Guide to Galactic Dominance

Chapter 469 Teaching

Bai Zhongbao was holding a pottery cup, tasting the sweet wine brewed in the village, and sighed in his heart that this place was actually a bit of a paradise.

The name of this village is so simple that it makes people feel careless, Riverside Village. Because it is located by the river, it is called Riverside Village. The population in this area is not large, and they are basically mountain dwellers. There are some flat lands here and there, and the soil is very fertile, which is why it has a paradise-like scene here.

As the original guests, the villagers came to visit after hearing about it. Many people also brought their own food. Although it was not particularly valuable, it also showed the care and concern of the villagers. Bai Zhongqi especially likes the sweet wine brewed by his village. This is a sweet wine made from fermented sweet melons and wild fruits. The alcohol content is not high and the taste is excellent.

Sitting in her mother-in-law's courtyard, the night air was slightly cool but very comfortable. Bai Zhongqing looked at the stars dotting the night sky and felt that the path he took to become the head of state actually meant that he had given up on a simple and quiet life.

But Bai Zhongqi was unwilling to choose to live such a stable and comfortable life.

Of course, the quiet life on Imodora is just an illusion. The dragons visit once every sixty years, causing people on this planet to face danger all the time. Bai Zhongqi looked at the villagers chatting and laughing in the courtyard. From his height, he knew that the power that determines the direction of the planet and civilization is something that this little common man cannot resist. But when he looked at their smiling faces and kindness, Bai Zhongqi couldn't move his compassion.

Two boys and girls slightly younger than Zang Mu Renqing and Zepei were sitting in the small courtyard, listening to the stories told by the guests from afar with curious expressions on their faces.

"...Except for a few nearby planets, every star in the sky is a star, that is, the sun." Bai Zhongzhen preached to two students and the young man Gangnaji and the girl Xurli in the village.

He felt like he was back in college, working as a teaching assistant in the school. Bai Zhongqi liked being a teacher to others. It was a satisfying thing to pass on knowledge and experience. After becoming the head of state, he felt that he might be more obsessed with his own obsession or his obsession with others. Perhaps a better way to make people progress or civilization progress is to teach them personally instead of letting them grow barbarically.

Zepei was more interested in knowledge. He was also a descendant of the aristocratic class and had received some education. However, the education he received was only to understand the writings of Imodoya and to do some arithmetic. Books are something that Imodoa cherishes very much. He has only read four books since he was a child.

"Teacher, this is really amazing. In the past, we said that the sun is the largest thing in the sky, followed by the moon, and finally the stars. It turns out that so many stars are actually the same thing as the sun." Zepei had no doubt at all. Bai Zhongzhen has demonstrated a very profound knowledge these days as to whether what Bai Zhongxu said is true or not, and he will use verification methods to teach students, which makes students remember it more.

Zang Mu Renqing sighed: "I really hope I can fly to other stars to see what they are like."

Bai Zhongqi said: "By understanding and mastering science, human beings have gained abilities far beyond what their physical bodies can achieve. In the civilization I came from, a sage said that a gentleman is good at pretending to things, which means that to achieve his goals, he must Choose the appropriate tool or method. To chop down trees, you will use an ax instead of your hands and feet; to cook, you will use a pot instead of your own body. If you want to go to the universe and see other planets , nature also has a method, and humans need to know how to make transportation vehicles that can span extremely long distances, and prevent themselves from dying in the vacuum environment of the universe."

What Bai Zhongchu said was very straightforward and simple. In fact, it was a popular science talk. But it has opened the eyes of several young people who have never had such contact.

Gang Naji, a young man in the village, said to Bai Zhongqi with admiration: "Teacher Bai, you are really more knowledgeable than all the people in the village put together."

Zang Mu Renqing smiled and said to the young man in his early twenties: "Teacher not only possesses knowledge as dense as the sea of ​​stars, but he is also very powerful. He is a real dragon slayer."

After hearing the words "Dragon Slayer", Gangnaji's expression became even more awed.

"Dragon slayers are heroes who protect ordinary people and fight evil dragons. It turns out that Teacher Bai is a dragon slayer. He is really awesome. If I had as much power as Teacher Bai, I would bravely protect the village." Najib said.

Bai Zhongqi smiled and said: "There are many ways to protect your hometown. Even if you can't fight the evil dragon, there is always something you can do. Don't ignore good deeds because they are small. If you want to help everyone, you will always fall into the trap. Really.”

Several young people nodded in agreement. Zang Mu Renqing knew that his teacher came from a mysterious place with very different cultural customs. But every one of the allusions from my hometown that the teacher told me was very reasonable, expressing things that I had not thought clearly about for a long time in a very simple way.

This is actually the charm of Chinese culture. In its long history, it has accumulated too much historical experience. The ancients walked through various roads and made them into allusions and passed them on to future generations.

Xuerli, a girl who was slightly younger but had a capable and heroic spirit, laughed at Gangnaji and said, "You are most useless. You can't even beat me in a fight."

Gangnaji blushed and shouted: "Your family is the only one in the whole village who teaches martial arts. Even the adults in the village can't beat you."

Xuerli ignored her playmate. She turned around, looked at Bai Zhongqi with her big bright eyes, and said, "Teacher Bai, do you really want to fight the evil dragon? That is a very dangerous thing."

Bai Zhongqi nodded and said: "Probably, but the existence of dragon slayers is to slay dragons. If no one slays dragons, everyone will suffer. Your village and other people's villages are the same. So, someone has to stand up."

These words made Bai Zhongqi take on the identity of this fake dragon slayer. He knew in his heart that he could not save everyone on Imodora, but he still hoped to protect the planet as much as possible and let more people like the villagers Good people can live well on this planet.

Zang Mu Renqing said loudly: "We will definitely follow the teacher. No matter what the risks are, we will definitely kill the evil dragon together with the teacher."

Xurli was also a little excited at this time, and she shouted: "I also want to slay the dragon."

Bai Zhongqi laughed it off. This heroic little village girl did have some strength, but obviously she had no chance against a powerful dragon.

And the number of dragons is becoming more and more numerous.

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