Guide to Galactic Dominance

Chapter 719 Breakout Battle (5)

On a very inconspicuous Iridium Eridanus-class battleship, a staff officer reported to the Iridium commander and chief knight Zang Xingyan: "The head of state has successfully resolved the crisis on the four occupied planets, and the casualties and losses are still there. Counting."

It's just that the commander-in-chief knight seemed careless, with a pair of retro headphones plugged into his ears, playing stream-of-consciousness music that was completely irrelevant, and tapping gently on his knee with one hand.

The staff officer didn't say much, bowed his head and retreated, but Qi Xiao, another knight who was also staying here, frowned and said, "Why don't you care at all about our planet being taken back? Do the lives of the Iridium people matter? You have nothing to do with it?"

Zang Xingyan leaned back on the large chair, rolled his eyes, and said to Qi Xiao: "Don't blame me so casually, okay? My mission is not to deal with those occupied planets at all. The head of state and the people from the Tongzhengyuan will take care of it. I His mission is only to fight."

Jun Jiushao reminded: "It's about winning the battle."

Zang Xingyan took a second look at the girl with good looks and elegant temperament, but she still lacked formality. He said: "Of course, if I lose, then I will give up. I don't want to hang around yet."

Qi Xiao pointed out very seriously and rigorously: "The fallen army has fully converged on the node, with hundreds of fleets of different sizes. If a large number of enemy fleets are really sent to the inner node, and the outer node is about to arrive, the enemy forces should cooperate inside and outside. , our situation will become very bad."

Zang Xingyan chuckled and said, "Then, we must work hard to avoid such a situation."

Jun Jiushao asked: "Are you going to seize the big ones and let go of the small ones, attack several important fleets among them, and weaken the strength of the fallen army?"

"On the contrary, we are focusing on the small ones and enlarging them. Those large-scale fleets led by god generals can run away whenever they want. I am afraid that these fleets also have cover for each other, and they also want to give us a few blows. We do not gather superior forces. If we go to fight, it will be difficult for us to fight easily. On the contrary, we will eat those weak fleets casually."

Qi Xiao still frowned: "In that case, you still can't prevent them from gathering into a dangerous fleet at the inner node, and you can't avoid being attacked from both inside and outside."

Zang Xingyan jumped up from his comfortable leather chair and opened the war zone star map in front of him with a wave of his hand.

"What the Fallen Army wants is nothing more than to establish their control over the two nodes inside and outside the space-time tunnel through internal and external cooperation, so as to continuously bring in fleets and maintain the state of continuous blood loss in our Orion Arm. To do this, the best way is to use space Blockade, they have used this trick very smoothly. However, the head of state brought back the Cosmic Titan in Centaur Arm-5. Space blockade, a means of changing the battlefield terrain, is also achievable for us. So we want to block it The corridor, so that reinforcements from the outer nodes cannot come and enemies from the inner nodes cannot enter, is what we should really do.”

Jun Jiushao couldn't help but nod his head after hearing this: "This is a good idea. Although we have an advantage in military strength, after all, we are fighting on our territory and we hope to control the scale of the war."

Qi Xiao also had to admit that Zang Xingyan's method was indeed very feasible and the most beneficial to Iridium.

His tactical strategies were conveyed to Bai Zhongchu, who also believed that his ideas were better than his own. Bai Zhongqi was initially planning to use space confinement to change the battlefield terrain, but he only considered banning the inner nodes, and then using superior forces at the outer nodes to eliminate the enemies, and then come back to deal with the galactic fleets currently in the Orion Arm.

In fact, Zang Xingyan's dumbbell ring tactics are more complex, trapping the enemy and destroying the enemy at the same time.

--Dividing line--

"Perhaps you have realized that natural disasters are constantly eating away at our relatively small breakout fleet. Several of our main fleets have not been attacked at all, but those fleets below the fleet have all been violently hit by natural disasters. The losses were heavy." Su Shuang said coldly facing the second divine general Sanlin Luzhi.

Sanlin Luzhi did not answer, but the third general Bai Gong spoke: "The decision made by the second general was approved by everyone. There is no point in pursuing the correctness of the decision now."

Burden, the substitute god general of Lulu Civilization who later joined the meeting of god generals, also echoed: "Our main force did not suffer any losses and was able to launch effective attacks at the inner nodes. This is the credit of the second god general. On the contrary, it is you , the fifth divine general, has been repeatedly defeated by natural disasters, has he even lost his spirit?"

Su Shuang shut up and said nothing. He now had a very bad feeling.

Too lazy to argue with these people, Su Shuang turned off his holographic image and disappeared from the virtual meeting of the generals.

Borden said angrily: "This fifth divine general is too proud."

As the coach of the Galaxy Army, Sanlin Luzhi still didn't speak. He was always so calm and calm, making it impossible for anyone to know what he was always thinking.

Just when Borden was about to get closer to Sanlin Luzhi, his fleet's alarm buzzer suddenly sounded loudly.

"What's going on?" Borden was very surprised.

"Lord General, this is an enemy ship."

"What? Why are you here? How big is it?"

"Uh, only one?"

Borden's eyes almost popped out, and he hurriedly called up the video to take a look. Sure enough, he found a lonely Iridium battleship floating there. This battleship was still a very small frigate. Borden had long known that the Iridium United Empire had gradually The frigates in the main battle sequence have been eliminated and mainly reserved for defense and escort purposes.

"Destroy her!" Borden had a very bad premonition that there must be a monster if something went wrong. The fleet he commanded was quite large, with 30,000 warships, and was the main force of the Galaxy Army. To deal with his fleet, he firmly believed that the Iridium people could win at least three times the fleet, and now that the fleet was precious to both parties, he still believed that the Iridium people would not rashly surround him with an army.

But why did a small frigate actually run up to him?

It didn't take Borden long to figure it out.

The small Iridium frigate suddenly shook, and a light blue shock wave was released from its hull. The fast-propagating shock wave quickly spread and enveloped Borden's fleet.

Borden's eyes were about to burst: "How could this happen? How could this happen?! Can the Iridium people also use the space seal? Break it for me, break it!"

But his men swallowed their saliva and replied: "Sir, we don't have the means to lift the space ban..."

"No...? How is this possible?" Borden was already dumbfounded.

An old and unmanned warship was sent by Bai Zhongqi to a main fleet of the Galaxy Army, and he trapped the fleet without any difficulty. In other places, the same thing was happening. Iridium kept jumping to small frigates, which were all temporarily modified by Bai Zhongqi to be able to block space.

Before the Galaxy Army could complete its assembly at the inner nodes, they were already trapped and isolated by each other!

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