Guide to Galactic Dominance

Chapter 548 Planet Hunting

In the glass passage full of science fiction atmosphere, aliens from different planets and different races lined up, most of them had relaxed and happy expressions on their faces, but Lan Xue said with a sullen face: "It's really bad to hunt planets, even if you have the ability to avoid them... Queuing up, allowing everyone to directly access the data network to register and pass, we have to make everyone spend hours waiting in line here.”

Bai Zhongqi wore a maroon gray woolen coat, only nine-point trousers, a pair of Oxford shoes that are no longer popular on earth, lined with a low-key suit vest, and a light brown turtleneck sweater. In addition, the head of state is now a bit abstinent. He has a handsome face, and there are often primate women in the team who look at him flirtatiously.

Lan Xue was very angry with those coquettish bitches. She grabbed Bai Zhongyu's sleeve and said, "Uncle, please don't fall into the trap of those coquettish bitches. The Hunting Planet is a high-end consumption place where dignitaries from various civilizations are all here." A place where people come to have fun. Many peripheral women hang out here pretending to be socialites. When the tycoons come, they come up to get close to them. If they get close to one, they will be lucky. But who knows how many sexually transmitted diseases from different planets they have contracted? Some viruses may What is tolerable on one planet may be fatal to people on another planet, and maybe even the little brother will rot.”

Bai Zhongqi had no intention of finding a girl to accompany him, but Lan Xue's threatening words still made him quite helpless.

Lan Xue thought of something again and said: "Oh, what I said is really meaningless. Uncle, your little girl is so beautiful, she will definitely not like these coquettish bitches."

Bai Zhongqi had no choice but to deal with this girl who was out of touch and suspected of having some connection with him. He could only go back to what she had complained about before: "Since it is a high-end consumption place, it is natural to create a popular appearance. Look here. People stay here and queue up, but 80% of the really powerful people have fast lanes, which shows their sense of superiority."

Lan Xue blinked and said: "Uncle is still awesome. In fact, this is my first time to come to the Hunting Planet. I often heard about things here in the wilderness of the Milky Way. The Hunting Planet is a group of very business-minded guys who search all over the galaxy. We found a lot of very rare creatures and threw them here, and then opened them to tourists, allowing them to hunt these rare creatures on the planet. If the hunt is successful, they can take them away."

Bai Zhongqi had heard Lan Xue talk about this planet before. Behind the hunt for the planet is a prominent business organization in the galaxy. It has contacts with many advanced civilizations and has extraordinary strength. Otherwise, it would be impossible to do it alone. A planet to do such boring things.

Lan Xue said: "Many of these monsters on the hunting planet have very domineering genetic characteristics. After they came here to breed and crossbreed, they gave birth to many more peculiar monsters. Of course, there are also some very good pets here, which are relatively small. "But since we come here to play, many people's goal is to hunt monsters at the level of the 'Ten Evils'." Lan Xue had an expression on her face that said, "I'm very knowledgeable, come and ask me now."

Bai Zhongqi asked cooperatively: "What are the ten evils?"

Lan Xue said proudly: "They are the ten most dangerous and terrifying monsters selected by the Hunting Planet. These businessmen on the Hunting Planet have really good minds. They gave a huge prize to who can kill the top ten monsters?" If you attack a monster of this level, you can get one billion merchant guild coins. This is enough to buy a private luxury spaceship!"

Bai Zhongqi also mastered more things in the galaxy through Lan Xue. Earlier, as the head of the Star Alliance, he was not actually a participant in big scenes, and he was more concerned with taking care of his own affairs.

There are many civilizations in the galaxy, and everyone basically has the need for trade. A civilization may sometimes use different units of currency, and transactions between civilizations can only be done by barter. The Galactic High Governance Council once tried to implement a currency shared by many civilizations, but due to the large technological gap among everyone, it was easy to form a phenomenon of exploitation, and both high and medium-low civilizations finally gave up.

After that, hundreds of business groups, armed consortiums, commercial planets, and chambers of commerce in the galaxy formed the Business Group Alliance, and with the support of the High Council, they began to promote the Business Group Coin. This is a very backward currency in concept. The monetary and financial system was formed by forcibly tying up hundreds of commercial forces to form credit endorsements and the supply of materials behind them.

Merchant Group Coin is not a currency in nature, but a monetary unit of measurement. Because of the alienation and vastness of the galactic market, as well as the huge differences in the productivity of civilizations, the price of a commodity may vary greatly even if it is priced in one currency. Merchant group coins are essentially tied to materials. Only after a civilization sells a certain amount of materials to a business group can it obtain business group coins. Merchant group coins are actually storage certificates for the goods held by the business group. The seller can actually buy back the previous supplies with Merchant Group currency.

