Guide to Galactic Dominance

Chapter 9 San Francisco Incident (3)

Even the ordinary citizens in downtown San Francisco who were watching this situation could see that this UFO was more of a play on the F-22 Raptor, the fifth-generation fighter aircraft that is the pride of the US military. The other party did not take the initiative to attack, just like a lion with spare strength, teasing two thin and panting dogs. Some people shouted with excitement, while others were surprised and frightened. Some people are also worried. Although this UFO does not show any attack tendencies, who knows what purpose it will have in coming to Earth.

Sean felt like he was sweating in his helmet. He nervously shouted to the lead pilot Fraser: "Long Man-1, you are too close to it, so I can't shoot!"

"Damn it, do you think I'm willing to be so close to this thing? I can't get rid of him at all!"

Fraser didn't even dare to make any big moves at this time. The distance between him and the UFO might not be more than three meters. Any hasty move could lead to a serious collision, and the opponent was directly above him. , which means that even if he is ejected, he will not survive. Moreover, this is at a low altitude in the urban area of ​​San Francisco. Even if you successfully skydive from this height, there is no guarantee that you will survive, and if you survive, there is no guarantee that you will not be disabled.

At this moment, Brigadier General Cornell ordered Sean: "Long Man-2, fire on the target immediately! Repeat, fire on the target!"

It has to be said that this is an excellent shooting window. Fraser did not dare to make any exaggerated movements under the alien fighter. He only dared to fly levelly, and the alien fighter simply flew Like a kid riding on an F-22, it didn't make any maneuvers. For the Changren-2 wingman in accompanying flight, this is almost a stationary target.

Cornell was desperate, and there was no way this matter could end in a low-key way. Aliens may invade the earth at any time, and the United States, as the hope of mankind, cannot ignore it. Cornell felt that he carried the entire mission of human reproduction, even if an outstanding pilot of the U.S. Air Force was sacrificed today, even if a fighter jet worth hundreds of millions of dollars was lost, even if damage was caused in the densely populated urban area of ​​San Francisco. As long as it can obtain the wreckage of this UFO and analyze some useful information, the United States may find a way to deal with this group of aliens.

Even aliens with advanced technology must have some weaknesses that can be exploited. There are people in the Pentagon, even the CIA, the White House and other places who believe this, and Cornell thought the same way when he knew the truth. I have to say that this is also influenced by the endless stream of Hollywood movies about fighting alien invasions. In these movies, no matter how powerful the aliens are, humans can always find one or two weaknesses to exploit, or humans can use their own cheating wisdom to finally defeat them. opponent. In "Independence Day", a lone heroic pilot seizes an alien fighter plane, and finally uses a Trojan horse trick and a computer virus to destroy the aliens; in "Darkest Hour", several minions of the protagonists all find ways to exploit the civilian population. Science-level weapons are used to deal with aliens with energy bodies; the aliens in "Battle of Los Angeles" can even fly interstellarly, but their weapons are not much better than Earth's weapons. They can't even penetrate a steel helmet, and their IQ is seriously overdue. They are thousands of miles away. They come all the way to Earth to fight street fights with the Earthlings. The resource they need is water, and no one cares about them at sea...

In short, aliens either have unknown weaknesses or are not as smart as Earthlings. As long as the necessary information is obtained, humans will surely win. Oh no, it was the loyal, brave and powerful American soldiers who once again saved the world, saved mankind, and defended democracy, freedom and peace. They are worthy of the great title of the Lighthouse Country.

So much has been said. In short, for the sake of human peace and the United States, the death of a Fraser is nothing, and the loss of an F-22 is nothing. It’s not that it has never been lost before, as long as it does not fall into the country of copycat madness, it will be fine. .

Frazier also heard Cornell's order, and his head was suddenly covered with a bang. Although the US military also talks about daring to sacrifice, being betrayed by his superiors still made Fraser particularly angry. Sean on the other side hesitantly shouted: "Tower, the target has not shown aggression yet, shooting will hurt our people!"

As the lead pilot and wingman, Fraser and Sean have been old friends and comrades-in-arms for many years. Fraser is even the godfather of Sean's daughter. Sean is absolutely unwilling to shoot his friends, no matter what the reason.

When Cornell kept forcing Sean to take action with cold voices, Frazier also came to his senses. He knew that he would not end well no matter what today, either he would be shot down by his comrades, or he would choose to die. It was too frustrating to be beaten to death by his comrades. If possible, he would rather heroically kill the UFO himself, at least to defend his country.

A country that told him to die.

Or to be precise, a country run by people who told him to die and profit from his death.

Fraser was full of blood at this time. As the most outstanding F-22 pilot, he once defeated the ace pilots of NATO allies in the Red Flag military exercise and became an undefeated ace in the air combat. If it were placed in a Chinese culture area, Brother Baojie and Xiping would have to be nicknamed "Zhao Zilong in the Sky". In the fight with this alien fighter plane, he was always at a disadvantage, and his whole body was full of temper after being teased. Even if he couldn't win openly, even if it cost him his own life, Fraser would still take down this alien fighter plane.

——Cut shot——

Bai Zhongqi still hasn't found what he thinks is a good hiding place on the ground. After all, this is not some famous city in China. There are civil air defense and other facilities everywhere. Bai Zhongqi doesn't dare to go into the subway station because it is likely to be closed if there is a problem. In the end, I couldn't get out and starved to death inside.

Yes, in fact, Bai Zhongqi is an anxiety patient, and he also has doomsday delusions. He always makes preparations for various disasters, even if it is just a trivial preparation, at least if he makes it, his anxiety will be relieved. .

Now that Bai Zhongqi couldn't find a hiding place, he felt very bad. Just when he was breathing faster and starting to feel tight and short of breath, the crowd suddenly started to scream.


Bai Zhongqi suddenly looked up and saw that the F-22 being "ridden" by the UFO suddenly moved its elevators and binary nozzles at the same time, and the entire nose of the aircraft was violently raised backwards in a rough and fierce manner. Pull away.

This is clearly a way of killing each other! The F-22 pilot chose such a way to show his unyielding attitude when he had absolutely no way to escape from the UFO.

At least when Bai Zhongqi saw this scene, he suddenly admired the pilot a little. He didn't know that in fact, if the pilot didn't do this, he would be shot down in the end.

Not to mention whether Sean will comply with Brigadier General Cornell's order, the US military has already brought anti-aircraft guns into the urban area of ​​San Francisco. When the missiles cannot be locked, this old-fashioned weapon is more effective. And even if Sean didn't take action, more than ten anti-aircraft guns of different calibers would fire at Fraser. He who was below at that time must have been shot down first.

At a distance of only a few meters, Fraser fought desperately. Can this alien fighter jet be avoided?

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