Guide to Galactic Dominance

Chapter 706 Fighting the Demon (Part 2)

A group of pilgrims can't help but feel excited now. Stealing the immortal body of the elder race is what the pilgrims dream of. It's just that their status cannot make the decision. They all looked longingly at the person who really made the decision, Nan Ma.

"Commander, we should move out now. If the Silver Emperor's mechanical troll really kills the No. 1 sinner, his soul will be lost, and we will not get the immortal body." Goatee The pilgrim said to Nanma.

Nanma said without looking back: "The immortal body that is captured by Bai Zhongqi is not yours."

This reality was a slap in the face. Several pilgrims looked unhappy. The short-haired pilgrim pretended to be dignified and upright and said: "Being able to bring immortality to the adults of the shrine is also a great achievement. As long as it is eliminated. Sin No. 1 will continue to strengthen us pilgrims, and eventually we pilgrims will be able to defeat the elder race’s plane, allowing every pilgrim to obtain eternal life.”

Nanma sneered in his heart, but did not refute the pilgrims he was traveling with.

He still did not stand up, and was still watching the battle between the mechanical troll and the Iridium fleet on the screen. He just said: "If you want to go down to the mountain to pick peaches, you can go pick them yourself. The credit will be yours. I don't want it anymore. Star Warrior You can use the power of the Order, but don’t think about the things I have on hand.”

Several pilgrims were angry and dared not speak out. Nan Ma's status was higher than theirs, and their methods were powerful. Even if they united to deal with Nan Ma, they might not be able to succeed, so they had no choice but to leave in anger.

Nanma looked at the struggling Iridium fleet on the screen and whispered to himself: "Your Majesty, is this really your burial place?"

--Dividing line--

"Zang Xingyan, Zang Xingyan, can you hear me?" Bai Zhongqi tried to contact his chief knight.

The Star Knight's voice came intermittently, with self-deprecation and helplessness in his tone: "Your Majesty, it seems that I am a little too confident in myself. Well, you probably have to come here by yourself. The current situation is , these strange substances in the mechanical troll's body are stirring, they seem to be trying to swallow my Cloud King, including me of course. The supreme command I brought in has expired and been assimilated by it. They seem to intend to swallow me and the Cloud The king also becomes a part of them.”

Mr. Knight paused, and then shouted: "Save me, Führer!"

Bai Zhongqi actually couldn't hear any nervousness in his words. This powerful knight was actually similar to Nan Ma in some aspects. They were both more unruly. However, Zang Xingyan was from the original family of the Twelve Destiny Knights and had a bit of grace. Self-restraint.

Bai Zhongqi could only say: "Hold on."

He observed the movements of the mechanical troll. It was obvious that the monster became more cautious after being invaded by Zang Xingyan. However, Bai Zhongzhen is Bai Zhongzhen after all. Although the Star God may not be able to do anything to this huge star-like robot, Bai Zhongzhen is an elder race, and there are still some moves that even the Star Warriors cannot do.

When the mechanical troll waved its arms and legs again and attacked a group of Iridium battleship beasts, Bai Zhongqi suddenly launched a leap.

Obviously, this time the mechanical giant noticed the signs of the jump. From his originally flat mechanical body, a much smaller arm, but still several hundred meters wide, quickly grew out and rushed towards the jump. , Bai Zhongqi stood on the troll.

Bai Zhongqi also tried his best. The fist struck by the mechanical troll was not an ordinary physical attack at all, because this shuttle movement simply exceeded the speed of light, and its own material even ignored the energy shield.

After a short jump, Bai Zhongqi could not immediately make the next jump. However, Bai Zhongqi was decisive and took out his Home Stone and summoned the Home Titan.

The mechanical troll's punch attack was so powerful that even the Home Titan could not withstand it. The hull armor of the huge Titan ship was penetrated, and even the land inside was smashed to pieces. What was even more terrifying was the mechanical troll. The material on the body began to glow and flow, ready to devour the shattered Home Titan just like it was devouring the Cloud King Divine Weapon Mecha.

"Eat, eat, I just want you to eat it." Bai Zhongchu thought to himself.

The asteroid-sized Home Titan may be nothing compared to the mechanical trolls that are larger than stars. The very efficient luminous colloidal substance pulled pieces of Home Titan into his body at will. This monster obviously has the ability to assimilate all substances and strengthen itself. Bai Zhongqi even doubted that if it swallowed enough matter, it could become as vast as a star system.

But now, Bai Zhongqi didn't dare to have too many distracting thoughts. He had been absorbed into the troll's interior along with the Home Titan's casualness, just like the chief knight Zang Xingyan.

Ling and Xu Lanzhou on the battleship almost went berserk, but Ling was a little more rational. She said: "The head of state knows what he is doing. Instead of worrying about him, it is better to continue fighting for him."

Xu Lanzhou bit her lip and nodded resolutely.

Feeling the mysterious material surrounding him from all directions, Bai Zhongqi couldn't even breathe, but at this time, he completely relaxed.

"This mysterious substance that possesses almost all substances and all properties has a familiar feeling to me. It seems that it is a supreme command in itself. In this case, I will use my supreme command to cleanse the original Silver Emperor. Will, a few small carriers can't do it, but with all the Home Titans, plus myself, I can definitely do it!"

Suddenly, a dazzling silver-white light suddenly burst out from the body of the mechanical troll, even penetrating its shell, and the light violently covered the whole body.

This is the light emitted by the fragments of the original home Titan, and this is the will of Bai Zhongqi's supreme command blowing the horn of attack on the battlefield inside the mechanical troll's body.

The mysterious substance that was originally overwhelming seemed to be frightened the moment it came into contact with the white light, and tried to retreat immediately. However, the white light refused to give up, shining on all the materials that made up the mechanical troll, and the mysterious substance like luminous colloid began to appear. Very strange changes occurred. Sometimes it becomes a solid state, sometimes it becomes a liquid state, sometimes it disappears and maybe turns into a gaseous state, and sometimes it transforms into a colorful flame (plasma state). It transforms back and forth among six different states, making people look confused and surprised.

This was the first time that Bai Zhongqi used the supreme command to control something without a normal mechanical structure. However, when Bai Zhongqi assimilated the first gram of mysterious material, he was able to clearly perceive that this material has infinite possibilities. Sex, it is like the existence of life, and it has the ability to transform one substance into another, and can even superimpose different material properties.

It itself is capable of carrying the Supreme Instructions.

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