Guide to Galactic Dominance

Chapter 543 Xu Shisan (4000 words)

Xu Lanzhou at this time has the same appearance as she did back then, but it is a little different. The biggest change is that she now has short, smart hair. The military uniform that used to remain unchanged almost three hundred and sixty-five days a year is now replaced by a uniform that has no military characteristics and is more like work clothes.

"I didn't expect to see you here." Lin Yin was so surprised that she couldn't help but go up and want to hug her.

But somewhere, a long sword suddenly appeared. The tip of the sword was extremely sharp, and it was pointed directly at Lin Yin's throat.

The person holding the sword was a guy wearing a black and purple outfit that was extremely cool and stunning. He had long flowing hair, but his bangs blocked half of his face. He was not in the picture at all just now, but when Lin Yin made a move, he blocked the sword in front of Lin Yin.

The blonde cow sister felt that she was about to sweat out like a diabetic insipidus. She raised her hands and took a few steps back. Looking at the stunned long-haired man, she felt that he was particularly dangerous.

Xu Lanzhou said: "Ye Ge, it doesn't matter, she is an acquaintance of mine."

The cold-faced swordsman, whose bangs covered half of his face, nodded slightly, then held up a sword flower, and inserted the long sword in his hand into an accessory on his wrist. This accessory was like a scabbard, but it was quite magical. When it was inserted, it disappeared without passing through the accessories. In the end, even the hilt of the sword completely disappeared.

Lin Yin's excitement and enthusiasm just now cooled down a bit. She looked at Xu Lanzhou again, and she felt that the former commander of the Space Force really looked different now, as if he was a different person.

"I didn't expect that the famous leader of the Champion Mercenary Group was actually you. Since you disappeared from the Star Alliance eighteen years ago, there has been no news about you. Many people thought you were dead. I didn't expect you to be here. It’s amazing that Galaxy Wasteland has established its own power.”

Xu Lanzhou was neither self-effacing nor arrogant. She looked at Lin Yin for a long time and then said, "Follow me."

Ymir didn't expect that this blonde girl actually knew the group leader, and she was very friendly to her. This made Ymir couldn't help but think to himself: "This Miss Linyin obviously had a good relationship with the leader in the past. Is she a best friend or something? If so, maybe we can find out what the leader likes through her, or maybe there is someone who A better entry point.”

Ymir glanced at the cold-faced long-haired swordsman again, and thought to himself: "Yege, this guy, doesn't act like a deputy captain at all. Instead, he acts like the captain's bodyguard. Tianmao is by the captain's side every day. He It’s a Star Warrior, it’s so easy to hide yourself, it’s really insidious.”

Xu Lanzhou took Lin Yin into a car. This car was not very high-end. It was a ground vehicle running on four wheels. There is a layer of armor on the outside, weapons on the roof, and the interior space is quite spacious.

Lin Yin looked at Xu Lanzhou and felt a little panicked. When the car door was closed, Xu Lanzhou was still sitting opposite her expressionlessly, which made Lin Yin feel particularly uncomfortable.

They had known each other since before the time travel. Although they were not friends at that time, it was obvious that they had a good relationship after the time travel. Although Xu Lanzhou has always had a business-like appearance, he is actually quite easy-going and not like what he looks like now, with the big words "Keep away from strangers" written all over his face.

She looked like this, making it difficult for Lin Yin to speak.

After almost a minute of silence, Xu Lanzhou spoke.

"Are you still in Star Alliance?"

Lin Yin shook her head: "After that incident, I left with those cat girls from BBY. Now they are Galaxy Diva, I believe you should know."

Xu Lanzhou nodded: "So you are with them."

There was another seven or eight seconds of silence.

This made Lin Yin feel very uncomfortable, and she decided to ask herself: "Is Han Jiaxue with you?"

Xu Lanzhou's face wavered a little, and she nodded.

Lin Yin patted her chest and swayed, but Xu Lanzhou was definitely not interested in watching.

"That's good. If the future head of state comes back and can't find his girlfriend, he will definitely go crazy."

Xu Lanzhou's eyes flashed: "What did you say? The head of state returns?"

She naturally knew that this was not the usurper.

Lin Yin finally showed a slight smile: "Yes, this is said by a very annoying but very capable person. Xiao Yu may be able to successfully usurp the throne, but he cannot kill our head of state. The head of state will eventually return." , and take back everything that belongs to you.”

