Guide to Galactic Dominance

Chapter 519 The Domineering Bishop

The scattered or smaller exploration and treasure hunting teams on the ground have no idea that their fate has been sealed by the three-star bishop of the Star Warrior Order. Bai Zhongqi looked at Yuan's expression that seemed to be able to determine life or death, and for no reason he thought of the look on Xiao Yu's face that afternoon at Wuya Palace.

At this time, Lan Xue panicked at first. Although she was very courageous, she was still a little girl. She looked at Bai Zhongqi with some fear and asked, "Uncle, what should we do?"

Bai Zhongbao supported the back of her seat and said, "Just show off, there's no need to actually fire."

But Bai Zhongqi knew that even if his F-type battleship beast did not carry out any attack, those people on the ground would have no chance of surviving.

The four largest forces opened fire on the ground almost at the same time. Various types of powerful weapons plowed the ground like sledges. Originally, people on the ground still imagined that they would be able to reap some benefits after the golden sailing ship appeared. Everyone knew that it was dangerous to participate in this treasure hunt, but they always felt that they would have some good luck and become the winner in the end.

This is no different from the mentality of a gambler.

Within a few minutes, although there were still a few gasping people on the ground, most of them had been turned into pieces of minced meat, and even more of them didn't even have dregs left.

Immediately afterwards, Yuan spoke again in the video call: "Very good, the world has become a little cleaner. Now I am making a second suggestion. I know that several of the people present have spaceships, so they have some strength. But the situation is very serious. Understand, only Satellite Wolf, Shi Mo and Duofen can be considered capable of competing with the Star Warrior Order, and the other friends are actually running alongside them. Now I want to ask the friends who came here with a ship to try their luck to leave. Here, if things turn ugly, it’s not a good thing for anyone.”

In fact, among the dozen or so people present, except for the three forces mentioned by Yuan just now, the rest are basically a spaceship. These are basically not civilized behaviors. A private person who can own an armed spaceship is already considered very powerful.

Just now, these people were still complacent, thinking that they were superior to others, and happily followed the four major forces to send away the minions on the ground. However, they did not expect that in the blink of an eye, the three-star bishop of the Star Warrior Order actually even killed them. Also get rid of it.

An alien captain with skin like lychee shells and a pair of navy blue eyes shouted: "Mr. Bishop, do you need us to remind you that the Star Warrior Order only came with one spaceship? Do you also want to follow? Are we guys with no strength leaving together?”

Yuan seemed to be well-mannered and remained calm, but Bai Zhongqi immediately had some premonitions.

The bow of the spacecraft of the Star Warrior Order suddenly erupted with a red light, heading straight towards a small spacecraft. The lethality of this red light was extremely terrifying. It actually penetrated the shield of the spacecraft with one blow, and even penetrated the entire spacecraft.

The lychee shell-skinned captain in the video conference was glaring with anger one second, but his signal was cut off the next second, and he disappeared on the holographic conference table.

There was no doubt that the man and his crew were dead.

Bai Zhongqi felt strong fluctuations of star energy in the shelling just now. This was completely different from the feeling he had when using star energy before. The red light just now caused the energy to run wild, causing horrific destruction that a man could not describe. force. Although the energy output of its bombardment does not come from star energy, without star energy this gun would not be able to produce such an effect.

Plessy, the manager of the Graphite United Consortium, frowned and said to Yuan: "Mr. Bishop, your behavior makes it difficult for people to feel safe. Start with the weakest ones, and then kill the next-level people, and finally, right? Will all three of our factions suffer?"

Yuan looked at Plessy with empty but cold eyes and said: "Believe me, Manager Plessy, if the power of the cult can easily take care of you all here, I won't waste it here at all. Time, you would have been dead long ago.”

After hearing this, Bai Zhongqi didn't know whether Yuan was mentally retarded or he really felt that everyone present was weak, so he was not afraid of offending them at all.

Qi Ling, the military leader of the Duofen Civilization's treasure-hunting group, said: "Mr. Bishop, I don't think it is easy to seize the golden sail. It has been thousands of years and no one has really obtained the golden sail. It is unreliable to rely on the power of individuals or small groups. I suggest that everyone cooperate and work together to keep the golden galleon in our universe forever."

"I'm sorry," Yuan replied without thinking at all, "the cult has no interest in sharing something belonging to gods with mortals."

Qi Lun's eyes narrowed slightly and said, "Mr. Bishop, what you made was not a rational choice."

Yuan Que said: "If you want to take action now, then do it. I will seize the big sailing ship in a while."

He paused, glanced at the facial expressions of several representatives of major forces, and said: "If you want to go together, then start quickly. The cult will collect your interest later. Of course, today you will also Unlikely to survive.”

The three forces are inherently suspicious of each other. Although they have been forced by the Star Warrior Order, no one has taken the lead and gone to the abyss of the Hard Steel Star Warrior Order. This is also something Yuan has judged well. At this time, they have lost their strength due to the fight. When the golden galley arrives later, they will completely lose the qualification to compete.

It was precisely because Yuan understood the logical discord between the three families that he dared to provoke them like this. And his threat is also very real, because the power of the Star Warrior Order is the largest among these participant groups. Moreover, the Star Warrior Order is famous for not taking any losses, and if you offend them, you will get back tenfold.

Lan Xue sat there and watched these "big guys" fight and it was quite enjoyable. She also thought that these guys could just fight by themselves. When the big ship came, they would fight each other until they were almost finished. It's the perfect time to be a fisherman and make a profit.

However, this three-star bishop did not forget at all those "single-ship" people who had not yet moved their butts to join in. He pointed casually and said to Lan Xue: "You have 30 seconds to disappear from my sight, otherwise you will Let this planet become your graveyard.”

Lan Xue was a little panicked. The pressure given to her by this three-star bishop was too great. She looked at Bai Zhongqi next to her at a loss, hoping that he could give her an idea.

As a result, Bai Zhongqi took out a piece of paper from nowhere and gave it to her, and then said, "Read it accordingly."

Lan Xue unfolded the note and said blankly: "Fuck your mother!"

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