Guide to Galactic Dominance

Chapter 622 Snow Dragon Crisis

The Snow Dragon Galaxy in the third universe is similar to the Milky Way in the first universe in many ways. Although the structures of the star systems are different, they are both galaxies with relatively thin material. The distance between planets is far, which has given rise to the development of many nascent civilizations. brought difficulties.

A medium-sized civilization such as the Zalan Civilization is a small person in the second universe, but in the Snow Dragon Galaxy of the third universe, it is a powerful civilization that spans several star regions. However, because of the long distance between the colonial planets, the Zalan civilization was maintained by a relatively loose feudal system. The scope of direct control of the Royal Court is not large, but more of a sub-civilization that follows orders like the Silver Ling Army.

Other surrounding civilizations are generally similar to the Zalan Civilization. The large civilizations basically have a tacit understanding and sphere of influence, and do not invade each other. Because the Snow Dragon Galaxy is very empty, everyone can continue to expand without harming the harmony. territory, and rashly launching a war would be of no benefit.

Bai Zhongqi successively took away all the territorial planets of the original Zalan civilization and put them into the virtual universe for transformation. The results can be seen in a month or two faster (the time flow rate of the virtual universe is multiplied by 10). He also took out a planet stored in a golden sailboat as his base of operations in the third universe.

In order to serve the expedition fleet well, ordinary civilizations will build huge base ships or fully functional Titan ships. Such warships will also have a large number of entertainment and leisure facilities to maintain the combat effectiveness of the soldiers. For Bai Zhongqi, these are completely unnecessary. He can directly use the planet as a resting place for the fleet officers and soldiers.

The temporary settlement called Noye Star is basically a blank planet. There seem to be some traces of a city here. Civilizations once lived here, but when Bai Zhongqi unsealed it, there was no one here. The city's technological level is not very high, it has just entered the level of medium civilization, and there are no aerospace facilities. Bai Zhongqi settled here while doing some construction on the planet.

At this time, Bai Yi knight Qi Xiao, who served as Bai Zhongqi's scout, also came into contact with a local civilization six thousand light years away from here.

The Ancient Steel Civilization is a strange race whose body is rich in metal elements and can even produce decks. Individuals are often relatively large, as big as two primates, and are exceptionally strong. But in fact, their temperaments are relatively gentle and not aggressive.

After Barbaro, the diplomat of the Ganggu Civilization, saw Qi Xiao, he still showed great surprise: "You are the Silver Ling Army of the Zalan Civilization, right? I didn't expect that there are still survivors in the Zalan Civilization. To you, I would like to express my deep sympathy and condolences for what happened.”

Qi Xiao looked at this ancient steel man with six pieces of iron armor on his face, but he didn't have any dislike for him. Qi Xiao shook his head at him and said: "Your Excellency, the diplomat, knows about our Silver Ling Army, so he should understand that we and Zha The relationship between the Lan people is actually not a master-slave relationship. We only serve our Iridium head of state as the master. Before the incident on Zalan, we had parted ways with the Zalan people and returned to the Iridium head of state. Therefore, Zalan We also know nothing about what happened to civilization.”

Barbaro was even more strange: "Have you actually found your head of state? Well, since the Zalan civilization no longer exists, I would also like to express my congratulations to you in my personal capacity. You are very lucky. Go It’s the right time, if it’s a little later, I’m afraid the fate of the Zalan people will be the same.”

Qi Xiao asked: "What happened?"

"It is a terrifying invader. In fact, this invader has not existed for a day or two, but it was not very active at the beginning, and it was not mainly active in our large star region. However, this civilization has accumulated a lot of After years of strength, they seem to have embarked on the road of conquest. In more than thirty years, they have defeated many civilizations one after another. This time they found a wormhole tunnel leading to our large star region, so they crossed over directly. Zha The Lan people were really unlucky, they were directly attacked and wiped out by them. Within half a year, they defeated three civilizations in succession. All civilizations had no survivors, and the planet was rendered uninhabitable by their bombing."

Qi Xiao frowned and asked, "Doesn't this civilization have a name?"

Barbaro said: "Snail Mosquito Civilization seems to have such a name. But we don't know exactly what race it is or what technology it has."

Qi Xiao was shocked and secretly shouted that it was true.

At this time, Barbaro said earnestly to Qi Xiao: "Your Excellency, everyone knows that the Silver Ling Army is good at fighting in the Snow Dragon Galaxy. This time the Snail Mosquito civilization threatens all civilizations in our entire galaxy. It is said that they have been conducting exploration for hundreds of years. After understanding the context of the wormhole tunnels in the Snow Dragon Galaxy, we can raid any major civilization in the galaxy. In the past, everyone worked independently and even had grudges against each other, but now if we don't unite, we may be eaten by this terrible enemy. "

Qi Xiao could see the eagerness on Barbaro's face and asked, "What? Have they already attacked your Ganggu Civilization?"

"Not yet, but it is said that they are gathering strength, and I am afraid that several civilizations, including ours, will follow. Now all the worried civilizations in the Snow Dragon Galaxy are getting in touch and preparing to form an alliance to quell this disaster in one fell swoop. The Silver Ling Army also hopes to continue to develop in the Snow Dragon Galaxy, and we would like to invite you to join the Alliance Army, at least with more people, we will be stronger."

"I'm sorry, I personally am willing to assist you, but our Silver Ling Army has returned to the banner of the Iridium United Empire. It is our great Iridium Head of State who decides whether to participate in this military alliance. I will report the situation here. For His Majesty."

Barbaro became a little curious when he heard this. The Silver Ling Army has been the dominant military force of the Zalan Civilization in recent years, and it can be regarded as the key to the success of the Zalan Civilization. The Silver Ling Army has always been inseparable from Zalan Civilization, saying that they have someone they are truly loyal to. Now they seem to have found their own leader, so this leader's Iridium United Empire must also be a very powerful civilization.

Barbaro is now facing the dangerous situation that his civilization will be wiped out, and he is eager to unite all the forces that can be united. When he sees that there may be a chance, Barbaro immediately proposes that he hopes to meet the head of the Iridium star and pay homage to him. He asked soldiers for help.

Qi Xiao also took advantage of the situation and asked Barbaro to prepare all the intelligence materials about the Snail Mosquito civilization and take them with him to Noye Star.

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