Guide to Galactic Dominance

Chapter 479 Warp Dragon

When the warp dragon, which was wrapped in air clouds generated by the sound barrier and sprinted through the sky at extremely high speeds, appeared above Ranji Mountain, Bai Zhongqi was guarding outside the insect nest, waiting anxiously.

After mastering the insect swarm for several days and evolving after devouring the DNA of more than a thousand species of creatures, Zero, the queen of the insect swarm, finally started her first insect hive division today. The Insect Queen's hive division is itself an increase in her own level. The first split was even more fraught with risks. Zero's human form also entered the insect nest, and the insect nest at this time was extremely fragile.

"At this time!" Bai Zhongqi couldn't help cursing secretly.

When the warp dragon rushed into Ranji Mountain at three times the speed of sound, Bai Zhongqi had already grasped the situation of an aerial intruder. After experiencing a big change, Bai Zhongqi began to become more cautious. Before Ranji Mountain City turned into an insect swarm city, he asked Zero to create a slave beast with radar function, which was specially placed in Ranji Mountain to detect and warn enemies that might enter from the air.

He used flying pigeons to send messages and recruit dragon slayers to come and serve him. There was no reason why the dragons couldn't see him.

Bai Zhongqi had analyzed that it would take half a year for the dragon army to arrive, but evil dragons had already sent messages to the lords around the world, asking them to hand over 70% of their population as tribute. This can only mean one thing, that is, one or more evil dragons have come to Imodoa. This evil dragon is probably a type with extremely fast flying speed and strong maneuverability, and is specially responsible for such reconnaissance and communication tasks.

Bai Zhongqi's guess was very correct. The warp dragons, which were smaller than most dragons but had the ability to cross warp speeds, were the motors in the dragon group. Their open warp bubbles could carry other giant dragons on missions that exceeded the speed of light. Flying is also the fastest naturally among dragons. Their speed in the atmosphere can exceed twenty times the speed of sound.

Bai Zhongqi didn't know these things well, but it didn't prevent him from intercepting the warp dragon when he found it entering Ranji Mountain's airspace.

Although Ling was in the stage of giving birth, Ling had already handed over the command of most of the defensive beasts to Bai Zhongzhen. His left hand is part of the Queen's body, the same as the human form of Hive and Zero, and it is easy to command the beasts.

When the Mach 3 warp dragon entered the sky above the basin plain, the beast defense force controlled by Bai Zhongcui opened fire.

The first thing to launch is the anti-air missile beast. The anti-air missile beast can manufacture and launch missiles on its own. It looks like a Hongqi-9 missile launch vehicle, but it has multiple types of missiles and can launch different mission types and ranges. missile.

The most powerful anti-aircraft missile that the anti-aircraft missile beast can currently launch has a range of up to 800 kilometers. Affected by the curvature of the planet, this extremely long range is obviously very unrealistic. This can be achieved entirely because the beast itself is a huge information communication system. The war system and functions such as A-launch and B-guide were capabilities that took a lot of effort to be integrated into the human military in the old era, but to the insect swarm, it was almost like instinct.

Bai Zhongqi not only set up many small warning radar beasts in the mountainous area of ​​Ranji Mountain, but also some beasts disguised as animals to act as scouts. As long as it is locked by these beasts, there is no need for any TV guidance, laser guidance or infrared guidance. The gaze of these beasts can provide enough guidance for the missile to hit.

Bai Zhongqi is completely too lazy to give the anti-aircraft missile he designed a name. The anti-aircraft missile he is currently launching is code-named Air Defense-3, with a range of 200 kilometers, but a flight speed of up to Mach 10.

When the extremely fast anti-aircraft -3 missiles were launched from six launch vehicles deployed by Bai Zhongqi outside Ranji Mountain City, the warp dragon in the sky panicked.

The three brothers who were watching this scene from a distance were also shocked. Shi Nazhen exclaimed: "What a fast arrow. What kind of weapon is this? It must also be a dragon-slaying weapon unearthed from the ruins."

The skinny young man Bi Sugei shouted: "Taking the initiative to attack the evil dragon and having such a powerful weapon, there is no doubt that the city lord here must be a dragon slayer."

As they were talking, missiles exploded in the sky.

Warp Dragon was startled by the Mach 10 missile. He had never been attacked by such a fast weapon. However, the speed of the warp dragon is also extremely high. Against the strong air resistance, the warp dragon instantly increased its speed to Mach 20, and not only that, the extremely flexible warp dragon performed a flash in the sky. With a blind maneuver, he dodged the incoming missiles.

What the Warp Dragon didn't expect was that Bai Zhongqi, who was deeply influenced by the military of the old era of the Earth, designed a fragmentation warhead for this anti-aircraft missile. After the volley explosion, various iron filings and other debris flew everywhere. Although the Warp Speed Long was already very fast, but he still couldn't avoid being slightly affected.

But dragons are dragons after all, and their physical fitness is simply not comparable to that of ordinary creatures. The explosive power of the fragmented warhead hit the warp dragon's body, but it did not penetrate effectively. This warp dragon just staggered in the air, shook its body and flew up again.

Bai Zhongqi had no intention of letting this dragon go. He was still thinking about how to get rid of this thing, and then dig out a piece of meat for Zero to ingest the DNA of this creature. He didn't know that this dragon, despite its small size, could actually fly at warp speed.

In fact, just the fact that the natural flight speed can reach Mach 20 has already made Bai Zhongzhen very interested. The fastest combat flying beast he currently has is only Mach 5. The Anti-Aircraft-3 missile is faster, but after all Just a single weapon.

Next, Bai Zhongqi ordered the anti-aircraft artillery beast on the ground to also fire violently. These self-propelled anti-aircraft gun-like beasts equipped with four 25mm anti-aircraft guns are produced here by the Zerg Swarm. They are not as expensive as real self-propelled anti-aircraft guns. For the Zerg Swarm, their production difficulty is not more complicated than that of a tank beast.

A large number of cannonballs formed a barrage in the sky, making it difficult for the warp dragon to get close to the ground. It could only keep flashing and moving in the air, with an angry face to avoid being hit by the cannonballs.

"Asshole, you are careless. I didn't expect this dragon slayer to have such a powerful weapon. It seems to be somewhat similar to the weapons used by dragon slayers sixty years ago, but there are too many of them! Could it be that Jishan has really become a gathering place for dragon slayers? Have they formed an organization and are ready to deal with our dragon clan together?" The warp dragon thought in his mind and couldn't help but be horrified.

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