to this person, if he can still be called a human being."

Bai Zhongqi squatted in Wuya Palace, watching on his mobile phone that the media person's speech had received millions of likes. On the top of the screen, messages from the Star Alliance government requesting an audience kept popping up, but Bai Zhongqi continued to ignore them.

"Your Majesty, are you really not going to meet Prime Minister Du Peng?" Ling asked rather uneasily.

Bai Zhongqi's expression was a little depressed. He raised his arms and said, "Not yet, I haven't figured this out yet."

Ling pursed his lips and said, "It's true that people like Silver Ling Army and Cui Haixing didn't report such an important matter in advance. This is quite rude."

Bai Zhongqi adjusted his posture and sat comfortably on the ground. He looked up and could see the blue sky of the South China Sea from the transparent ceiling.

"I'm wondering if I've been doing something wrong all this time. Is Star Alliance just a mistake?"

Ling sighed: "As a subordinate, it is not easy for me to evaluate your actions. But I believe that everything you do is meaningful. Those people actually have nothing wrong with what they say. You are the supreme head of state, no matter what you want Whether you don’t want others to notice you, or whether others are willing to admit it, your power still exists. Whether you call it Star Alliance or not, and whether people salute you or not, it doesn’t make much difference.”

Bai Zhongqi didn't look too entangled. Instead, he looked like a big child, half-lying on the ground holding the back of his head, looking at the sky, with a peaceful expression.

"Yes, it doesn't matter whether it's wrong or right, I have to bear these things on my shoulders."

Ling felt inexplicably sad and came to him, wanting to hold his hand. Her hand moved, but stopped without touching Bai Zhongqi.

"Your Majesty, how can there be so many responsibilities in this universe? An elephant will not bear the responsibility of protecting the ants whose ant holes are washed away just because of the rain. The same is true for you. You cannot always be responsible for your ability. Responsibility is imposed on oneself. In my eyes, when it reaches such a level, there is only a difference in what you want or how you do it. The word responsibility is just an excuse used by the weak to restrain the strong to protect themselves."

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