Guide to Galactic Dominance

Chapter 43 The most valuable wealth in the universe

Bai Zhongqi assumed the identity of the head of state very quickly. After Operation Whirlwind, he successively met with several officials and made some "guiding opinions" on the situation of the empire. In fact, the fleet was still following the previous policy. But it's not like he hasn't done anything specific. Bai Zhongqi has already announced a major decision for the United Empire not even 24 hours after he first joined the fleet.

"Although the earth has been fully occupied by earthlings, the earth's satellite, the moon, is still an undeveloped virgin land. Although the moon has no atmosphere and no liquid water, it is not a habitable planet in the strict sense, but the empire has developed it There are hundreds of similar celestial bodies, so there is no technical problem." Bai Zhongqi used holographic images to create a three-dimensional image of an Iridium colony on the moon to show to Du Peng and Xu Lanzhou.

Du Peng expressed his support for Bai Zhongqi's decision. He said: "The fleet has conducted certain exploration of the moon before. The resources of this satellite are relatively rich. Although the metal minerals are not particularly complete, it is rich in helium 3. Minerals are developed here. If so, it would be best to build a colonial city.”

The United Empire of Iridium has established colonial cities on many mineral-rich planets to facilitate the lives of engineering personnel. The scale may not be large, but the living experience is no different from that on a habitable planet. This technology of establishing a colonial city on a celestial body that is not suitable for human habitation is actually the technology of the Ruyicheng space city, but it does not require the city to have the ability to interstellar navigation. Colonial cities can adjust gravity very well. For example, on the moon, the gravity is too small for Iridium and Earthlings, making life very inconvenient. Colonial cities can increase the gravity to a value that humans are accustomed to. Coupled with the ecosystem system, Iridium also has powerful microbial technology that can transform the soil at an extremely high speed, making it suitable for the growth of green plants. Iridium people can also raise various animals here and create highly simulated weather phenomena.

Bai Zhongqi’s plan is to first build a small-scale colony on the moon, about ten square kilometers. As the population here increases, the United Empire can continue to expand the colonial city outside the original colonial point, and it is also possible to eventually turn it into a giant city.

Xu Lanzhou was very interested in this empire's first city in the new universe and asked: "What name does Your Majesty plan to give this city?"

Bai Zhongqi smiled slightly and said a very oriental name: "Moon Palace City."

Du Peng asked: "Does Your Majesty intend to move the capital of our United Empire in the new universe to Yuegong City?"

Bai Zhongqi shook his head, "There is no need for this yet. The foundation of the empire is still the fleet. It is more convenient to set up the administrative center in Ruyi City."

Xu Lanzhou said: "I have heard that some civilizations set their capitals in space cities before, but such civilizations are generally wandering civilizations."

The so-called wandering civilization is a civilization that does not have its own home planet and all members of the civilization live on the fleet. Such civilizations either have particularly strange spiritual beliefs, or they are too weak and have their home planet taken away and have to flee. For Iridium, having a space city as its capital still feels a little inconsistent with the identity of the empire.

Bai Zhongqi also heard the implication of Xu Lanzhou's words and said: "This is also an expedient measure. The empire's territory will continue to expand. We will find a livable planet that is better than the earth, or even better than Iridium. As a Our capital star in the new universe.”

These words were actually Bai Zhongqi's attempt to comfort Xu Lanzhou. In fact, as an Earthling, he could only be on Earth as the home planet of the new United Empire. Bai Zhongqi didn't care much about where the nominal capital of the United Empire was.

Strictly speaking, the resources and conditions of Iridium are actually not as good as those of Earth. Even among the more than 200 administrative stars and undeveloped but occupied habitable planets in the United Empire, Earth ranks high. Of course there are planets in the universe that are larger than the earth, have more resources, and have better conditions, but they are not particularly numerous. Of course, evaluating the habitability of a planet is inherently objective. Some intelligent life cannot live in an oxygen-rich environment like the Earth, and is more suitable for methane and even atmospheric components that are toxic to humans. Iridium people and people on Earth actually belong to a kind of intelligent life, so the judging criteria are similar.

At least in the first universe where Iridium is located, the earth can definitely be regarded as a unique planet. First of all, not to mention that quite a few intelligent races were born on planets with harsh natural environments. As far as relatively livable planets are concerned, there are very few planets like the earth that have been tortured by 7.5 billion humans to the point where almost any place on the surface of the earth can Saw traces of humans. A common characteristic of most advanced civilizations is low fertility rates and low desire to have children. Take the Iridium people as an example. The average lifespan of Iridium people, who are the same species as people on Earth, is 266 years old. They will basically enter the aging period after the age of 200. With special human body modification methods, it can even be delayed. But the human maturity of Iridium is not much different from that of people on Earth. Adults are adults at the age of 18. Logically speaking, Iridium people should have more offspring than Earth people.

But the Iridium people are actually much busier than the people on Earth. Most Iridium people have all kinds of dreams because they were exposed to too many choices in their youth. Those who work in the military, interstellar exploration, and scientific research, because the amount of knowledge established by the people on Earth is more than an order of magnitude larger, the period of time for Iridium people to acquire the necessary knowledge alone may last for decades, plus social The security system is extremely complete and there are no survival issues to worry about, so the biological desire for reproduction among Iridium people has been severely reduced. This can actually be seen in Western developed countries on earth. Basically every developed country on earth is facing the problem of population aging and population reduction.