Lin Yin knew Xu Lanzhou best. She knew Xu Lanzhou's little feelings. Just when she thought she would see Xu Lanzhou happy and excited, she was shocked.

Because the expression on Xu Lanzhou's face did not change at all.

Lin Yin's face changed, a little cold and a little scared. She looked at Xu Lanzhou with burning eyes and subconsciously protected the box under her feet.

"You are not Xu Lanzhou, who are you?"

From the moment they met until now, Xu Lanzhou finally showed a smile. But this smile was so terrifying and weird in Lin Yin's eyes, which made her even more determined that the woman in front of her was not Xu Lanzhou at all.

Xu Lanzhou said: "As expected of Lin Yin, your insight is really sharp. But I may have disappointed you, I am indeed Xu Lanzhou."

"It's impossible. The real Xu Lanzhou would never behave like this when he heard the news."

"Really? But people always change. After all, Xu Lanzhou is no longer a soldier of the Star Alliance, nor is he no longer the shield-bearing knight of the Führer."

Lin Yin was a little scared, and even more worried about Xu Lanzhou.

Xu Lanzhou smiled softly. Her face was still beautiful, but it was full of determination and coldness.

"Lin Yin, we have just received news that the 95th Legion of the Star Alliance has passed through the Ding Chen Star Gate and is preparing to send troops into the wilderness of the Milky Way. Their targets should be me and Han Jiaxue. You appeared at this time point, and you also You’re carrying something suspicious, so you can’t blame me for being wary of you.”

Lin Yin was stunned: "Star Alliance has found you? Are they coming to arrest you and Han Jiaxue?"

She quickly added: "You don't think I'm a spy sent by Xiao Yu, do you?"

Xu Lanzhou did not speak, but expressed his acquiescence.

Lin Yin's face turned red, and she felt that she had been insulted.

"What happened to you?! Where did the knight who was infinitely loyal to the Führer, full of fighting spirit and virtue go? I am your companion, and I am running for the return of the Führer, but you think I am a spy? "

Xu Lanzhou said calmly: "At this point in time, it is never wrong to be cautious."

Lin Yin shouted: "No, you can't do this to me, I want to see Han Jiaxue!"

Xu Lanzhou's face was slightly sarcastic: "Do you think she will help you? Her current treatment should be similar to yours in the future."

Lin Yin was so shocked that her soul was about to be shattered: "You... what did you do to Miss Han? Did you put her under house arrest?"

The pretty Xu Lanzhou lowered her eyelids and said, "She is just too tired and needs more rest."

"Nonsense! Who are you?"

Xu Lanzhou looked at Lin Yin, his expression became very serious, "If you really want to know, you can call me Xu Shisan."

When the car stopped, it was already the headquarters of the Champion Mercenary Group. Several strong female mercenaries came over and took Lin Yin away. However, the box Lin Yin desperately protected was already in Xu Lanzhou's hands.

"Song of the Night."

At some point, a long-haired swordsman with a strange painting style appeared next to Xu Lanzhou.

"Find someone to research it. There should be something remarkable in it."

"Yes, captain." Ye Ge always behaved like a servant, not at all like a powerful star warrior or the second-in-command of a mercenary group.

Ye Ge glanced at Xu Lanzhou, with some affection hidden in his cold eyes. He asked: "The 95th Star Alliance Legion may be able to reach the Galactic Wasteland within half a month. Although no civilization has ever successfully broken into the Galactic Wasteland, we have to guard against it. Should the mercenary group Make preparations, how about we temporarily avoid their attack?"

Xu Lanzhou waved his hand and said: "No need. That guy Lai Zhicun is just Xiao Yu's loyal dog. In terms of ability, he is not as good as Xiao Yu. The wilderness of the Galaxy is our home field, and we can deal with the eagle dogs of the Star Alliance." "

Ye Ge was a little worried, but since Xu Lanzhou had already made a decision, he had no choice but to agree.

Ye Ge disappeared in front of Xu Lanzhou, and Xu Lanzhou came to his yard. A slight chill has been stolen, the autumn wind has blown by, and the big trees in the yard have palm-sized leaves floating, reminding people of the sycamores on the earth.

"Thirteen, how could you do this to Lin Yin?"

Xu Lanzhou turned slightly, and another Xu Lanzhou stood behind him.

She looked sarcastic and said: "I am the one who controls the body now, and it is up to me how to decide."

