Guide to Galactic Dominance

Chapter 666 New Galaxy

There are actually not too many United Empire planets that require Bai Zhongqi to use celestial thrusters to rescue, because although the first universe, the Milky Way, has a diameter of 120,000 light-years, the material is relatively thin, and the vast planets of the Iridium United Empire are far apart. .

Bai Zhongqi has been very busy these days. He is constantly arranging for Iridium to deal with various situations. Now he is checking the Strategic Astronomy Bureau's predictions about the movement and changes of the Milky Way in the First Universe.

"So, it is possible that a star system will eventually be shrunk into a large star region?" Bai Zhongqi held the information tablet, a little unbelievable.

Lin Yin nodded very seriously and said: "The new universe is actually a star system, which will be larger than any original galaxy. The Milky Way in the first universe has had an obvious 'downsizing' trend these days, and is now From a huge bar spiral system to a spiral arm. After the new universe is completely stabilized, we judge that the Milky Way in the first universe will become the second largest spiral arm in the new galaxy."

Lin Yin pointed to the situation in the holographic star map and continued: "The situation in the Milky Way in the second universe may be even worse, because the second universe is the one with the most matter and the greatest interaction force among the three star systems. Therefore, In order to form a new celestial system, basically the entire galaxy of the second universe began to tear apart and reorganize. All the original spiral arms will be rearranged, and even many planets will be directly destroyed in the process of forming this galaxy. It may not have been the same at first. Two neighboring civilizations are now adjacent. A civilization that might have been in the same star field has been taken to two new areas tens of thousands of light years apart."

Bai Zhongqi said with emotion: "From this point of view, our Iridium United Empire is relatively lucky. At least our empire still maintains a high degree of unity, but the territorial map has undergone some changes."

Lin Yin also talked about the Snow Dragon Galaxy in the third universe: "The Snow Dragon Galaxy is about the same as the second universe. Originally, they had a chance to form a complete celestial system structure like the First Galaxy, but they were affected by the Second Galaxy in the middle. The effect in the middle space finally caused a rupture, causing the third universe to be torn into two parts, one part joined the New Southern Cross Arm, and the other part joined the New Sagittarius Arm.”

As a general of the Imperial Army, Xu Lanzhou raised a question within his professional scope at this time: "The Snow Dragon Galaxy is being torn apart. This is not a good thing for the United Empire. Originally, His Majesty had gradually formed an opposition to the Snail Mosquito civilization by defeating it. However, once these civilizations fall to the powerful civilizations of the former High Council of the Second Galaxy, they will inevitably abandon the United Empire and become vassals of the giants."

Bai Zhongqi said helplessly: "There is no way around this. These civilizations now only have a verbal subordinate relationship with us. We have insufficient control over them. There is even a galaxy merger event. It is even less likely that they will continue to be subordinate to Iridium. . Forget about these civilizations, but the fleet we left behind on Noye Star is something that the United Empire must not abandon. Any civilization that attempts to threaten our existence there will become the enemy of the United Empire."

In the following meeting, Bai Zhongqi discussed and arranged with his knights and important officials the placement of XJ and the planets within the United Empire.

The natural environment of almost all planets has been very negatively affected by the presence of more planets and even the influence of more stars. However, after all, Iridium is already a powerful advanced civilization that is striding towards level 30 civilization, and Bai Zhongqi brings various advanced technologies of the elder race, so it is not impossible to deal with these dangerous situations.

In view of the situation where some planets are overly illuminated by a large number of stars, the Iridium people not only arranged for some planets to be displaced away from the stars, but also completely blocked some "excess" planets with light-shielding Dyson sphere devices.

The main energy technology of Iridium is the antimatter route. Dyson spheres are low cost-effective energy technologies, so Iridium only has some experimental Dyson sphere facilities. Even now, the Iridium scientific community has proposed the use of Dyson spheres, not for energy collection, but for light-shielding protection.

Fortunately, Bai Zhongqi found something that could help among the pile of scarlet sacred stones unearthed in Tao Ranxing.

He took the detector that the muscular man gave him and read the instructions on it carefully.

"Drinking fire stone can extract the hydrogen and helium material from 100 million supergiant stars and use it as a power supply battery for various equipment."

When Bai Zhongqi saw this explanation, he felt that the original intention of the elder race called the stonemason to create the fire-drinking stone was similar to the way that the celestial collector used the sun placed in the glass bead to provide energy.

Although Bai Zhongqi can no longer use glass beads to collect celestial objects, at least the fire stone can remove all the hydrogen and helium from a star in a short period of time. With such a sun-eating prop, at least Bai Zhongqi no longer has to worry that too many stars in the newly formed spiral arms will have excessive negative impacts on the planets of the United Empire.

In addition to figuring out how to deal with the distance between planets and stars, Iridium people also have to make certain adjustments to the composition and thickness of the atmosphere on some planets, and then adjust the entire ecosystem. These are very huge projects, but basically Iridium people can achieve them. With higher automation, the state of these planets can stabilize in one to three years. However, it is very likely that it will be very different from the previous planet.

What worries Bai Zhongqi now is that the Iridium United Empire can be stabilized, but what new situation will arise after the second universe and the third universe are connected. He worries that the galaxy merger event will become the fuse leading to a series of chaos. Powerful civilizations may weaken, and weak civilizations may encounter opportunities. What makes Bai Zhongzhen even more unable to let go is that in such a new situation, the pilgrims who actually embarked on the galaxy merger event will play a role in a series of changes. What kind of role.

"Next, what I have to face is a huge stage that I can't escape but face head-on. In the new galaxy, the Iridium United Empire occupies one large spiral arm, and the other seven spiral arms, how the power is divided depends on We have to pay attention." Bai Zhongqi began to sum up.

Originally the most powerful civilization without any rivals, Iridium stood proudly in the first universe, the Milky Way. However, Iridium will be directly adjacent to more powerful civilizations, and the battle for hegemony in the galaxy seems to be about to begin.

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