Guide to Galactic Dominance

Chapter 445 The Unparalleled Star Wars (2)

Emperor Taizion and his staff immediately carried out a large amount of intelligence gathering work when the combined fleet of enslavers emerged from the warp bubble. Within a planetary system, there is a lot of useful information that can be explored. Using the illumination of star light and star reflection, and calculating the changes in the gravity of different stars, Emperor Taizion was able to derive a relative power distribution.

As for this enemy distribution map, the Benefactor also made one.

"Emperor Tezien, didn't you say that the Star Alliance people have transferred their main fleet to Linge Star? Why are there so many Star Alliance battleships near Taoran Star?" The communication sent by Da Ci'en was full of content. Angry, unlike the lizardmen who are good at fighting and happy to fight, the Benefactor prefers to bully others. When he discovered that the Star Alliance battleship was still huge, the Benefactor became a little nervous.

Emperor Tezien was not so entangled in this, and just responded calmly: "They just used the same trick as us. Since they failed to successfully mobilize their main force, let's fight here openly."

From the time Emperor Taizion led the main force of the empire towards this war, he already had a full understanding and positioning of himself and the enemy. The Star Alliance may seem weak, but it is undoubtedly an advanced civilization. Not only do they have advanced technological levels, but they are also a formidable and formidable opponent militarily. Emperor Taizion has analyzed every detail of the war in which his two sons participated, and is fully convinced that the Star Alliance Space Force is a military organization with full mobilization, solid discipline, high morale, and excellent tactics that can rival opponent.

Maybe the Tezion Empire will come to an end, but being able to fight a powerful enemy is a comfort for life.

"Be patient, Great Mercy. After all, the enemies are much fewer than us, and they have distributed their fleets in different locations. Their defense of Taoran Star is limited. We don't have to worry about them directly detonating Taoran Star, causing our mission to fail. ."

It was impossible for Da Cien to direct this war. He asked: "Emperor Tezien, what are you going to do? Are you going to fight against these Star Alliance fleets one by one?"

Emperor Tezien shook his head: "This is not a good idea. The average quality of our warships is low, so concentrating the number can give us the advantage in form of firepower."

"What about your goal?"

"By tearing a gap in the defense line of the Star Alliance, we will create a situation that is beneficial to us. After fully defeating the enemy, we can then attack Taoran Star." Emperor Tezien stated his plan. His claws relaxed and he looked at I didn't feel any pressure.

The entire huge fleet of enslavers is densely distributed in the starry sky. The space occupied by this fleet alone is enough to cover the sky and the earth. An area of ​​hundreds of thousands of square kilometers is filled with enslaver warships. Such a combat formation is not considered a standard, but it is enough to quickly Adjust the ground into a better fire position to deal a blow to the enemy.

After Xu Lanzhou grasped the enemy's movements, it was a pity that they did not run into the trap designed by the Star Alliance Space Force. She immediately ordered her 6th Strategic Fleet Group to attack. This fleet group of more than 400 warships would take the initiative to attack the enemy from behind the Slaver United Fleet.

Lu Zhinian looked at Xu Lanzhou and asked, "Are you planning to lure the enemy deeper?"

Xu Lanzhou nodded without denying it. Her idea is very straightforward. The entire galaxy is filled with defensive weapons set up by the Star Alliance. Whether it is an aerial minefield or a defense platform, they are enough for the enemy to drink. The enemy's current position is not very good, but if the enemy pursues the 6th Fleet Group and penetrates deep into the defense line, Xu Lanzhou can organize a larger force to besiege the enemy.

Pulling the enemy's fleet and finding fighters during maneuvers are also very Iridium-based combat goals.

But Lu Zhinian was not optimistic, he said: "The enemy may not move."

The 6th Fleet Group, led by multiple battleships, battlecruisers and heavy cruisers, focuses on long-range fire strikes and missile attacks. They are the fleet group closest to the Slave United Fleet. As soon as the enemy appears, they are attacked by Xu Lanzhou Pushed up.

"Fire!" Xu Lanzhou ordered.

The main gun of the 6th Fleet Group had a considerable range. It brought together the elite weapons with the essence of Iridium technology. As soon as it entered the strike range, it began to launch a ferocious attack on the enemy.

Most kinetic energy weapons are emitted in the universe, and their speed is affected by the weight of stars and complex astronomical factors. However, this does not mean that their range can be unlimited. In the fire table set up by the Iridium people, any range beyond the effective hit range is not considered a range.

The salvo of more than 400 warships was considered huge, but Emperor Tezien did not frown (in fact, he did not have such a thing as eyebrows).

"Each ship conducts autonomous interception, the entire fleet raises defensive shields, and the fleet moves towards the first set coordinates."

One after another, the enslaver warships raised their shields and raised their self-defense weapons. Facing the ammunition fired by the Star Alliance warships, they fired rapidly to intercept the ammunition as necessary. The probability of interception of ammunition fired from a relatively long distance is still very high, even if it is a kinetic energy weapon fired at an extremely high speed, let alone a slower missile.

Despite this, a lot of ammunition still hit the enslaver's warships, and a few waves bloomed in the tiny details of the huge fleet, but that was all.

Emperor Taizion pushed the fleet forward, gradually getting out of the effective strike range of the 6th Fleet Group.

After observing this situation, Lu Zhinian said to Xu Lanzhou: "This is a sign that the enemy does not want to dance with us. They have their own methods, and they are fully aware that there are traps set up by us everywhere, so they do not dare to act rashly."

Xu Lanzhou had a stern expression on her face, and she said: "Are you very cautious? That's fine. If they want to continue to consume us in the Taoran star system, we have plenty of time to consume them bit by bit. Entering the second set of combat plans, all fleets The group will carry out defensive operations relying on cover, and we will see how these guys plan to act in the galaxy."

Xu Lanzhou's approach is actually the same thing. The home court advantage and technical advantage allow her to wait for the enemy to play their cards, and then she will react, and her reaction will obviously be more targeted. Emperor Taizien cannot make mistakes now. Once they make a serious mistake, they are likely to be caught by Xu Lanzhou and bear huge losses.

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