Guide to Galactic Dominance

Chapter 582 Two questions

There is darkness all around. Perhaps it is not appropriate to ride in the darkness, because there is no existence in the void and there is no light.

Bai Zhongqi stood in the void, looking left and right, watching a green train in the distance making a clanking sound as it slowly stopped in front of him.

The train door opened, and a face that looked exactly like his stuck out, made a smile at Bai Zhongqi, and said, "Newcomer, are you going to the senior citizen activity room?"

Bai Zhongqi glanced at the situation inside the train carriage. There were five or six people sitting in the empty car, all of them were "Bai Zhongqi". These people were dressed in different clothes, some were in suits and leather shoes, some were in beach pants, floral shirts and flip-flops, and there was a He was even dressed as a Thai waiter, with a small red dot on his forehead, "Smoke looks charming".

"Ah, yes." Bai Zhongqi replied.

The guy above smiled and got out of the way, letting Bai Zhongqi come up without saying a word.

Bai Zhongqi looked at the people in the car and still felt confused. But he originally wanted to get more information. After all, as an elder of the race, he was new and didn't understand many things.

Bai Zhongqi chose a colleague who he thought might be easier to talk to, and sat in front of him to say hello. But as soon as he opened his mouth, he found that his eyes were blurred, and there was no one in front of him.

He looked back and saw that the guy was sitting further away, reading the newspaper intently.

Bai Zhongchu curled his lips, feeling that these "Bai Zhongchu" were really troublesome.

He tried many times, but found that no one in the car had any desire to talk to him, so he could only sit there bored.

The train didn't know how long it took to travel, because time did not exist in the void, but it felt like a teasing thing. Although Bai Zhongqi felt that a long time or a short time had passed, in fact, nothing had passed.

This time when he came to the elderly activity room, Bai Zhongqi was able to see the appearance of the place. It seems like this is a floating island in the void, but the floating island is more like an ordinary city. It has a strong retro style, like New York in the early 20th century, but the architectural style is more unique. The tallest building in the middle is about more than 100 meters tall. Some of the walls are peeling off, but it looks rather grand.

"Let's go." The "Bai Zhongqi" at the beginning smiled at Bai Zhongqi again.

As soon as Bai Zhongqi got out of the car, he found that it was raining. People walking on the street all had the same face as him. Many of them were wearing classic long windbreakers similar to Burberry, wearing gentleman's hats, and holding a handle in their hands. Big black umbrella.

Bai Zhongqi was dressed casually, wearing a loose linen shirt, which was a little cool in the breeze.

He glanced and saw an umbrella tube next to the car door, took an umbrella and walked out of the car. Looking back, I found that the green train had turned into a yellow tram and drove away with a jingling sound.

Groups of "Bai Zhongqi" poured into the tallest building, which was the elderly activity room of the elder race.

Interestingly, the hall he visited last time was actually on the first floor.

This time, there were not as many people in the conference hall as last time, but the quarrel was not weak at all.

Bai Zhongqi didn't have any acquaintances here. He was like a new student who had just started school. He was sitting about a hundred rows away, feeling a little nervous.

Finally, this time, a person sitting next to him got a little chatty and said to him with a sigh: "You must be the new guy. I originally thought that our elder race would definitely become more prosperous. Unexpectedly, during this period, Seven elders of the race have died one after another, which makes our elderly activity room very worried."

The elder race is immortal, but not immortal.

Bai Zhongqi was slightly surprised and asked, "What happened?"

"Bai Zhongqi" with a mustache said: "Two of them probably killed themselves because they were tired of living, and the remaining one was acting blindly in his own universe, as if he was killed during a war. . This is considered a normal death, but the remaining four are different. The existence of these four has been erased. "

Bai Zhongqi asked in surprise: "Can the elder race be erased from existence?"

Mustache shook his head: "No, that's why it's strange. People with conspiracy theories are suspecting that there are some special forces targeting us. After all, it's not uncommon for those backward intelligent races to covet the unique abilities of the elder races and then murder us, but There were very few successes. Four people were killed this time, and many guys who felt that they had not lived enough were probably anxious."

Mustache patted the shocked Bai Zhongqi on the shoulder and said: "Newcomer, don't worry. You haven't settled your own affairs yet, so it's not your turn to worry about other old guys. I know you What is the purpose of coming to the senior citizen activity room this time? It is to solve the problem that your home planet is facing destruction and to reopen your connected universe."

Bai Zhongbao shrank his neck and said, "Why do I feel that I have no privacy at all?"

Mustache laughed loudly and said: "Normally, your fate is still knotted and tightly bound by the law of cause and effect. It is too easy to see what happens to you."

Bai Zhongqi didn't dwell on this matter, and humbly asked for advice: "Then how to solve the two problems I am facing now."

Mustache said: "Let's talk about the complicated ones first. If you want to reopen the universe connected to you, you have to go your own way and settle the matter completely. Of course, I think based on the situation you are facing now, it is estimated that reopening the connection The universe is very important to you, so let me recommend you a trick. Didn’t you build a pyramid on Mars before? "

"It seems that there is such a thing." Bai Zhongqi himself had almost forgotten it.

"That thing was left behind by a powerful person from one of the first races of elders who has long since failed. Its essence is to manage an interface that connects the universe, but I'm afraid you can't use your little skills now. Want to It's not impossible to use it. You have to collect twelve destiny artifacts and recreate your twelve destiny knights. These destiny artifacts can't be the things made by the elder race like you before. They must be the ones who left behind Made by the great power of the Babel Pyramid. Oh, actually you have received two now."

Bai Zhongqi was not a fool. He immediately realized what it was: "You mean the Twelve Divine Weapons?"

"Yes, that one left twelve divine weapon mechas in your universe. Basically, each of them is a foul thing, but these things are also life-threatening objects tightly entangled by the law of cause and effect. If there are no elders, Due to racial suppression, people or civilizations that master the Twelve Divine Weapons can easily flourish and decline. One of the reasons why the ancient universe declined during the second prosperity of civilization is that several powerful civilizations mastered the Twelve Divine Weapons. One of them started attacking each other, and eventually everyone was done."

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