Guide to Galactic Dominance

Chapter 429 The Great Invasion (2)

On the streets of London, Zhang Guancong delivered his speech at the top of his lungs to the opponents attending the rally: "...There has never been a regime as shameless as the Star Alliance in history, and there has never been a tyrant as shameless as Bai Zhongqi. They wantonly They are infringing on your and my rights, not only leaking people's privacy, but also depriving some people of their right to use communications. I am the victim. However, I will never give in to them. Justice is in our hands. Let's stick to it. We must be able to see the light of day..."

He shouted, and a huge ball of light appeared in the sky. The protesters below were all attracted by the ball of light in the sky.

Zhang Guancong shouted angrily: "Don't look at that thing, it might be another farce made in vain. Everyone, have you seen it? This is how great power and power are in the hands of an ambitious man. Only the people are The real master!"

His shout did not attract the attention of many people. People were more concerned about the golden balls of light in the sky. It wasn't until the artillery fire on the ground rang out and the sky suddenly turned into a war zone that the people on the ground started to panic.

Zhang Guancong also turned pale. He didn't know what happened, but the panicked crowd made him feel like an isolated island in the sea. People struggled to escape from the square, and Zhang Guancong was no exception. He resents Xinglian and is jealous of Bai Zhongzhen, but he is not joking about his own life. He dared to scold the Star Alliance because he had generally figured out that the Star Alliance might take action against them, but at least they would not kill them. In this case, he can at least gain some fame and become a hero in the hearts of some people.

But what are those light groups in the sky that can dodge laser cannons, and are they some cosmic beings planning to invade the earth?

"You really deserve to die. How many enemies did that sinner Bai Zhongchu bring to the earth?" Zhang Guancong cursed and pushed the person in front of him away, trying to find a way out.

The riot control troops performing tasks in the square were immediately organized at this time. Plasma flames erupted from the back of their individual armors, pushing them into the air. Although they were using riot control equipment, the laser emitters integrated into the individual armors were still enough to cause damage to these energy creatures.

The mobile soldiers continuously fire at the controller in the sky. The laser weapon of the individual small weapon is less than one kill to kill the controller, but it can also cause considerable damage. The controllers are naturally not to be outdone. They can turn their own energy into extremely powerful attacks, and they can also pop out their energy body tentacles to beat their targets.

The mobile soldier kills one controller with a few shots, and other controllers rush up at this time. They transform into extremely small sizes, and then suddenly approach the mobile soldier to collide or shoot. The mobile soldiers are bionic warriors and are protected by strict individual armor, so the controller cannot control them by poking their brains with tentacles. However, the controller's attacks still have some effect, because there are too many controllers and they are attacking continuously. After that, the mobile suits in the sky were shot down one by one, and even the individual armors were damaged.

The android warriors will not have any fear. Even at the moment of death, they still control the broken weapons to fight back until the controller uses energy beams to end their lives.

The situation in the square was completely chaotic. The small number of riot control troops could not prevent thousands of controllers from landing on the square. After entering the square, the terrifying controllers immediately stretched out their tentacles and inserted a From the minds of each protester, he extracted their spiritual energy and consciousness, and then turned their bodies into puppets controlled by himself.

The controllers had already used eternite for bonus before carrying out cross-space energy transmission. Because eternite cannot be transmitted to the earth, they carried out the bonus in advance. This also allows these controllers who arrive on Earth to be at the peak of their strength, and can reproduce immediately, using the spiritual energy and spirit of these earthlings to directly create new controllers.

Zhang Guancong watched as a glowing tentacle directly penetrated the head of a girl next to him. Although he did not see the blood, flesh and brain splattering, Zhang Guancong saw the girl rolling her eyes, twitching, rolling on the ground, and even urinating. Incontinent, after the last minute, the girl stood up, having lost her normal human expression.

"Ah ah ah ah, where is the Earth Defense Force? Where is the Space Army? Why did you let these aliens come to the earth? You guys who don't do anything, the people of the earth support you bunch of losers, are you just looking at it like this? Were Star Alliance citizens killed by aliens?" Zhang Guancong shouted incoherently.

However, no one cared about them. When they abandoned the Star Alliance, they did not think of what the Star Alliance had done for them. When they needed it, they in turn accused the Star Alliance of not protecting them.

A tentacle stretched out and inserted directly into Zhang Guancong's head from the Tianling Gai. Then Zhang Guancong's spirit and spiritual energy were completely extracted. After combining with the spiritual energy sent by several other controllers, Zhang Guancong's last bit of consciousness was Transformed into a new controller.

His memory as an Earthling has been completely blurred, but he retains a strong sense of hatred.

"Star Federation - a civilization destined to be destroyed. The controller is the real master of the galaxy. A great civilization with a collective consciousness. This is the real democracy. A real authority composed of everyone, truly invincible!"

The newly created controller, an individual who retained the last bit of consciousness of the anti-Star Alliance person Zhang Guancong, immediately attacked his original compatriots after taking shape. He doesn't have the bonus of Eternal Crystal so he can't continue to reproduce, but he can do violence to his own compatriots.

The power of the energy tentacles can be so great that the controller can completely tear apart a person's body with a whip. He also shot out his tentacles, controlled other protesters, turned them into puppets, and then frantically swarmed towards the security police who had no individual armor at the scene.

The police, who did not have any heavy equipment, had no power to fight back under the crazy attacks of the controller's puppets. Although they still have weapons that can knock down a few people in a critical situation, many people still hesitate to shoot when facing protesters who look like ordinary people. The puppets swarmed up, took away the police's weapons, tore and bit the police crazily like demons, and finally killed these security policemen.

At other protest rallies, the same Shura hell is also happening!

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