Guide to Galactic Dominance

Chapter 482 Growing Confidence

After the warp dragon retreated, there were pedestrians on the streets of Jishan City again.

"The dragon was repelled by the lord?"

"Huh, of course, your lord is a wise and mighty dragon slayer. This little dragon is no match for your lord."

People on the street were talking a lot. If they had a little distrust of Bai Zhongqi earlier, after today's incident, the haze that originally shrouded people's heads was swept away.

The arrival of Long Ji has made everyone fearful. The former lord Shao Xiong's attempt to sacrifice 70% of the population in the territory has made these people who were destined to die feel despair. Although the rise of Bai Zhongqi, the "Dragon Slayer" lord, has saved many people from being sacrificed as sacrifices, it is still very doubtful whether this Dragon Slayer lord can really protect them.

But in today's battle, the violent and ferocious dragon rushed into Ranji Mountain like lightning, trying to attack the territory, but was beaten hard by the lord's powerful firepower and was unable to lift its head. In the end, Bai Zhongchu took action himself to repel the evil dragon.

This has given everyone hope, although it is still very small, but at least they may survive this Dragon Age.

"If the lord had been Master Bai when the evil dragon came before, our third son might not have to die." An old man on the street sighed.

When the warp dragon Ionder came to Ranji Mountain last time, he not only announced the offer, but also grabbed a few living people and ate them. The residents in the territory had no choice but to watch the evil dragon do whatever it wanted, and the lord did not dare to ask. He was only glad that the evil dragon let him go. As for how many civilians it ate, it didn't matter. .

Ionder would grab a few people in every territory to fill his stomach. Dragons are very picky when it comes to breeding and eating, and basically whatever they catch is what they catch.

Zang Mu Renqing rushed back to the castle from the barracks. When he saw the excited expressions of people on the street, he couldn't help but feel excited.

Zepei was also happy. He said, "Teacher has captured the hearts of the people in the territory this time."

Gangnaji, who has always admired Bai Zhongqi, said: "The teacher also built a house for everyone. Now everyone has electric lights, gas stoves and running water at night. This kind of life is more superior than that of the nobles. There is no one in the world better than the teacher." A more kind and wise lord."

Although Xurli didn't speak, she couldn't hide the smile on her face.

When the people on the street saw the four students of the lord, they also asked them questions. Zang Mu Renqing and the others also looked proud.

"The teacher is right. Although we humans are weak individually, we know how to cooperate and love. We are also smart enough to make powerful weapons to protect ourselves. The teacher's weapons to intercept the evil dragon are anti-aircraft guns and Anti-aircraft missiles, if we study hard, sooner or later we will be able to understand how to make such weapons. When everyone can use such weapons to protect ourselves, these evil dragons will not be our opponents at all!" Zang Mu Renqing holds Holding the fist, his eyes were filled with blazing fire of motivation.

Zepei also deeply agreed and sighed: "I only regret that we are not talented enough and don't work hard enough to learn the teacher's skills as soon as possible. Otherwise, we can be of more use in the Dragon Age."

At this time, a personal guard came galloping over from outside the city on a war horse. When he saw the lord's four students, he turned over and dismounted. After saluting, he reported: "Four generals came from outside the city with low status. Three strangely dressed people came from outside the city." A young man who claims to be a disciple of the dragon slayer came to join him when he saw the lord's order to recruit talents to slay dragons."

Zang Mu Renqing said in surprise: "Really? Great, the teacher's method has taken effect. Invite them quickly and I will take them to see the teacher personally."

Zepei said at this time: "Don't be careless. The origin of these three people is unknown, and we were attacked by a dragon just now. At this time, a dragon slayer came to the door. It is a bit strange no matter how you look at it."

Zang Mu Renqing nodded: "I understand, everyone should stay vigilant. If they make any changes, let them see how capable our senior brothers are."

Not long after, Zang Mu Renqing and others saw the three Shi Nazhen brothers. The three of them, Shi Nazhen, had obviously not recovered from the scene in which Ranji Mountain was fighting against the evil dragon. Along the way, they were praising Ranji Mountain for its adequate defense and the majesty of the dragon slayer Lord Bai Zhongqi.

As they passed the streets, they sighed that Ranji Mountain was the neatest and tallest territory they had ever seen.

Once inside the castle, they were amazed when they saw the complete facilities and exquisite decorations in the castle. Although the three of them were dragon slayer apprentices, they had never seen much of the world.

Gangnaji deliberately showed off and said: "This castle was built by the teacher in two days. It turned out to be just an ordinary stone castle. The teacher turned it into what it is today. I am afraid it is the richest man on the mainland." The lords, their castles and palaces are not even one-tenth as luxurious as Ranji Mountain Castle."

Shi Nazhen and the other three were shocked after hearing this.

The honest young man Mao Ritianba couldn't believe it: "It actually took only two days to build such a majestic building? We once heard the master say that some of the treasures obtained in the ruins can not only slay dragons, but also kill people. It is impossible to do things that are beneficial to all people, but I never thought that it actually existed."

Zepei shook his head and said: "The teacher taught us that if we can't grasp the true principle of something, we can only use it and it is not a true master. I also asked the teacher if his ability came from the relics, but the teacher denied it. With this in mind, most of his abilities can be copied and are based on profound knowledge and principles."

Shi Nazhen nodded and said: "I see, Master Bai Zhongzhen's abilities are really rare in the world. In the past, the three of us brothers also met two dragon slayers with our master. Although they were strong, no one could reach the level of Master Bai Zhongzhen. ."

Xuerli was also happy to hear that Shi Nazhen said good things about Bai Zhongqi: "That's natural. If you weren't confident that you could truly save the Dragon Ji crisis, how could the teacher issue an order to recruit talents to slay dragons?"

The skinny young man shook his head: "I don't think this order to recruit talents and kill dragons is a smart move. At least it attracted the warp dragon. The dragons will not give up."

Gangnaji glared at Bisugei: "What did you say?"

Zang Mu Renqing stretched out his hand to block Gangnaji and asked Su Gaili, "Do you know the breed of the dragon that just came?"

Besugei was also a little proud: "Of course, our master recorded nearly a hundred dragon species in the dragon group and was the first person to slay dragons. Naturally, our senior brothers are very familiar with dragon species."

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