Guide to Galactic Dominance

Chapter 599 A melee of 170,000 warships (7)

Bai Zhongqi himself is not very sure what level of battleship the Silver Fleet is. These silver battleships are relatively uniform in shape. The largest number are cruiser-sized spaceships. There are no frigates and destroyers, but there are a few battleship-sized ships.

This fleet is basically the only one Bai Zhongqi has ever seen in terms of firepower, defense and even interstellar navigation capabilities. The Queen of Blades, which he built using the fusion of a large number of extraordinary technologies, is actually similar to these silver battleships in terms of combat power.

When a certain number of silver battleships are put into the battlefield, these battleships naturally become harvesters on the battlefield, constantly destroying enemy spacecraft.

If just now the Insect Fleet was still in a situation of being undefeated and even slightly at a disadvantage, then the Silver Fleet entered the scene and once again pulled the entire battle towards Bai Zhongqi's side.

Su Shuang didn't like the current situation very much. He hijacked Xiao Yu and forced this encounter out of absolute confidence in victory. But in fact, Bai Zhongzhen is the one who holds the initiative. He can fight this battle whenever he wants or run away if he doesn't want to fight. Su Shuang has nothing to do about it.

Even though he didn't want to admit it in his heart, Su Shuang had lowered the goal of this battle to consume enough insect swarm warships and change the overall situation in order to solve the problem in the future.

Chi Jia was meticulous and stood at the front of the bridge, looking at the enemy formations with rising flames through the portholes. In this fleet, Chi Jia's position was awkward because he opposed Bai Zhongqi's return and tried to gain power. However, the Divine Weapon of Destiny chose him to become the Hidden Edge Knight.

For a person like him, he would not shed tears of gratitude towards Bai Zhongqi and wish he could die in retribution. Chi Jia is rational, has his own ambitions, and will not be swayed by emotions. It was the same reason that made him become the commander of the silver fleet. Even if he knew that the fleet was not controlled by something similar to a supreme order, he would not control the military power and attempt to become a truly powerful warlord.

He is different from Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu only has the position of head of state in his eyes and is unwilling to be inferior to others. But Chi Jia has no such obsession. If he can live better, even if he is inferior to others, it doesn't matter.

The Silver Fleet is the "private army" of the elder race. Without the control of the supreme command, Bai Zhongqi naturally has a backdoor. The silver fleet is actually the golden sailing ship serving as an escort force, so as long as he uses the golden sailing ship to issue a recovery order, no matter what the fleet was doing before, it will be taken back to the golden sailing ship.

Chi Jia did not have any stage fright when facing powerful enemies and combat environments that he had never faced before. Some people are born for the battlefield. He arranged his troops without any panic. The entire silver fleet did not rush fiercely like a swarm of insects, but formed an output formation like a battleship line of sailing battleships in the 18th century.

Of course, this formation is not a linear array, but an alternately combined planar shooting array.

Su Shuang's rearguard fleet and reserve fleet had already adjusted to the outer city and began to fire fiercely at the Silver Fleet. However, the Silver Fleet did not waver at all and still maintained this output formation well. The blazing cannon continued to fire at the enemy, and other naval guns within the range also continued to fire to collect the results.

Chi Jia constantly made the Silver Fleet maneuver forward, left, and right according to the density of enemy firepower. The maneuver also allowed him to constantly lock on those enemy ships with low shields and defenses in the enemy's formation, and then hit the fleet's firepower to knock them out. sunk.

Suokexiao finally frowned and said, "This enemy is more difficult to deal with than we thought."

Su Shuang said: "Such a level must be a battleship above level 30. At least the cruisers of our Seven Phoenix Civilization cannot reach this level."

Suokxiao nodded: "We Polkay can't do it either."

Listening to the conversation between the two, Xiao Yu could not help but feel jealous, and at the same time, fear made him unable to control himself, "Bai Zhongqi, you even have a battleship above level 30, why do all the good things happen to you?"

Xiao Yu couldn't help but worry, because Su Shuang had dispatched more than a thousand ships to besiege the silver fleet, but the firepower of more than a thousand ships only lightly shook the shield of the silver battleship. This shows that this The attack cannot really damage the Silver Fleet. But the Silver Fleet steadily used four to six blazing cannons to take away one of their warships.

Only Bai Zhongqi knew that the Silver Fleet was not immune to being sunk. If he throws the Silver Fleet out from the beginning and allows it to be attacked by tens of thousands of enemy ships, then although the Silver Fleet will achieve great results, it is likely to be crippled.

Bai Zhongqi specially kept the Silver Fleet in his hands as a chess piece to turn the tide of the battle. The purpose of using it at this time was only to complete his combat goals, not to use it as the main attack force. The Silver Fleet was unlikely to suffer too many attacks. The enemy's siege will naturally not cause any real losses.

When the attention of Su Shuang and others was inevitably attracted by the powerful silver fleet, the insect fleet led by Bai Zhongqi had gradually opened up the situation, breaking through the defense lines of two consecutive parliamentary coalition fleets, and was far away from where Su Shuang was. This formation is not far away.

Despite this, Bai Zhongqi still paid the price of as many as 4,000 battleships in a short period of time in order to kill him.

After all, the level 30 or above warships of the parliamentary coalition should not be underestimated.

At this time, Ling suddenly laughed and said to Xu Lanzhou beside him: "I guess what the head of state is planning to do, but if you want to get to the center of the enemy's formation, wouldn't it be enough to use a wormhole to jump over?"

Bai Zhongqi replied: "No, wormhole travel can only be done in a relatively open space. In an area with such a dense enemy formation, using a wormhole may lead to calculation errors and I don't know where it will be sent. I don't want to teleport either. To an empty position, then when I play the next card, the effect will not be good."

Zero smiled and said: "So, at the beginning, we violently attacked the Star Alliance fleet, immediately blocked the battlefield after its formation separated, challenged the parliamentary coalition fleet, attracted its attention, and then released the powerful silver fleet from behind to continue. To attract their attention, is it all for you to play that card in the end? This chain of calculations is really amazing, and did you come up with it all in such a short period of time? "

"Actually, I have already made a similar battle plan. Even if the battlefield does not go according to this situation, I still have a backup plan. After all, it is not easy for Xiao Yu to be on the battlefield in person, and there are Su Shuang's two magic weapons. If we don’t hold them back, we won’t be able to get a complete victory.”

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