It is the sufficient clearing capacity of hundreds of business groups that allows different civilizations to trade with business group coins. Essentially, every issuance of business group currency is related to the appearance of the goods themselves (entering market circulation), and at any time, the currency holder has the right to redeem the goods. Even if he sold the goods hundreds of years ago, it stands to reason that the goods may have been damaged long ago.

The strong economic strength of the business alliance also allows them to have enough goods for sale. This makes it necessary for people who want to obtain goods to trade with Merchant Group Coins. Therefore, the civilized trading ships sell their own goods in the merchant alliance in exchange for merchant currency, and use the merchant currency to purchase other materials from other civilizations that the merchant alliance collects.

What determines the value of the merchant currency itself is several of the most important commodities in the galaxy, mainly energy, crystals, rare earth elements, basic organic matter, etc. After calculating these commodities through complex mathematical models, a set of weights is added, and then According to its price fluctuation, the price of the Merchant Group Coin itself is determined.

It is with such clumsy storage capacity and strength endorsement that Merchant Group Coin can be used as a general equivalent in many civilizations. Because of the price difference problem, in order to prevent runs, the bank issuing the banknotes even enlisted the support of the civilization of the High Council to crack down on all runs.

Most civilizations reject the use of Merchant Coin as currency within their own civilization because it would lead to serious chaos. Only facilities opened by business groups, such as Hunting Planet, are allowed to use business group currency for consumption.

As a very large financial monopoly organization, the Business Alliance itself will regulate commodity prices to stabilize its own currency. The prices of goods in different star regions and regions are different. In order to ensure that other civilizations do not buy the goods of the Merchant Alliance in one place, then go to another place and sell them back to the Merchant Alliance to earn the price difference. Price differences can occur but must be due to shipping costs.

Of course, this mechanism is not completely trouble-free, and there will definitely still be problems in some areas. But overall, this system of financial currency and trade links is still feasible.

Behind the Business Association Alliance, there are actually a large number of High Council committee members who participate in the business association. On the surface, the Business Association Alliance serves as a monopoly organization, but in fact, the High Council serves as the largest shareholder of the Business Association Alliance.

Commercial planets like Puping'a, where Bai Zhongqi first visited, are actually small-scale small businesses in remote areas, making small fuss in the entire galaxy's trade system.

Now Bai Zhongzhen is truly penniless, even though he owns two mother ships of the elder race and a planet on the level of a star system. In terms of material wealth, Bai Zhongzhen may be the richest man in the galaxy. However, he didn't have a dime of Merchant Group coins.

On the other hand, the little girl Lan Xue was holding a piggy bank with a painful look on her face.

"Every year, tens of millions of people come to this planet for entertainment. One ticket costs 5,000 business group coins, and VIP tickets are even more expensive. Add in the consumption of people here, and the annual gross profit of just one hunting planet is tens of billions. Hundreds of billions of business group coins. I have saved a little more than 10,000 business group coins since I was a child. It was also the New Year's money given by my aunt and mother, and I have to spend it all this time."

She looked at Bai Zhongqi with an expression as if she was about to cry. Bai Zhongqi knew very well what this stinky girl was doing, so he could only say helplessly: "When I go back and sell a spaceship or a batch of weapons or something, I will give you all the money I earn." you."

"Long live uncle!" Lan Xue said, "Laughing through tears."

At this time, Bai Zhongqi really felt like he had been defrauded of money by his own children.

After queuing for a long time, it was finally the turn of Lan Xue and Bai Zhongbao. Although Lanxue had Bai Zhongbao's promise, she still looked like she was dying to spend money. She reluctantly pressed the button on the tail of the piggy bank. button, and then the piggy bank spits out a coin from its mouth.

It took Lan Xue ten seconds to hand the coin to the cashier. The cashier was also well-trained, and he still had a professional smile on his face. He did not ridicule Lan Xue. However, Bai Zhongqi looked at the cashier's actions and suspected that the cashier wanted to take it from Lan Xue several times. Take her money.

A small coin is actually a currency counting prop. Business group coins are intangible, but they need to be transferred during transactions, and transfer requires a carrier. This small coin is actually a complex counting carrier with its own characteristics. Some Tonglian networks allow transfers to occur by connecting to cashiers or transfer machines.

The strength and wealth of the business group alliance is also reflected in the fact that such currency technology props are distributed free of charge by the business group just to facilitate the circulation of business group currency.

Lan Xue's piggy bank is actually such a prop, but the coin-shaped prop is only used for storage and transactions. The piggy bank can transfer the money inside to the piggy bank after swallowing the coins. account, and then spit back the cleared empty coins. When you want to spend money, spit out a coin that has been counted.

Naturally, this is how the poor use it. Really big merchants and wealthy people all use cards or other devices with better security for transactions. If something like a piggy bank is robbed, the money is gone.

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