Guide to Galactic Dominance

Chapter 680 Visit from Feiju Star

Cat girl Lina straightened her hat and felt the very unfamiliar sunshine. The Scarlet Ju star was already very different from the mother planet where she was born and raised. Even this place is no longer the original universe and star field, and even the sun shining on the mother star is another sun.

Xiaomi, the cat girl who was following Lina, smiled so hard that her eyes narrowed into crescent moons, and she said happily: "It's great, no one on Feiju Planet knows us, and everyone has cat ears and tails. They look the same. People would chase us for autographs and photos.”

Lina smiled softly at Xiaomi: "Because this is our hometown."

Xiaomi looked at the rows of low-rise, pastoral-style houses not far away and exclaimed: "But it's really different from the previous Feiju Star. Everyone seems to be living a happy life."

Lina didn't want to think of those tragic memories. The Tezien lizard people treated the boys and girls of the Scarlet Star as commodities and trained them to become slaves. Countless people on the entire planet became food for the Tezien people. Lina was always grateful to Bai Zhongqi for rescuing Feiju Star from the hands of the cannibal demon, although now Feiju has become an administrative star of the Iridium United Empire and it is impossible to develop any independent civilization.

But at least, the lives of the Feiju Planet people have entered a fairy tale world. Hunger, poverty and pain have gone away. The Feiju Planet people born in the Star Alliance era have seen a society with abundant material and personal freedom since they were young.

As the leading Feiju Planet official, Earth-born female civil servant Zhao Meishi said to the two cat ladies: "Feiju Planet people value gratitude more than Earth people. In fact, since Xiao Yu usurped power, many Feiju people are grateful for the kindness of His Majesty the Head of State, and I have reservations about Xiao Yu. After Feiju Star returned to the jurisdiction of His Majesty the Head of State, many Feiju people were very happy."

Lina nodded and said: "Yes, it was His Majesty the Head of State Bai Zhongqi who saved Feiju from the nightmare. Feiju people will always remember this."

Two singers who are both famous in the galaxy, returning to Feiju Planet for a walk is more like a trip, even though the people here have the same characteristics as them. There are also a few people from other planets who have immigrated here. The feline characteristics of the Feiju people are a very weak recessive gene, which will disappear completely after mixing with other primates. Therefore, many Feiju people have combined with people on Earth. The second generation will not have a tail or cat ears.

Unlike many of the current administrative stars of Iridium, Feiju has a very unique look. Feiju people hate buildings that are too tall and prefer to live in low-rise wooden houses with no more than three floors. They have their own aesthetic and build houses in a style that is very different from the Iridium style.

Lina looked at the shops opened along the streets on both sides of the town, and the residents looked very contented. The folk customs of Feiju Star are simple and simple, which will not change after entering advanced civilization.

Xiaomi's eyes widened when she saw a cake unique to Feiju Star being sold on the roadside.

Zhao Meishi smiled and said: "Feiju people are much more diligent than us earthlings. Although the government provides comprehensive living security, Feiju people still make some things with their own hands, such as these snacks. After I was posted to Feiju to serve, I just fell in love with this planet, and it’s inseparable from the people and culture here.”

Xiaomi ran over and asked for a few pieces from the pastry seller. The kind-hearted middle-aged woman wrapped the pastry in paper and handed it to her. It was fragrant and made people want to eat.

Xiaomi used the bracelet she just got to scan the payment machine in front of the counter. After the Iridium United Empire controlled the income of all administrative stars in the Star Alliance, it canceled the unconditional rationing system. Unless there are special reasons, you must work to obtain rations. For consumption such as snacks, the shopkeeper's real revenue is not as much as the self-employment subsidy provided by the government for her self-employment.

Feiju star people have a peaceful personality, without much ambition or ambition, and prefer a calm and simple lifestyle. Most people are engaged in various service industries, and they insist on manual investment, thinking it is a symbol of their heart, so it seems that the economic form of Feiju Planet is lower than that of places like Earth.

Xiaomi ate the pastry happily, and said to Lina with great emotion: "Sister Lina, everyone in Feiju Star is living a stable and harmonious life. It's great."

Lina couldn't help but sigh: "Yes, it's better than we thought. But if that fallen empire really invades the Orion Arm, I don't know if everyone's lives can be maintained."

Xiaomi asked worriedly: "Isn't it possible that the head of state can't win? I feel that he is the most powerful in the entire galaxy."

Lina didn't understand these things. She tried to ask Cuihai, who knew almost everything, but Cuihai didn't answer, which made her very uneasy.

Lina exposed Xiaomi's thin shoulders and encouraged her: "It doesn't matter, we are not the helpless girls we were back then. The Galaxy Battle Diva was born to protect, so let's protect everyone on Feiju Star. ."

Xiaomi nodded vigorously, with a pair of big eyes showing a very serious look: "Yes, Xiaomi will not admit defeat, Sister Lina must also work hard."

Zhao Meishi on the side looked at the sisters encouraging each other, and she was also very affected. But she couldn't help but ask herself, how many people on her home planet Earth would really fight to the death to preserve their current lives? A better life seems to have worn away people's will. When Bai Zhongzhen took the earth back, the people on the earth had no objections or objections. If the earth is taken away from Bai Zhongzhen by others, as long as the people on the earth continue to live like that, I am afraid that the people on the earth will No comments either.

Zhao Meishi knows that people on earth are too "smart". They now laugh at the Iridium people's foolish loyalty to the head of state, Bai Zhongchui, and boast of their very special status in the United Empire. People on earth enjoy the most luxurious life, but they take it for granted.

"Twenty years have passed. Although the earth has been an interstellar civilization for some time, compared with planets like Iridium that have truly achieved their current status and prosperity through hard work and fighting, the earth has taken too much for nothing and has gained little. It is too easy. It has not truly adapted to the interstellar era and has not forged its own soul as an interstellar civilization. If there were no Iridium and no head of state, maybe the earth would have a chance to have its own interstellar civilization and possess such a spirit. But after being grafted by civilization, The Earth will never have such an opportunity again, so it will remain in this state of dying in comfort. Next, it may face a war that determines the life and death of the United Empire. How should the people of Earth deal with it?"

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