Guide to Galactic Dominance

Chapter 67 Don’t be surprised when things change

Xiang Fei was so nervous that his face was covered with sweat. He did not expect that such an important occasion would cause such a big mess on the way to pick up the state guests. Fortunately, the magical star warrior lifted the truck carrying a large amount of flammable and explosive chemicals into the sky as soon as he took action. Otherwise, if something went wrong with the leader of Iridium, then no matter what Iridium originally wanted to do with C If the country cooperates, then country C must also bear the wrath of Iridium at this time. The Iridium people can even wipe Country C completely off the face of the earth.

Country C has made a lot of arrangements and preparations for today's visit. But after all, time was short and many plans were not thorough. For example, in order to avoid affecting civil aviation, the Imperial Capital chose the farther west suburban airport. The distance from Xijiao Airport to the City Hall is very long. Even if traffic control is implemented along the way, there will always be some weak links along the more than ten kilometers of road. It is relatively easy to investigate in the city, and large vehicles can be controlled, but no one knows how this heavy truck cleared customs with tons of hazardous chemicals.

Xiang Fei had guessed something at this time. Even if this heavy truck successfully passed the test, it might not really be able to threaten the concierge fleet. This time calculation was also very good.

At this time, in the era of online media, news is updated at the speed of seconds. As soon as the Iridium Head of State landed, the news spread on the Internet. However, the specific itinerary of the courtesy car cannot be announced by the media, but people along the way will take pictures with their mobile phones. Today, so many citizens gathered around the dedicated driveway to take photos. They didn’t even need accomplices. The perpetrators only needed to pay close attention to the uploaded photos, compare their locations, and calculate their speed to determine when the courtesy car would pass by the intersection where they were ambush.

The location where the truck drove out was a logistics company, and large trucks often came and went. The police also neglected to seal off such a place. Because there are countless such places along the route, which is a waste of manpower and material resources and is also very disturbing to the people. The parking lot of the logistics company is less than one kilometer away from the dedicated driveway. When the truck drove out, no one noticed it. When it picked up speed, it could no longer be stopped. In addition, the traffic police only set up one road with road spikes outside, making it difficult for even ordinary large vehicles to pass. However, no one expected that the tires of this heavy truck were specially made, and it rushed over after stepping on the road studs.

Xiang Fei thought that the perpetrators had no intention of actually hurting the head of Iridium. Even if they planned to cause trouble and thereby destroy the cooperative relationship between Iridium and Country C, it would be best to make Iridium angry with Country C and take action against Country C.

"What a sinister intention!" Xiang Fei was filled with anger in his chest at this moment, but he still had to calm himself down and go to give an explanation to the Iridium head of state who had arrived at the Great Hall and was resting.

Bai Zhongqi was sitting in a magnificent lounge in the Great Hall, sipping special grade tea from an extremely exquisite teacup. He took a few sips and felt that the taste was just like that. This was not surprising. Even the special tea in the Great Hall had to pay attention to the cost. There may be tens of thousands of precious tea leaves that can be fetched in the market, but now they would rather sell them on the market than offer them for special supply. Moreover, the current atmosphere in China is to promote integrity. If you spend a lot of money to buy these, you may be reported immediately.

After Xiang Fei made the report, he walked in with an apologetic look and introduced himself: "Hello, Your Majesty the Head of State, I am Xiang Fei who is responsible for liaison work. I am very sorry to frighten you."

"This incident is a terrorist act carried out by people with ulterior motives to deliberately undermine our bilateral relations. I hope that Your Majesty will be able to understand clearly. We also apologize for the inconvenience and shock caused to His Majesty and his entourage. Regarding this incident, we We will investigate to the end and give you an explanation."

No one dared to mention Bai Zhongqi's former identity as a C countryman, let alone use this identity to speak out. This kind of thing is only done by people who are not clear-headed. Suppressing Bai Zhongqi will not have any effect at all, but will hinder the relationship and cooperation. Therefore, after official figures from Country C met with Bai Zhongqi, they repeatedly ordered him to be respectful and not show the slightest contempt.

Bai Zhongqi didn't take it seriously, put down the teacup in his hand, and said, "It's nothing."

He himself did not feel it was particularly thrilling. Nan Ma was still very useful at critical moments. Needless to say, Bai Zhongqi still had at least two or three back-ups at the time. However, he still felt that his security arrangements were a bit negligent. The trucks that detected problems were slightly slower, and he did not leave many countermeasures.

At that time, Bai Zhongqi could directly order the cruise fighter aircraft outside the atmosphere to fire lasers to destroy the vehicle, but the damage caused might be huge. A more reliable method is to directly create a shield generating device, travel with the convoy, and activate the shield at any time. Even if hundreds of tons of TNT explode, nothing will happen.

In fact, Xu Lanzhou had previously proposed to Bai Zhongqi whether to take the Iridium suspended vehicle, but Bai Zhongqi still decided to adopt the host's welcome method, which can be regarded as diplomatic etiquette. By the way, he was also curious about what kind of ride experience the Hongqi, which is said to be entirely hand-made, offers.

Bai Zhongqi didn't mind if something went wrong. However, he still suggested to Xiang Fei: "This escort required more than ten kilometers of traffic control in the Imperial City, which was extremely inconvenient and not particularly helpful in terms of security. I decided to enable it in subsequent visits. Iridium’s transportation method will not disturb people, and the safety factor will be increased, saving both parties trouble.”

It would actually be a bit embarrassing for a guest to make such a proposal. Xiang Fei didn't have much choice but to ask for instructions and agreed to Bai Zhongqi's proposal.

Xiang Fei's blushing face was not over yet, and he said a little embarrassedly: "The terrorists with evil intentions have been captured by Master Nanma. We hope to cooperate with you in tracing the motives and organization of the terrorists and jointly seek murder. "

The Iridium people blocked the incident, and the Iridium people captured the person. This time Xiang Fei felt that it was still embarrassing to participate in the investigation. In order to win the trust of the Iridium people, it is obvious that the investigation cannot be without the participation of Iridium. However, after all, this is something that happened on the territory of the Imperial Capital. If the Iridium people exclude the official participation of Country C, they will be slapped in the face again.

Bai Zhongqi was noncommittal and said: "The results should come out soon. My bodyguard bureau is investigating this matter, and Master Nanma is also involved. You can send someone to check the results later."

He himself is very concerned about why someone would want to destroy the relationship between Iridium and Country C. After all, Country C controls local resources. If the relationship between criminals is intricate, the help provided by the people of Country C is indispensable.

He stood up and said, "Okay, it's almost time. It's time to hold a meeting."

Xiang Fei was extremely surprised and asked: "Your Majesty, do you want to start the talks now?"

Bai Zhongqi raised his eyebrows and asked, "Why, isn't this the time we arranged?"

Xiang Fei said: "But, this happened just now..."

Bai Zhongqi had already stepped out and said: "It doesn't matter, we have to teach some people who are not clear-headed that Iridium people are not easy to scare, and they are not masters who will retreat."

Second update! Thank you to friends such as Xiao, Yin Qiao, Banmianjun's UFO, My Way and My Way, Jiulian Routine, Xiao Yu'er, There Are Always People Who Want to Harm Me, Shi Che Shu Bian San Jue, Xie, Messenger and others for their rewards .

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