On average, the union of a man and a woman creates one child, which means that the population of the next generation will be reduced by half. Iridium people still feel that they are young. It doesn't matter if they wait another hundred years to have a child. It doesn't matter if they don't have a child anymore (about the same as in modern times) People think that it is not too late not to have children at the age of 30). Even if Iridium has a policy to encourage childbirth, the effect is actually not very good.

Another problem is that Iridium is constantly at war, and an entire planet has even been captured. The damage to the population caused by the war is huge. Tens of millions of people on earth died in a world war, and hundreds of millions of people perished when the Iridium people fell to a planet. The earth has not yet been invaded by external space, which means it is just killing and playing with itself. At least, Iridium can still expand its population a little by continuously conquering other planets. Otherwise, the population of the Iridium United Empire would even be in a state of sharp decline.

The development of science and technology also played an important role in this process. The emergence of bionics and artificial humans completely made the Iridium people think that creating a population through reproduction was a stupid way. The efficiency-oriented Iridium people are more willing to use just a few hours to cultivate a bionic person with various functions preset, or use genetic technology to directly create an artificial person whose brain is controlled by a chip. This has also led to the fact that the number of androids on Iridium is nearly a hundred times the population of Iridium, and the number of artificial humans is also twenty times that of Iridium people.

The same is true even for the government and the military. How can it be compared to using so much effort to persuade a citizen to do a job or join the army compared to being able to control a bionic person for hundreds or thousands of years without paying any wages, and it is also convenient and fast? They will demand human rights and protest every day.

The interstellar civilization formed by Iridium based on mechanization and intelligent technology has lost most of its vitality when it has developed to this stage. Many Iridium scientists and scholars have seen this problem. That is to say, Iridium Star has always had supreme instructions from Bai Zhongqi, requiring them to do this and that, and there is a relatively clear technology tree route, which allows Iridium Star to continue to grow. Otherwise, this civilization may have encountered its own bottleneck. Expect.

Even without Bai Zhongqi's intervention, Du Peng and other far-sighted Iridium people would definitely work hard to bring this earthling/Chinese people together after discovering an almost rare ethnic group with a strong desire to have children and a race similar to that of Iridium. The ethnic group integrates into the empire and injects new vitality into the empire.

Only true human beings are the ultimate driving force for a civilization to move forward. Perhaps in the eyes of people on earth, technology is the most important thing in interstellar civilization, but in fact, talent is. In the final analysis, technology is made by humans. Human beings who have the ability to explore the mysteries of the laws of the universe are the most valuable things in this universe. There are countless interstellar civilizations in the universe who have fought wars to capture a large population of high-quality intelligent life. In just one river system, the population size of Iridium is at a medium level. However, advanced civilizations that have accumulated hundreds of billions or even trillions of people have all gone through a long period of development. The development process of many races can be traced back hundreds of millions of years. In this process, countless civilizations have fallen. Any planet in the universe with a population of hundreds of millions of creative and high-quality intelligent life forms will eventually develop into an advanced civilization in a relatively safe environment (provided it is not interfered with). This is not to say that the earth will definitely become the victorious interstellar group that proudly dominates the universe. On the contrary, the future deduction given by Iridium AI is relatively pessimistic. The creativity brought about by the complex composition of the people on earth is also defeated by the political structure of this planet. . The possibility of human self-destruction is far greater than the possibility of eventually leaving the earth and becoming an interstellar civilization. This is also the main reason why many planetary civilizations with very large populations are eventually eliminated in the "qualifiers" stage.

Bai Zhongqi's decision to directly settle the Iridium United Empire on the moon and absorb the earth's human resources through gentle means was easily accepted by Du Peng and others. This was not only because Bai Zhongqi was the authoritative head of state, but also after calmly analyzing the problem. , every Iridium person who is smart enough can see the huge benefits to the development of the Iridium United Empire. It now seems that humans on Earth are lagging behind in all aspects compared to people on Iridium. Whether it is physical fitness, wisdom, lifespan, knowledge reserves, etc., only in terms of creativity, humans on Earth are not far behind. The Iridium people have also experienced the current stage of the Earth people, which means that the Earth people have huge development potential. The technological explosion of the earth in the past two hundred years has proved that the people of the earth themselves are capable. Of course, the Iridium people are always in a state of technological explosion, which is unique in the universe.

Only Bai Zhongqi knows the real reason, which is that the Iridium people came out of a magical game. Having him as a player to control it is equivalent to giving a civilization a God's perspective. Therefore, Iridium has developed to what it is today through technological explosion and military crushing.

These two chapters are more about introducing the setting background. The worldview structure of this book is relatively large, so it is inevitable to explain some things to everyone, and then the protagonist will return to Earth to show off. Thanks to book friends 161226115935525 and JOY1994 for their rewards. By the way, when there are recommendations, Bai Lian will add more. So, the recommended vote φ(≧ω≦*)?

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