Guide to Galactic Dominance

Chapter 427 Big Light Ball

Jenna, a girl from Lingge Star, wore a fashionable women's clothing and carried an exquisite women's bag while walking on the campus of Lighthouse Country.

She is an international student who came to Earth from Linge Planet to study. After Linge Planet was liberated by the Star Alliance, Linge Planet also entered a stage of rapid development as the administrative star of the Star Alliance. And many Linge stars have also been given the opportunity to come to other administrative stars in the Star Alliance to study or develop.

Jenna never forgot Bai Zhongqi, whom she had met before. After getting the opportunity to study abroad, she chose to study on Earth. However, she was not assigned to Nansha Island, but came to the Lighthouse Country.

Jenna likes many things on the earth very much, such as a variety of foods and unique music. What makes girls happy the most is that there are so many costumes and accessories on the earth, and there are so many choices.

The technological content of many facilities was so high that she could hardly imagine it. Although Jenna knew that these things had just been installed on the earth not long ago, the people on the earth might be very novel like her. Life here is extremely convenient and the material life is rich and colorful. Jenna really feels that the life of Star Alliance citizens is extremely happy.

However, the recent turmoil cast a shadow on Jenna's originally good mood.

Just as she was walking on campus, several of her close classmates came over.

"Jenna, are you finished class?"

Jenna smiled back at her classmates. She was already very beautiful and was a school belle on campus. With her identity as an alien girl, she was even more popular. Ever since she entered school, she has had no shortage of suitors.

There are several classmates in front of her, both male and female. Jenna used to have a good relationship with them, but recently Jenna's opinion of these people has dropped a lot - because these people organize activities against the Star Alliance government and the Führer on campus.

"Jenna, we are planning to hold a signature event with tens of thousands of people here. We are calling on students from all local schools to sign and demand that Bai, who claims to be the head of state, give up his illegal power and stop grossly interfering in all affairs of the Star Alliance."

After hearing this, Jenna was very angry and said: "I will not sign such a thing."

The leading boy thought he understood what Jenna was thinking, and he said: "Jenna, you don't need to be afraid. I know you may be worried that some social activists will be monitored by the Star Alliance government, and even many people's communications have been We can't fight out. But you can't let fear defeat you. We must fight for a democratic and free society. No matter how Bai suppresses us, we must stand up bravely."

Another girl also said to Jenna righteously: "Yes, Jenna, you are from Lingge Planet. Although you are not from Earth, you must feel the same way. Linge Planet was originally an independent and free place. But you were invaded by the Star Alliance space army and turned your hometown into a colony. The Star Alliance's colonization actions in the universe are unjust. We must oppose all colonial actions so that love and peace can be everywhere. The planets are preserved.”

Jenna's eyes widened and she said, "It was obviously the Star Alliance Space Force that eliminated the human-eating lizard people and liberated Linge Planet."

The leading boy looked like "you have been deceived" and said to Jenna: "Compared with the Tez benefactors, what Bai did is just another form of slavery. You see, there were originally people on Lingge Planet. Many countries are now artificially divided into different jurisdictions by white people, turning Linge Planet into the administrative star of the Star Alliance, and requiring you to use the language of another planet and the currency of another planet..."

He talked endlessly, as if to show off how deep his knowledge was. And Jenna felt sick in her heart as she looked at this boy's childish talk. If a civilization can make other races and planets accept its own system and culture, that is definitely something worth boasting about. And these young people actually think this is a bad thing, which is simply hopeless.

"Enough, I will not sign. What you are doing is the stupidest thing. On my planet, if someone does this to his own government and leader, it is not an exaggeration to be exiled or shot."

Jenna shouted loudly, completely different from her usual delicate and frail appearance, which actually shocked a few people.

But soon, these guys also mocked Jenna.

"Yeah, you are indeed from another planet. The ideas in your head are incomparable to those of us on Earth. You are obviously enslaved, but you still speak for the authoritarian villain. Is this Stockholm Syndrome?"

"I usually seem very open-minded, but I didn't expect to be on Bai's side. It's really shameful."

"Maybe the races on other planets are not so smart to begin with."

In the end, even racial slurs came out, and Jenna became completely speechless at these hysterical young people. She couldn't understand why a cosmic civilization with such an excellent system and foundation had so many people with brain problems looking for trouble.

"No wonder Lieque Star and Cuihai Star want to be independent from the Star Alliance. The Earth has taken away the Star Alliance's greatest reward, but it is a worm in the Star Alliance. The Head of State should really lead other planets to build a great civilization and expel the Earth. Get out!" Jenna shouted, then ignored the group of people, raised her lotus steps and left.

She had just taken a few steps when suddenly people on campus started screaming.

"What happened?"

Jenna seemed to notice something strange. She looked up at the sky and found that the sky seemed to be shaking like air with different densities. Pale golden light dissipated from the sky, and a huge golden light group flashed from the sky. , and then exploded into thousands of light points, falling to the ground.

Someone commented: "What is this? It's so beautiful."

"Maybe Bai Zhongzhen created something to prove his power?"

Jenna's eyes were attracted by the light that filled the sky like fireworks, but her heart was far less relaxed than others. Groups of light balls emerged from the sky out of thin air, and then dispersed into more small light groups. They fell not very fast, as if they had no gravity.

Jenna felt a little uneasy in her heart. This uneasiness was the same as when she saw the spaceship invaded by Tezien on Linge Planet. She didn't know what it was, but she instinctively felt that it couldn't be anything.

Jenna immediately took out her phone and asked her AI assistant loudly: "Where is the nearest shelter? Quick, take me there!"

And more people just took out their mobile phones and took pictures of the sky.

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