Guide to Galactic Dominance

Chapter 487 Good General

The dust and smoke are billowing, and the war flags are hunting.

Soldiers and armor line up, as far as the eye can see. This is the largest military operation in the history of the entire Northeast Continent, and even the entire planet Imodora. It exceeded the tens of thousands predicted by Bai Zhongqi. The prestige of the lord of Guiwang Mountain, Katsumi Jiang, and the rumor released by the warp dragon Ionder, caused almost all the lords on this land to participate in this operation.

From the territory of Kiwang Mountain along the northeastern coast, Katsumijie personally led the army. On the way to Ranji Mountain, new troops continued to join. This caused Katsumijie a headache because the army did not have enough food and grass.

When the army was still five hundred miles away from Ranji Mountain, this poorly organized army already had 100,000 soldiers. The lord of Guiwang Mountain, Katsumi Jiang, is the commander-in-chief of this coalition, and there are also several more powerful lords who serve as the commander-in-chief. It's just that although each lord nominally obeys the commander's orders, they still do their own thing.

Bai Zhongchui has always been monitoring the situation of the coalition forces of the princes in the Northeast China. The pigeon beasts sent by Zero are the least eye-catching, and there are many of them. When they are not engaged in "advertising" business, they can be used as good aerial reconnaissance units.

Thirteen thousand soldiers under Lord Yu Jingshan, who ranked third in command of the coalition forces, lined up. Yujing Mountain and Guiwang Mountain are not far apart, and the lords are quite talented. The two families have been at war for more than ten years. In recent years, Yujing Mountain's strength has declined and they finally stopped fighting. However, Yu Jingshan had a good way of training troops and had always been a famous general. Although Gui Wangshan had a large number of people and strong financial resources, he was defeated by Yu Jingshan three times.

Two generals from Yu Jingshan were leading the troops on the march. A tall general who was nearly two meters tall said: "Well, things are unpredictable. I originally thought that my life would be used up. I practice martial arts diligently every day and prepare for it." When you die, you can kill an evil dragon, and your life will not be considered in vain. Unexpectedly, the dragon actually gave me a chance of life, and led the expedition to Ranji Mountain, the dragon slayer lord."

The general next to him, who was sturdy and had a rather heroic long beard, shook his head and said: "Perhaps you and I can take the head of the dragon slayer named Bai Zhongqi and present it to the giant dragon, which can ensure the safety of our people in Yujingshan." ."

The tall general chuckled and said: "A cat will not negotiate terms with a mouse. The biggest tragedy for a mouse is to believe that the cat will eat itself and say to itself: If you bite other mice to death, I will not eat you. No one can I guarantee that the dragons will keep their promise after we destroy Ran Jishan. If Bai Zhongqi, the dragon slayer of Jishan, is really afraid of the dragons, we should not destroy him, but fight side by side with him. Besides, this dragon slayer named Bai If it is so powerful, the army we have formed will probably be in trouble in Ranji Mountain."

The long-bearded general sighed: "Brother Huo Zhaocha has a sharp eye, why don't you tell your lord this opinion?"

Huo Huocha couldn't help but shook his head and said: "When the messenger from Guiwang Mountain came to Yujing Mountain to report the news, you and I were both there. The lord and other retainers were so happy that I couldn't say this. I'm afraid I just finished speaking. , the lord wants to take it out on my head, blaming me for disturbing the morale of the army and being disloyal to him. Brother Liewu, do you think so?"

General Liewu also looked up to the sky and sighed: "A lord is a lord after all, and the things he sees are different from those of us military fools."

Huo Huocha said angrily: "I think the view of the reckless men is more like this. It is better to fight for one's life, even if it is eaten by a dragon after dying in battle, than to give away one's brothers and children to Evil dragons, look at them eating up their compatriots alive in front of you. If a person loses his courage and doesn't even have the courage to defend his family, then what's the use of living?"

Liewu held the horse rein and looked at the line of soldiers. Each of them had a numb expression on their face, clearly lifeless.

"Do you know why our brothers have no motivation?"

Huo Huocha said: "We have to work on an expedition, and we may lose our lives. How can we have the motivation?"

Liewu shook his head and said: "In the past, the men of Yujingshan fought bravely to take the lead, but now, for the first time, I saw that their faces were lifeless, like walking corpses. In the final analysis, they are no longer to defend Yujingshan, to defend Yujingshan His wife and children fought with their neighbors. The lord sent them to fight in Ranji Mountain to kill the dragon slayers who were righteous to defend mankind. Even if we won in the end, we in Yujingshan did not get the dragon slayer's head, but someone else got it. The lord still has to pay 30%, 50%, or even 70% of the population. Their wives, children, brothers, parents, and even themselves will be given to the dragons to be eaten by the lord. How can you tell them to be motivated to fight? ?”

Huo Zhaocha said in surprise: "Why can't the lords see this truth?"

Liewu said sarcastically: "Because they are immersed in the way of survival given to them by the dragons. Even if the Dragon Age begins, they can continue to live. Seventy percent of the people who died are not nobles after all."

Huo Zhaocha said with a helpless smile: "It sounds like you and I are not nobles."

Liewu felt a surge of resentment in his heart, and said: "Even if the common people are gone, what kind of lord can you be? After all, the lords don't regard themselves as ordinary people. They are aloof, well-dressed and well-fed. After all, they look down on the mud-legged ones." . They don’t think there is anything wrong with their choice. The people sacrificed their lives in exchange for it, and they feel it is no longer worth it. What the people think, they probably don’t care.”

Huo Huocha whispered: "This damn world."

Liewu glanced left and right, and then whispered to Huo Huocha: "General Huo Huocha, the result of this expedition to Ranji Mountain is yet to be known. However, the Dragon Clan seriously summoned the lords of the Northeast Continent to attack this Bai Zhongchu. Look, Bai Zhongzhen should be the number one figure, which at least makes the dragons have some scruples. Although I don’t know if he has three heads and six arms or what, if the Northeast Army Allied Forces are frustrated on the battlefield, we should not continue to follow the trend of ignorant people, but should respect our own virtue and serve the common people. And fight.”

Huo Huocha was startled and whispered: "Brother Liewu, do you want to rebel...?"

Liegu asked back: "Don't you want to?"

Huo Huocha was silent for a moment, and then said with a snort: "At this point, if we don't fight against terrorism, we will bear the guilt of our whole life, and we will feel uneasy. The two of us were originally marginalized figures in Yujing Mountain. The lord and the retainers looked at us. I’m not used to it either. I’m afraid that when the Dragon Age comes, it’s still unclear whether the two of us will feed the dragon. If Ran Ji Shan really gains the upper hand on the battlefield, we will switch sides and surrender to Bai Zhongbao!”

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