Guide to Galactic Dominance

Chapter 572 Two Heads of State (1)

Outside the earth, the wormhole is wide open.

The sirens blared loudly in the headquarters of the 37th Legion responsible for the defense of the earth. The staff and officers in the headquarters became very busy, and some even fell down when they ran to the fighting position.

Legion Commander Vladimir Mastrov walked into the headquarters with a stern face, one hand still fastening the buttons on his military uniform.

The adjutant beside him whispered to the legion commander: "Commander, on your neck..."

Mastrov wiped off the lipstick marks on his neck with some embarrassment and pretended that nothing happened. The adjutant also looked at his nose and heart, as if nothing had happened. The Thirty-seventh Legion is responsible for the defense of the earth and can be said to be the most important position. However, in fact, this legion can only be regarded as a second-class legion in the Star Alliance.

The main military force used by the head of state Xiao Yu to guard the capital planet is his Jinwu Army. The thirty-seventh legion's defense mission on the earth has only supplementary significance at best. Therefore, the legion only has more than 500 warships and more than 400,000 soldiers, which is a state of dissatisfaction.

There are now very big differences between the various legions of the Star Alliance. The Star Alliance Defense Department is directly responsible to the Head of State, but the specific military affairs are handled by the Legion itself. This right of self-determination is even so great that the legion commander can decide what kind of uniforms the legion wears, the recruitment of soldiers on that planet, and the promotion and appointment of internal officers. This naturally results in some legions having good morale and strong combat effectiveness, while other legions may have poor military discipline and lack efficiency.

"How did this wormhole appear? Damn it, it's a fleet, and it's coming with bad intentions!" Mastrov spoke with a northeastern accent that smelled like Dalian oysters. Chinese has been the official language of the Star Alliance for more than 20 years. People in their 50s and 60s like Trove have also mastered Chinese through the deep sleep learning system. Many people may even have an accent due to their learning methods.

At this time, Mastrov did not even have the courage to take the initiative to fight. Instead, he ordered his communications department: "Hurry up and contact the 91st Army and the 131st Army to see what instructions the head of state has."

This army commander who was born in Ukraine has little ability. He became the army commander mainly because of his loyalty and lack of moral integrity. The Star Alliance army has expanded to the point where it is now, with more than a hundred legions of Star Alliance citizens requiring more than a hundred legion commanders. Xiao Yu promoted some military talents from other administrative planets, but legion commanders who were born on Earth still accounted for more than 60% of the total number of legion commanders.

Before the Führer could respond, Mastrov's eyes were already straight.

The huge wormhole was like an endlessly filled bag, constantly spitting out battleships. By this time, there were already about tens of thousands of battleships, and there was still no sign of stopping.

"What the hell is this?" Mastrov was really panicked because of the location of the earth. Fleets from the outside cannot enter the Danlu Interstellar Cloud, so the defense within the Danlu Interstellar Cloud is relatively easy. But in terms of density, it can be considered relatively dense.

The Star Alliance spans the Lower Orion Arm and occupies seven large star regions. It is a material void region and the number of celestial bodies is relatively small. In some star regions and star fields with more important strategic locations, the Star Alliance has deployed more legions there, while in some relatively safe places, there is even only one fleet under the legion stationed there.

Earth has the status of a capital star, so its natural defense cannot be ignored, even though this may actually be the safest area in the Star Alliance.

However, the safest place was actually breached by tens of thousands of unknown battleships!

"The Star Alliance has always used numbers to crush others. Why is it the other way around today?" Mastrov panicked. Behind him was the Earth, the most important planet in the Star Alliance. Although the Star Alliance occupied habitable planets one after another and spread its branches, the importance of Earth has never diminished.

Next to him, Mastrov's deputy commander, Sulu, who was also from the Cuihaixing Star, shook his head and said: "Before our head of state, almost every battle the Star Alliance fought was to win with less. "

Mastrov's face changed suddenly and he reprimanded in a low voice: "Sulu, you think you have lived too long, don't you? If you want to die, don't drag me with you. If the head of state knows that you say these things, your family will Will be implicated."

Sulu has always been at odds with Mastrov. Although he is an officer who joined the army after the purge of the Space Army, Cui Haixing has always not recognized the current head of state highly.

"There is no need for the head of state to deal with me. Looking at the omen today, can we still survive?"

Mastrov's face turned pale. He shook his body and said, "We can only fight. I just hope that our reinforcements will arrive soon."

Sulu said unexpectedly: "Why hasn't the order from the Privy Council come yet? Is the head of state also stunned?"

Mastrov scolded: "You guy, stop talking about seeking death!"

Xiao Yu really did not bother to give orders to the Thirty-Seventh Legion and the two legions affiliated with the Jinwu Army, because at this time, he had already connected to the communication of the fleet that suddenly emerged from the wormhole.

"Bai Zhongqi, I know it's you!" Xiao Yu's tone didn't sound too fluctuating.

Bai Zhongqi was silent for a long time and said, "Today is your death day."

There is no video, no influence, only the dull voices of two men. But the voices of these two men determine the life and death of hundreds of millions of people, and the rise and fall of a civilization.

"Are you so sure I'm on Earth?"

Bai Zhongqi smiled: "So what if you're not here? Even if we fight planet by planet, even if you escape from the Lower Orion Arm, I will make you pay your debt."

When facing the person he hated so much, Bai Zhongqi found that he had no extra anger or lack of self-control. The more he is at this moment, the more rational he becomes. Xiao Yu is a dangerous enemy. He cannot underestimate his enemy or overestimate his opponent. Only rationality and caution can make his revenge successful.

Xiao Yu also smiled and said softly: "Bai Zhongqi, I am the head of the Star Alliance, and the supreme command is also in my head. Even if you are so lucky that you borrowed soldiers from nowhere and raided the earth to find me. trouble, but do you think you can really defeat me?"

"At least on Earth, you lose."

Xiao Yu laughed sarcastically: "Hahahaha, that's really ridiculous. Yes, you have ten thousand battleships, all in good condition. But are you really willing to fight here, and aren't you afraid of smashing the earth to pieces?"

Bai Zhongqi said simply and honestly: "I'm afraid of hurting the earth and I stopped. It turns out that in your heart, I am so cowardly."

"No, no, no, you understood it wrong," Xiao Yu did not smile, but there was a cold smile in his tone, "It is not to hurt the earth, you can hit you, but I have placed enough in the earth's core mantle A weapon that will blow the earth into an atomic state. What if you defeat my army? This is your home planet, not mine. I will destroy it at will. As long as it makes you uncomfortable, I will be happy to do it. ."

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