Guide to Galactic Dominance

Chapter 76 Military Aid Visit

The spaceship successfully arrived at Ruyi City. Naturally, the head of state Bai Zhongqi could not accompany the members of the negotiation and inspection team. Even though Bai Zhongqi actually had nothing to do, his identity was here and he could not break the rules and etiquette casually.

On the contrary, Bai Zhongqi has always been paying attention to every move of the negotiation and inspection team. As long as he is in Ruyi City, his eyes and ears are everywhere. However, this kind of "peeping" approach seems a little bit arrogant.

What Bai Zhongqi is most concerned about at the moment is not Xiang Fei's negotiations on haze removal cooperation, but the visit of Country C's military.

The members of the military who came to Ruyi City accounted for more than one-fifth of the entire visiting delegation. Obviously, obtaining advanced military technology from Iridium is one of the most urgent needs of Country C.

In the Star Alliance framework introduced by Bai Zhongqi, Iridium promised not to interfere in issues between Earth countries unless it concerned Iridium itself. The security environment faced by country C at this time is not very optimistic, and the containment of Yingjiang's family will still have a lot of negative effects. Although joining the Star Alliance has ushered in the era of large spaceflight, Country C can broaden its horizons and is not limited to the time and place of the earth. But after all, country C originated from the earth, and its interests are also distributed around the world, so it cannot be given up casually. In contrast, Country C is actually very much looking forward to gaining better benefits on earth after gaining stronger strength.

All this is based on the economic and military power of country C.

Military personnel came to Ruyi City this time with two main tasks. The first is to negotiate the military cooperation of the Star Alliance and the establishment of the Star Alliance Space Force; the second is to visit and inspect the so-called "intra-atmospheric defense weapons" that Iridium supports to Country C.

The people of Country C knew very well about the first task, and there was not much room for negotiation, because all the ships and weapons of the Star Alliance Space Force were provided by the Iridium United Empire, and the Iridium Space Force was responsible for the training afterwards. What needs to be discussed is basically the details, such as how many people will be sent to join the Star Alliance Space Force, how to recruit troops, and how the costs will be shared. In principle, Country C also hopes to send more people, because there are more people from Country C in the Star Alliance Space Force, and they have more say. Although this is actually their wishful thinking.

As for the second task, Country C actually pays more attention to it. Because these weapons are several generations more advanced than the existing military technology on Earth, once the C Army masters them and develops combat effectiveness, it will be enough to dominate the world. At that time, no matter whether there are many benefits from space development, just becoming the rule-maker of the earth and creating an international order that is beneficial to country C will be enough to excite people.

In this regard, Bai Zhongqi actually wanted to secretly strengthen Country C. Even after a period of time, the Star Alliance opens up other earth countries to join, Iridium will no longer support too many weapons, and what other countries receive will lag behind country C, and country C will still maintain the lead within the earth. status.

Before the negotiations on military cooperation have officially begun, the Iridium people have already taken country C to visit the weapons prepared to support them. These weapons, as their name suggests, are "atmospheric defense weapons" and are used in planetary surface operations. Compared with the current mainstream weapons of Iridium, the gap in technical level is incalculable. There are also differences in the technical level of this batch of weapons. Some are three generations higher than the current weapons of country C, and some are even more than a thousand years behind. (The generation difference here is defined as the absolute overwhelming advantage of the new generation compared to the old generation. The reference objects can be F-22 vs. J-8, Type 99 main battle tank vs. Type 59 tank)

A group of high-level officers from country C followed the Iridium personnel to the weapons testing site with various expectations. This testing ground is built in Ruyi City. It cannot actually test the power of weapons. Instead, it uses a virtual system to simulate the power of weapons and conduct static tests on weapons.

Major General Tang Xinhua from the Air Force Equipment Department had bright eyes and a good attitude. He even joked with Major General Su Guokai from the Joint Staff next to him: "Show us the real guy as soon as you come. Old Su, guess what?" What kind of equipment will be shown to us? I guess it is the equipment of our air force."

Su Guokai and Tang Xinhua are also good friends. They are a little thinner but very talented. At this time, he rolled his eyes and said: "No matter what it is, as long as it is conducive to the development of the people's army, it is a good thing."

Tang Xinhua laughed and said: "This Iridium man probably leaked something from his fingers. It is a killer level equipment for us."

Lieutenant General Wang Peng from the Army Command intervened at this time. He patted the seat and said, "If we can get the technology to float in the air, I think tanks all over the world will be eliminated. ”

They were riding a floating car, which was the simplest thing on Iridium, but it still surprised the military generals of country C. They can fully appreciate how disruptive this technology would be if brought to the earth. The terrain passability of equipment like tanks has always been limited. Otherwise, Country C would not have developed a new type of light tank in order to adapt to the muddy terrain and roads and bridges of the southern water network rice fields, as well as the jungle and plateau terrain of southern Xinjiang. If they can change the artillery to this floating vehicle, the floating vehicle can fly over no matter what kind of terrain it is, and can even cross the sea on the water and conduct landing operations. This value is self-evident to the Army.

These people were discussing excitedly. The aerial vehicle had landed and the weapons testing site had arrived.

The Iridium person responsible for guiding is actually an android. There is nothing we can do about it. The Iridium population is too short. Bai Zhongqi generally will not send real people to do things that can be done with androids. In order to look like that, he also gave the android the rank of lieutenant colonel, making the military bosses think that he was a mid-level technical officer from Iridium.

"The first weapon shown to you colleagues may feel very familiar to you, but believe me, its interior is completely different from what you are familiar with. You can bring it back with a colleague to experience it personally and actually feel this weapon platform. ."

These words whetted everyone's appetite, and everyone looked eagerly to see what familiar thing it was.

The door of a warehouse at the weapons testing site slowly opened, and a fighter jet flew out of the Black Hawk inside the warehouse. The excited Air Force Major General Tang Xinhua first smiled: "How about it, it really is the equipment of our Air Force."

But when the fighter plane sailed out of the shadows and was completely exposed to the simulated sunlight of Ruyi City, Tang Xinhua was dumbfounded.

"This - isn't this our J-20?"

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