Through the human public network, the Iridium people collected almost all the information they needed. What's more convenient is that the Iridium language is almost identical to the language called Chinese on this planet. Except for some minor differences in usage and colloquialisms, the rest are surprisingly similar. The similarities in pronunciation and usage between Iridium Standard Language and Mandarin Chinese are even smaller than the differences between the two local dialects in China. The computing cores carried on United Empire battleships are extremely capable of processing massive amounts of big data, and AI is also extremely effective in systematic management of information. This allowed Xu Lanzhou and other fleet executives on the Sacred Falcon to basically grasp the specific situation on the earth within ten hours after the Dragonfly drone was deployed.

"The same language and characters, and even similar allusions, this kind of thing can't be a coincidence." Nan Ma marveled, seeming to be full of interest in this trip.

Because of this incident, everyone in the fleet diluted a little of the confusion of being suddenly lost in the parallel universe. Xu Lanzhou even became more emotional. Her beautiful eyebrows were raised, and she said in a tone that tried to be serious but not without excitement: " This must be the Führer guiding us."

Naturally, none of the committee members bought into the captain's speech. Only Nanma, who never seemed to know what he was actually thinking, laughed along.

All fleet members are sitting on magnetic levitation chairs in front of the long conference table. This lightweight chair has no chair legs and floats naturally and stably in the room. The user can pull it to sit anywhere at will. You can pull the magnetic levitation chair up and down to adjust the height. Iridium culture has a special preference for a simple, lively and practical aesthetic style. Especially in places like the Exploration Fleet, the conference table is made of molecular composite materials, with various functional modules added. There are no soft cushions for things like magnetic levitation chairs. The materials can be moderately adjusted according to the natural pressure of the human body and will not be particularly soft or hard. Naturally, at the normal temperature inside the ship, all the appliances are suitable for touch.

The administrator Du Peng held a transparent glass-like information board (equivalent to a tablet computer), looked at some of the information he had now, and put forward his own opinion: "This planet with an extremely limited degree of civilization is rich in resources and has not been affected by foreign civilization. Infestation can develop to the point where the population of the main intelligent race exceeds 7 billion, which is something we have never seen before. However, this also brings us challenges. The manpower of our R19 exploration fleet is relatively limited, although we have the ability to produce a large number of products in a short time. The capabilities of AI robots, but never in the history of the empire has it been possible to digest a planet with a population of more than seven billion as part of the empire with such a small force."

Xu Lanzhou said: "The country called China has the same language and writing as us. If we can absorb this power for our own use, it will become feasible to rule this planet."

As an administrator, Du Peng has a relatively large say in similar issues. He still shook his head insistently and said: "Even if they speak the same language, we are not sure that this ethnic group will obey our orders."

Xu Lanzhou clenched his fists and said with a passionate look on his face: "Then show our power and let them succumb to our power. If not, then we will bring destruction to them!"

All the committee members present here couldn't help but shake their heads. The fleet commander's military talent and ability may be rare in the military, but in terms of political and administrative management methods, he is far from qualified. Everyone believes that destroying the earth is just a matter of maneuvering for the R19 fleet. However, the Iridium people are good at fighting but not that warlike. No committee member thinks that it is a big deal to destroy a planet casually and kill hundreds of millions of lives. Proper thing.

Of course, there is also a more fundamental reason, that is, the fleet committee members are actually not very interested in colonizing this planet, at least not as enthusiastic as Xu Lanzhou showed. Maybe in the Lost Parallel Universe, the fleet members do need a safe and stable home, but they don't think it has to be the Earth. The situation on the Earth is actually not ideal for them. It is an actual over-exploited planet, and almost all of them are not suitable. The inhabited areas are all occupied by humans. Even for the Iridium people, dealing with aboriginal affairs is a very troublesome matter. If they want to settle down, they must first carry out a wave of militarized violent demolitions. This is not impossible, but it is just troublesome. If possible, they would prefer to settle on a livable planet that is as clean as a piece of paper, rather than laboriously demolishing it and then building an administrative star.

Du Peng could understand the thoughts of the committee members. He put forward his own plan on behalf of almost everyone: "Referring to the past colonial experience of the United Empire, purchasing land from the indigenous people or reaching a certain lease agreement are more feasible options. Arbitrarily Launching a military operation is not appropriate even for a civilization with limited technological capabilities. Moreover, there are many secrets on this planet, and there may be connections with Iridium, which may even help us unlock this time travel. The reasons. I suggest that we act cautiously and first conduct a comprehensive investigation of the earth, moderate exploration, and preliminary contact. This is what we need to do now."

The logical plan made all the committee members nod. Xu Lanzhou also agreed with Du Peng's view. In fact, like the committee members and members of the entire fleet present, Xu Lanzhou was confused and even scared at the moment, but she could not show it, as it would damage her leadership and the stability of the fleet's morale. So Xu Lanzhou was sure of one thing and hoped to implement it. The mission of the R19 exploration fleet is to explore new star fields and conduct small-scale colonization, so Xu Lanzhou wants to do this and unite everyone with one order.

However, unlike most fleets, there are not only soldiers in the R19 exploration fleet, and not everyone is interested in military orders. Therefore, the fleet members did not want to implement the orders they received before crossing, let alone blindly carry out military conflicts and killings because of this order.

We are all normal people, and no one would use killing to calm themselves down.

Xu Lanzhou also calmed down a little and figured out the matter. She is not a willful person and can listen to correct opinions, so she asked: "So, how to do it specifically?"

Du Peng had a calm face. He had always been steady, so he was trusted by people. He said: "We need to send more reconnaissance forces and compile more intelligence. If necessary, we can send personnel to land for on-site investigation. According to our understanding, at this stage, several major countries on the earth have already noticed the existence of our main fleet. There is nothing we can do about it. We have nothing to hide. Therefore, before official contact is made, as you said, Commander Said, we also need to show our strength. The head of state said, 'Strong and gentle people are the most convincing.' Intelligence shows that the most powerful military country on earth is the United States of America. We can slightly test it and show the United Empire. wrist."

This is an extremely smart guy. He not only guided the fleet policy in the direction he wanted, but also deliberately catered to the wishes of the fleet commander who was prone to force. This will neither hinder the fleet's operations, nor affect the young fleet commander's feelings towards him, or even increase his defensiveness.

Sure enough, Xu Lanzhou made the final decision: "A very pertinent suggestion. Immediately order the InSight's reconnaissance team to be doubled, and send a Banshee fighter jet to conduct a deterrent cruise in this prosperous area of ​​the United States of America in a visible manner." Small-scale engagements are allowed if necessary. The intelligence obtained from reconnaissance is not intuitive. We need to test the extent of the world's largest military power."

No one objected to this order. The Iridium people didn't like killing for no reason, but they were not afraid to show off their force. For the Iridium people, it was commonplace to show off their strength.

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