Guide to Galactic Dominance

Chapter 531 Glass Beads

For thousands or tens of thousands of years, countless treasure hunters have tried to enter the golden galleon, but they have never found the entrance to this spaceship that is as huge as an asteroid. There are countless people, like Yuan, who may have been powerful figures for a while, but because of greed, they followed the golden sailboat and flew into the void, and their existence was eventually erased.

That was a true elimination, not to mention the body, even anything he carried was gone without a trace. Because they are matter, and matter cannot exist in the void.

Therefore, Bai Zhongqi sometimes suspected that he was no longer a material entity after entering the void. Of course, he could not verify his conjecture.

After putting away the soul-killing mecha, Bai Zhongqi landed on the golden sailboat. The outer shell of this ship is spotless. The reason is naturally because any dirt is material and will be eliminated after entering the void - this is really the most powerful cleaning method.

The moment he stepped onto the golden deck, a door opened in the superstructure of the golden galleon.

After all, only the elder race can open the door of the mother ship.

Bai Zhongqi also walked towards the door with some curiosity. Fortunately, the place where he landed was not far from the door. Otherwise, if he landed somewhere randomly, he would have to walk dozens or hundreds of kilometers to get there.

From the perspective of many interstellar civilizations, the Golden Galleon is a very unreasonable spaceship. It is obviously built so huge, but it looks like a sailing ship from the sailing era. The whole body is covered with gold, shining with a gold that can blind people. That is because there are many artistic carvings on its appearance, and the overall shape of the ship It also looks slender and concise, which makes people look more comfortable. Otherwise, just made of gold, it would already feel vulgar.

Bai Zhongqi naturally knew that this ship was not a real gold ship. There was a layer of gold on the outside, but it was a special material with a certain gold content. It looks like gold, but its strength is beyond imagination.

And the inside of the golden sailboat is even more unreasonable. Its structure is different from a real sailing ship, more like a huge prison-type building. After entering through the outside door, Bai Zhongqi saw a long corridor that was almost endless. The corridor looks quite plain, with milky white walls emitting light, and no other lighting system. On both sides of the white wall, there are cabins one after another.

Bai Zhongqi walked along this road and did not enter any cabin. I don’t know how long he walked, then he turned to another corridor, and after walking for who knows how long, he went down to the next floor.

This experience made Bai Zhongqi worried that if the interior of this golden sailboat was like this, he might have to walk for decades. However, time in the void is a meaningless variable, and he can keep walking here.

Finally, relying on his own perception, Bai Zhongqi came to a cabin at the end of the corridor on the first floor.

Pushing the door and entering, the interior of this cabin is like a room with a European aristocratic atmosphere and display on Earth. It is not particularly spacious. At least compared to the luxurious villa-style captain's cabin on the Iridium, it is only less than 100 square meters. look like.

In the center of the room was a set of dark brown sofas that looked very majestic. There was a small table next to the sofa, and a thick hard-cover book seemed to be placed randomly on it.

This is certainly not a useless book. There is a small lock on the outside of the thick-looking hard cover book.

Bai Zhongqi shook his head: "It's the same thing again."

He took out his key from around his neck, inserted it into the keyhole of the locked hard-cover book, and turned it gently.

There was a soft click and the book was opened.

"Now I wonder if every elder race has such a key, so that anyone's ship can be opened?"

This is naturally impossible. Bai Zhongqi still cannot fully understand how the relationship between the elder race and the mother ship is formed. No one has ever told him about such a thing. He plans to mention it to those guys next time he goes to the senior citizen activity room, if anyone pays attention to him.

The hardcover book has been opened, and hundreds of pictures immediately emerged from the pages. This effect looks somewhat similar to the holographic effect, but it looks more real.

Bai Zhongqi soon knew what these things were.

"This...who was the owner of this ship before? This is too foul."

This hard-cover book is actually the user interface and display of this golden sailing ship. What is presented to Bai Zhongqi is the most important thing carried by the golden sailing ship.

Every picture suspended in the air is a projection of a planet. If you pull the camera around, you can also see what's happening in the corners of the planet. These planets are not simply habitable planets, many of them are ordinary and dead frozen planets, desert planets, volcanic planets, of course there are also asteroid belts, gas planets, nebulae and stars.

