Guide to Galactic Dominance

Chapter 604 The exile who lives under someone else’s roof

More than thirty warships, each with their own injuries, slowly docked at the spaceport in the orbit of the planet. After the warships anchored at the spaceport, the crew members on board gradually stepped down from them.

The middle-aged officer with a Chinese-style face saluted a handsome but tall young man and praised him: "Captain."

The young general returned the greeting to the middle-aged man.

"This battle will not be easy." The middle-aged man sighed.

The handsome governor had a sarcastic look on his face and said: "When have they ever let us fight an easy battle? They only recruit us when they are afraid they won't win or want cannon fodder. It's just that our Silver Ling Army Every time, we are able to turn danger into safety and achieve results. I wonder which civilization in the entire Xihuo Star Region does not know that Zalan Civilization is the most capable of fighting with our Silver Ling Army."

The middle-aged officer shook his head and said to the young Commander-in-Chief of the Silver Ling Army: "Sir, we have prepared a triumphal banquet for the soldiers on the expedition in Zunshengxing. Please lead everyone to attend."

The young governor looked at the soldiers who were filing off the battleship. Everyone looked solemn. There was no joy of returning home, and no sadness.

"Triumph? It should be changed to comforting the souls. We have lost a lot of companions. They died for a group of aliens who despised us, not for our head of state."

The middle-aged man sighed and said: "At least, their efforts and sacrifices have ensured that our Silver Ling Army can continue to survive on the Saint Star."

The governor looked at the blue-purple planet from the spaceport, as bright as a gem. He said: "It's okay not to mention living under someone else's roof and living an ignoble existence."

He looked at the middle-aged officer and asked: "As soon as our fleet left, those vassal people were making trouble again? Are there any casualties?"

"In the incident, the rebels were killed and injured more than 2,000 people, but there were no injuries to our military households."

The governor's eyes were cold and he said: "It seems that our policies are still too friendly to them. They have forgotten the terror that the Silver Ling Army brought to their ancestors when they first came to this planet; the same goes for I forgot that it was the Silver Wing Army that turned them from a group of primitive people who killed each other into members of the current interstellar civilization."

The middle-aged officer said: "Human beings are like this. It is easy to remember other people's complaints, but it is easy to forget other people's kindness."

"The Zalan civilization played a role in this series of rebellions, right? These brainless things, on the one hand, rely on our military power, on the other hand, they are afraid of us and constantly cause trouble for us."

The middle-aged officer smiled and said: "If the Zalan people had no checks and balances, they would not be the masters of this large star region, and our Silver Ling Army would have overthrown them long ago and taken over everything they owned."

Riding on the transportation spacecraft, Qi Xiao, the commander-in-chief of the Yin Ling Army, and Zuo Pu She Zhu Xie of the Yin Ling Army returned to the Zunsheng Star, which is also the base of the Yin Ling Army in this universe.

Looking at the slightly gray atmosphere, Qi Xiao sighed: "More than nine hundred years ago, our ancestors worked hard for the Zalan people in exchange for the fiefs given to us by the Zalan people. However, in the royal court of Zalan, the Among all the princes, the planet obtained by our Silver Ling Army has the worst conditions. The sea water here is poisonous, and various dangerous creatures live there. It is even impossible to colonize it. Our ancestors rely on The captive population plundered from the war used the women of other primates to continue the bloodline of our Silver Ling Army, and renamed this planet the Zunsheng Star. We hope that one day, we can return to the second universe, eliminate the usurper Xiao Yu, and Welcoming our leader."

He sighed quietly: "However, the Zalan Royal Court has never relaxed its vigilance against us. Once we accumulate a large amount of military power, they will recruit the Silver Ling Army to fight. If we disobey, just like six hundred years ago, They summoned armies from other princes to force us. In such an environment, it becomes increasingly difficult for us to become stronger, and the level of civilization has not risen a step in thousands of years. I know that the reason why the army elected me as the new governor is because I am young. , full of vigor, and want to break the already sluggish atmosphere of the Silver Wing Army. But how many people still believe that we can really achieve our goal? "

Zhu Xie looked at the young governor who was under great pressure and said: "These are not your fault. The Yinling Army has sacrificed too much to survive. However, surviving has also weakened our will. These are unacceptable But at least, for five thousand years, no matter what kind of adversity our Silver Ling Army is in, we always remember where we come from, and always know who we are loyal to. Even if we are under the protection of others, these have not changed."

Qi Xiao suddenly asked: "Zuopushe, do you think the head of state will suddenly appear one day and pick us up?"

Zhu Xie was a little dazed, but Qi Xiao shook his head and said with a wry smile: "Such an idea is so naive."

Although Zunshengxing is not a remote place, it is definitely not a particularly suitable environment for human survival. All food production on this planet depends on the food farms run by the Silver Ling Army, and the wild soil on this planet cannot grow anything edible for humans.

Zunshengxing is quite big, twice as big as Earth, with a population of 3.8 billion. Almost everyone here lives in cities. The population of Yinling Army military households is more than 40 million, accounting for only a little more than 1% of the total population. All people on this planet are later immigrants. Except for the military, the other populations are the war-plundered populations brought by the Silver Ling Army more than 900 years ago. They come from more than a dozen different civilizations, although they are all primates. clan, but the genetic gap is relatively large. Now they are collectively called vassals. In fact, the modern Silver Ling Army itself is also the offspring of thousands of Silver Ling Army members (mostly men) who originally escaped from the second universe and married and gave birth to vassal women. After nearly a thousand years of intermarriage and breeding, the Silver Ling Army is now very different in appearance from the original Silver Ling Army.

The social status of Yin Ling Army military households in Zun Sheng Star is similar to that of samurai and knights in the feudal era. All middle and high-level government officials are held by Yin Ling Army, and the army is entirely composed of children of military households. Although ordinary vassals enjoyed a good life, they had little political status.

Here, the Yin Ling Army and the vassal people are completely different entities. Countless women from the vassal tribe want to marry military households and escape from their "low status", while countless vassal tribes secretly hate the Yin Ling Army for controlling almost all power resources. , believing that the Silver Ling Army oppressed and exploited them.

Just when Governor Qi Xiao came to Chenglong City, the largest city in Zunshengxing, to attend the triumphal dinner, the largest city was crowded with millions of vassal demonstrators, and banners were displayed in the largest city square: Abolition of the Silver Ling Military Household System , the power to honor the Holy Star belongs to all the people.

What alarmed Qi Xiao was that the representative of Zalan Civilization’s Holy Star also appeared at the gathering.

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