Guide to Galactic Dominance

Chapter 696 Just a fight to the death

Among high-efficiency faster-than-light voyages, stargate technology is complex to construct and has poor flexibility. However, the cost of a single crossing is low, and it is suitable for a large number of frequent fixed trips. The Galactic High Governance Council has built a stargate system extending in all directions in the Milky Way, and all advanced civilizations have the right to use them for a fee.

However, normal stargates require stargates to be set up at both the starting point and the end point to achieve two-way navigation.

But there are exceptions. In the very difficult and complex technology tree of Star Gate, there is another technology that is difficult to point out, and that is the one-way Star Gate.

There is no need for two star gates anymore. As long as you know the spatial coordinates of the target place and have a certain understanding of it, at least the space force effect, you can use the star gate to go to almost any location in the galaxy. This technology was obviously not a technology originally possessed by the Big Ten. It was a piece of meat and bones thrown to them by the Silver Emperor after they joined the Galactic Empire.

Commander Tyronova, who commanded the Galactic Empire fleet, was very proud. The tall Lu Lu people now just wanted to prove themselves on the battlefield.

"That useless thing Su Shuang, the enemy he can't defeat, let me defeat him."

The deputy commander next to him also said in time: "Yes, the commander is now the leading commander of the Galaxy Empire, and he commands a huge fleet that has never been seen in ancient times. The opponent is just a group of people who have absorbed a little bit of insect swarm technology. The natural disaster civilization cannot be compared with the powerful fleet commanded by the Commander."

The official representative of the Military Bureau of the Prime Minister's Department stationed in the Tairenova fleet is also very reasonable. He has no intention of exaggerating or catering to Terenova, but he considers himself to be very objective in his analysis: "This Iridium Alliance The Empire is the predecessor of the Star Alliance. It seems to have been established by their leader after he traveled from a parallel universe to our universe. The level of technology is half the same, and it may now have some power of the insect swarm, but the insect swarms of all generations have been conquered by various civilizations in the galaxy. They were jointly exterminated, but now, the insect swarm is facing a unified galactic empire."

The chief of staff of the fleet also said: "When the Iridium United Empire defeated the Sushuang God General, they brought out a large fleet, but even if they had a hundred thousand more troops than that time, with Commander Teronova leading Compared with the Galactic Empire fleet, it is not good enough."

The deputy commander also commented: "The warships of each of the ten giants are all in our fleet. After the upgrade and transformation of the crystal core, although the warships of the ten giants have not been upgraded, they have stronger combat capabilities. We There are also countless new warships transformed by other civilizations, with strong firepower, protection, and maneuverability. The United Empire of Iridium, as can be seen from the level of their fleet on Noye Star, is around level 28 at most Civilization, what threat can a level 28 civilization pose to the Galactic Empire?"

Tyronova listened to the conversation of his subordinates and was very satisfied. He took a step forward and raised his hands in the air. This was a Lulu people's etiquette showing worship and surrender. "Long live the Silver Emperor!"

Everyone imitated his actions, even if they were not from Lulu, they all echoed: "Long live the Silver Emperor."

Tyronova walked like a tiger and said with great momentum: "His Majesty the Silver Emperor has a far-sighted vision to unite the galaxy. Eliminating natural disasters and bringing peace and order to the galaxy is the ultimate mission of our ministers. Iridium is the source of natural disasters. The Lair is the most abhorrent and filthy thing in the universe. Erasing them from this world is our greatest contribution to the world."

He waved his hand and pointed forward, making himself look like a hero in the sculpture. With a thrilling brilliance on his face, he ordered: "Attack and destroy these natural disaster bugs."

Using words such as "many", "many", and "very many" to describe the number of Galactic Empire battleships led by Teronova are even somewhat inadequate. This military commander named God General, but who worked hard for the Prime Minister's Department, won the trust of senior officials in the Prime Minister's Department. Not only did the ten giants each send out ships to form his core fleet, but various small and medium-sized civilizations that surrendered to the Silver Emperor also allocated a large number of modified warships.

When several huge light gates appeared, and a cluster of battleships that were ten times larger than the Sushuang Legion just now stood out and headed straight for the Nuoye fleet led by Li Cheng, the Iridium people who were originally very excited, this Only then did he fall into a huge panic.

Commander Li Cheng knew very well what he should do at this moment. He immediately informed the entire army: "The leader's fleet has left the territory of the Orion Arm Empire and is preparing to come here to fight with us. I want you all to use your best skills now." In good condition, show your strength and determination to His Majesty."

The veteran general Dang Kou also said proudly: "The Iridium people have never been afraid of any enemy. Even if the enemies are ten or a hundred times more numerous than us, the Iridium people have never panicked. We are born to be unyielding warriors, the sword of the empire. This group of degenerates The lackeys of the empire may think that hugging their father’s lap will make them powerful, and they think that we, Iridium, can be slaughtered and humiliated by them. No! If there is an overlord in the galaxy, then it can only be Iridium!”

Li Cheng took out his command knife and ordered: "Raise the flag and fight to the death!"

Yu Dangkou also had high morale and led all the Iridium crew members to shout: "Long live the Führer!"

The number is only one percent of the opponent's, and the technical level is not as good as the opponent's. However, the Noye fleet of Iridium fired a three-way lightning flag, just like the most heroic samurai sending the last words to his despicable enemy. Intense ridicule.

A salvo from the terrifying Galactic Empire's large-scale fleet erupted with all kinds of light throughout the universe. Even these attacks were fatal to the Iridium warships. Some warships were even sunk at the first contact. But the Iridium crew members still poured their firepower on each other, constantly bringing the other side to death.

Yu Dangkou felt this powerful and terrifying pressure and asked Li Chengdao: "How long can we last?"

"Ten minutes at most." Li Cheng was very honest.

Yu Dang Kou was not disappointed. Instead, he laughed impassionedly and said, "Ten minutes is enough. I, Yu Dang Kou, have lived my life well enough. I have to kill a few enemies for the Führer before I die."

Tyronova looked down at the battlefield with cold eyes. When he looked at the heroic assault of the Iridium Noye fleet, there was only ridicule in his eyes.

"A group of weak and stupid guys, using their arms as a chariot, seeking their own death."

Tyronova was full of intoxication at this time. With such a huge fleet in hand, he could decide the life and death of the enemy. He felt that he was the most powerful person in the galaxy besides the Silver Emperor.

Until, golden light enveloped the entire space.

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