Guide to Galactic Dominance

Chapter 689 The Battle Begins

It's not just the shield that's been enhanced, every gun on this combined monster battleship seems to have been enhanced to a certain extent. The hit Iridium battleship clearly felt greater pressure on its shield.

This combined monster battleship was put together like a child putting together blocks. Its entire form has undergone a huge change, and its combat effectiveness has also seen an incredible jump. However, it seems that the layer of luminous colloid is still bridging and forming this new battleship, and this ship has not yet exploded into its maximum combat effectiveness.

Thirty-six Iridium warships, plus an air wing, launched a fierce attack on this huge combined monster. However, the originally powerful Iridium naval cannon seemed to have encountered a difficult nut to crack at this time. Layers of ripples flashed on the shield of the combined monster. Although the Iridium people were consuming it, it seemed that they could not break through the shield for a while.

"The situation has changed," Li Cheng, the rear admiral of the fleet on Noye Star, contacted the captain of Wuxie at this time.

"Our intelligence shows that the Sushuang Army has launched a fleet of at least 300 ships. The direction of movement should be your interception point. If you cannot achieve more results, you should start to retreat, otherwise if you are attacked by the enemy If you double-team, you will suffer unnecessary losses."

The captain of the Innocence gritted his teeth, "We may have been fooled. The material quality readings of those cargo ships were too low. They were not transporting anything at all. Their goal from the beginning was to deal with us."

General Li Cheng said: "Retreat, don't drag us with them."

"Yes, Captain."

The captain of the Innocence immediately ordered his fleet to start turning towards the corridor node and give up attacking the monsters. However, what he did not expect was that more than twenty Galactic Empire warships with levels above level 30 jumped directly to the corridor node. , blocking the actions of the Iridium rapid response detachment.

Yong Jin was also anxious at this time. He was the gunnery officer on the ship and was observing the targets and situations on the battlefield.

"The node is occupied. If the node cannot achieve clearance, we will not be able to fly out from this node."

The corridor node is actually a large area in which the spacecraft penetrates the barriers of space and flies directly into the inner dimension of space, flying at high speed across distances. It is impossible for twenty or so ships to occupy the node, but if they occupy the node, they can continuously fire at the Iridium warships and disturb the Iridium warships from starting to navigate the corridor. Especially when enduring a lot of firepower, captains have to supply most of the ship's energy to the energy shield, so the corridor craft that requires a lot of energy cannot be opened.

Kang Xiong also frowned deeply and asked the captain: "Do you want to take back the aviation wing?"

The captain thought for a moment and replied: "Recover the manned aircraft, and the drone will continue to provide cover."

Kang Xiong immediately asked the pilots to fly back. Although Savannah was eager to kill, there was no problem with the soldiers' obedience, so they immediately abandoned the enemy and returned to the Innocence.

Savannah jumped out of her fighter plane and nodded to Kangxiong.

"It seems like this is a trap." Savannah's expression did not waver.

Kang Xiong looked at this beautiful pilot who was so unfazed by humiliation, and still admired him very much. It was not something ordinary people could achieve with such a psychological quality in the first battle.

"The ships of the Fallen Empire are indeed powerful, but the Sushuang God General was willing to spend money for a small fleet like ours. Not only did he lose twenty empty ships, he also threw out a killer tactic. I'm afraid these warships can no longer be divided into strips." Kang Xiong analyzed.

Savannah said: "It doesn't matter to Su Shuang. Anyway, most of their warships came from other civilizations, and the number is several times ours. They just lost a few of them, even if they were 2 Even with an exchange ratio of 1, Su Shuang would think it was worth it."

Kang Xiong thought about this and felt a little depressed.

Savannah took off the flying armor from her hand and said expressionlessly: "The Nuoye fleet and Sushuang Legion are probably the first moves between the Iridium United Empire and the Fallen Empire, and they have to fight. , but this battle will not only affect the fleets of the two sides, but it will probably be a larger-scale war."

As a commanding officer, Kang Xiong was not unaware. The main reason why the head of state did not rashly transfer a large number of fleets to Noye Star was not only because he did not want to expose that he had broken through the closed area, but also because he was worried that the Fallen Empire was brewing a plot against Iridium Star. A big scary trap.

Su Shuang is the one standing in front, and there are still many people standing behind.

After some of the original divine generals of the High Council were executed for opposing the Fallen Empire, there are now a total of sixty-one divine generals in the Divine General Pavilion set up by the Fallen Empire, and one-third of them are like Su Shuang and Suo Kexiao. A force of at least fleet size was commissioned. In addition to this group of generals who were already like warlords, each of the top ten originally controlled a large number of warships.

They are all enemies of Iridium now.

At this time, Li Cheng once again issued an order to the quick reaction detachment: "Abandon the corridor navigation and start tactical evasive maneuvers to avoid contact with the enemy."

Kang Xiong was still a little surprised after hearing this order, "I originally thought that the captain would let some of the warships stay for cover, while the other part would take the opportunity to evacuate first."

Savannah shook her head, "This will still result in the loss of part of the battleship. As I said just now, the Noye fleet does not know when it will wait for the rescue of the head of state, so we cannot afford to lose our combat power. What the captain did That's right. We start to circle with the enemy in this star field. If the enemy cannot catch up with us, we will be safe for the time being. Once the captain and the other two captains decide to launch a decisive battle, we can immediately enter the battle. "

In fact, Li Cheng and Yu Dang Kou had already sounded the clarion call for the Iridium Empire to attack at this time.

"The entire 22308th Fleet and 22309th Fleet are dispatched to support the first rapid reaction detachment."

"The 23085 fleet is divided into six raiding fleets, with the goal of directly attacking the logistics production base of the Sushuang Legion. It does not aim to kill enemy ships, avoid engaging in long-term attrition battles with the enemy, and prioritize the destruction of the enemy's industrial capabilities. ."

The veteran Yu Dangkou looked at Nuo Yexing and sighed softly: "In this case, our planet will automatically give up."

The indifferent general Li Cheng had no attachment: "As long as we can win, it doesn't matter if Nuoye Star is lost. Besides, Su Shuang and Suo Kexiao are wishful thinking to get our planet. They can only get a large one." fireworks."

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