"You..." The latter Xu Lanzhou was speechless.

At this time, Xu Lanzhou appeared next to them, "Thirteen, you are the master of the body now, but you promised us that we can come out to have fun every once in a while, and now it should be my time for Sixth to have fun. "

This Xu Lanzhou's face is a bit coquettish, like a silly elder sister.

Xu Shisan shook his head and said calmly: "The mercenary group is facing an unprecedented crisis now. I must seize the time to make arrangements. Moreover, at this time, other forces in the Galaxy Wasteland are also ready to move. It is a waste of time for you to come out."

Xu Lanzhou, who had flowers on his forehead and was wearing a Hanfu dress, nodded and said, "Thirteen makes sense."

A man in military uniform, Xu Lanzhou, came over and said angrily: "Thirteen, bring Lin Yin back. She said that the head of state is about to return. Isn't this the day we have been waiting for?"

Thirteen looked at her and said: "Fifteen, Xu Lanzhou loves him and you are loyal to him, but to me, he is just a symbol. I don't need him, and I don't want him to destroy everything I have built."

Thirteen glanced at Xu Lanzhou, who was sitting on the long steps in front of the door, holding his chin and looking forward to it like a little girl. He was full of ridicule and pity: "The commander back then is just a waste now."

Xu Lanzhou, whom she called a waste, was also his original personality. At this time, he couldn't hear her words at all, and his heart was full of sweetness: "Are you finally coming back? I miss you so much."

Xu Lanzhou, who looked doting and caring, could perhaps be called Xu's best friend. Xu Lanzhou's first sub-personality when she began to have split personality, sat next to her, hugged her gently, and whispered in her ear: " Silly girl."

In the small courtyard, Xu Lanzhou stood or sat with various expressions, various costumes, and various thoughts. Twenty Xu Lanzhous were like a creepy but beautiful picture.

Xu Lanzhou's schizophrenia has become more serious!

From the year he left Bai Zhongqi, Xu Lanzhou would split into a new personality every year. These personalities separated Xu Lanzhou's various emotions and eventually became very individual. What's even more amazing is that each personality thinks independently and has its own ideas.

Initially, Xu Lanzhou was able to control such a situation, but as her personalities became more and more numerous, it became increasingly difficult for her to control these increasingly powerful personalities.

Thirteen is the split personality in the thirteenth year. She is smart, powerful and full of ambition. Sometimes, Xu Lanzhou relies on Shisan to make suggestions for herself. He will also tell Shisan how much he misses Bai Zhongzhen.

But what she didn't expect was that Thirteen was an ambitious personality.

Thirteen convinced most of the personalities, including Xu Lanzhou's first personality, Xu's best friend, who had been undefended, and then she lost control of this body.

Best friend Xu is the one who cares about her the most. She doesn't want Xu Lanzhou to take on so many responsibilities anymore. She hopes to let Xu Lanzhou take a break. Taking advantage of this, Shisan asked her to help him, locking Xu Lanzhou in the corner of his consciousness.

This small courtyard is not only a resting place for the leader of the mercenary group, but also a place where all personality consciousness emerges.

Xu Shisan clenched her pink fist slightly. She looked at the sky and said in her heart: "We must not let Bai Zhongqi come back and destroy everything about me. 'Xu Lanzhou' does not need a man or a head of state. 'Xu Lanzhou' can You can only rely on yourself, and factors that threaten 'Xu Lanzhou's' independence must be eliminated!"

Her mind was spinning rapidly. Now not only was the mercenary group facing the formidable enemy of the Star Alliance, but Bai Zhongqi's figure also began to appear in her head. This made her feel that time was running out and she had to solve everything as soon as possible.

Xu Lanzhou, who was sitting on the steps, glanced at Xu Shisan imperceptibly. Xu Shisan, surrounded by other personalities, seems to be a truly strong person. She is indeed in control of her body and has created many achievements.

Xu Lanzhou really gave up at one point. She ran away from her own life and could not relieve her pain. However, when she learned from Lin Yin that Bai Zhongzhen was indeed alive and would come back, her heart rekindled a fire.

"I must become myself again - a knight of valor, kindness, mercy and loyalty. No matter what the cost, I will welcome you back, my Führer."

In a perfect body, a secret battle between two personalities begins.

I want to split it into two chapters, but I find it difficult to split it, so I’ll just post one chapter.

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