The previous owner of this golden galleon was simply a collector of celestial bodies. He sealed different planets from different universes in his own subspace, and then made things as small as glass beads and stored them in various cabins on the spacecraft.

Bai Zhongqi could not imagine how powerful and powerful it was to put a planet into a glass bead. Even at the level of the elder race, this was too incredible.

He then came to a chamber containing glass beads. There are several rows of ordinary-looking glass display cabinets in front of you. There are eight rows and eight columns from top to bottom, with 64 grids. In each grid, there is a small glass bead, just like amber. Through the display cabinet, Bai Zhongqi can see the planet exuding wonderful colors in the glass beads.

The name of each planet is marked on the display cabinet. If you check it with the thick book in Bai Zhongqi's hand, you can see more detailed information.

What surprised him even more was that life and even interstellar civilization existed on many of these planets. The celestial body collector not only collected a large number of habitable planets or resource stars that he thought were valuable to collect, but also collected many civilizations.

"There are even advanced civilizations..." Bai Zhongzhen was completely speechless now.

On the display cabinet, where the glass beads labeled Melomela Star were located, he checked them with a hard-cover book. Bai Zhongqi saw the detailed description. It clearly says, Civilization Level: Advanced. This rating is naturally different from that of the Galactic Council, but considering that the elder races are classified as advanced civilization, they are naturally not weak.

This planet named Melemela is also the home planet of the Melemela civilization. Bai Zhongqi even saw that there were tens of thousands of warships on this planet, but in the small glass beads, time had stopped. The people here did not know what happened, and their lives were frozen. Even if They are a powerful advanced civilization, but now they are just a display of an elder race, used to display for good looks.

Bai Zhongqi couldn't understand why the elder race would do such a thing. Although the other party did not feel any pain and did not even know what happened, their lives were actually terminated in another way.

"Maybe the elder race does this kind of thing just because he can do it?" Bai Zhongqi felt a little scary.

Now it is impossible for him to collect a planet into a glass bead. Naturally, this glass bead is not a real glass bead, but a rather complex and powerful subspace device.

This Melomela civilization is still a civilization from the second universe. It was active in the Archaic Era, which was the second civilization's prosperity period. Perhaps the celestial body collector who traveled to the second universe at that time valued it and turned it into his own display.

Bai Zhongqi felt more and more chills on his back. This very spacious room was like a server room on earth. There were rows of display cabinets. Each display cabinet had 64 cells. In this cabin alone, There are thousands of planets in existence.

However, Bai Zhongqi soon discovered that he had miscalculated.

In the corner of the room, Bai Zhongqi opened something that looked like a moving cardboard box, and then saw the densely packed glass beads inside...

"What the hell." Bai Zhongqi's eyes almost popped out. He looked at his feet, where several cardboard boxes were thrown there, as if they were of no importance at all.

"These are planets!" Bai Zhongqi was completely crazy, even though he found that half of the cartons were actually filled with simple glass beads, and there were no planets in them. But when he thought that one-third of the cabins on the entire golden sailing ship were used as a display room for the celestial body collector, Bai Zhongqi even began to suspect that maybe there were not as many planets in the galaxy as there were in this ship. Install more planets.

Originally, when Bai Zhongqi was the head of the Star Alliance, he had a paranoia about things like land and planets that he could not let go of. He hoped to capture as many planets as possible to make civilization larger and more powerful.

But when he entered the golden galleon, he realized that compared to that celestial body collector, his little hobby of pioneering territory could not be compared with others.

What makes Bai Zhongqi slightly self-deprecating is that if Bai Zhongqi releases the "collectibles" like the Melomela civilization just now, he can't deal with them. Apart from escaping into the void on a golden sailboat, the power in his hands There is no way to compete with the fleets of those advanced civilizations.

When Bai Zhongqi read more contents in the hard-cover book, he even discovered that because there was no time in the glass beads, the celestial body collector found it very boring. He even made a device by himself. He put a glass bead in it. The device allowed the glass beads to enter a pseudo-time environment and cosmic environment, driving the planet to operate automatically, and then he went to the planet as a tourist to live and have adventures.

It turns out that many of these planets are his own private playgrounds...

Some people say that the words I write recently are like fairy tales and fantasy? Well, probably because I was infected recently by reading other people’s books. Correction correction.

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