Gundam: The wind blowing through the universe

Chapter 369 Attack and Defense of Gibraltar (1)

"The line is cleared, Pulse Gundam please attack!"

After hearing Mei Ling's instructions, the core fighter ejected from Minerva, and then assembled within a second, taking the lead in rushing towards the huge figures in the distance.

"Justice Gundam, please get on the ejection rack, followed by GOUF Ignited!"

In the cockpit of Justice, Aslan had just hung up the communication with Curatis. The captain tried for the last time to persuade Aslan not to go to the front line, but to stay on the bridge and be responsible for the general mobilization of the battlefield, but he was Aslan refused resolutely.

"Aslan Sara, Justice Gundam, attack!"

The red figure reappeared in front of the world after two years. For the ZAFT side, it was tantamount to a huge morale boost, but for the United side, the feeling was not so wonderful.

"GOUF Ignited, please attack, followed by the Savior Gundam!"

Heine ejected for the third time, and the next second Shiho stepped on the pedal on the Savior Gundam that Aslan had replaced. Shiho had tested the prototype Savior in Orb before, so changing the aircraft body may have been stressful for Heine, but for Shiho, it was just a change from one familiar aircraft body to another.

"Savior Gundam please attack, followed by Destiny Pulse Gundam R!"

Courtney Hieronymus and Ray drove two simplified versions of the Future Destiny Gundam and ejected immediately behind the savior. Originally, ZAFT should have only developed the Destiny Pulse Gundam at this point in time, but later found that its battery life was extremely poor and turned to the development of the Destiny Gundam.

However, with the fall of the Gibraltar base, Durandal issued a death order to the PLANT development bureaus. They must come up with a machine that can be provided to the frontline aces before the major counterattack.

Forced to have no choice, ZAFT had no choice but to cooperate with a private company that it had previous contact with, and introduced third-party developers through open data permissions. The company improved Destiny Pulse's Phantom of Destiny, thus obtaining Phantom of Destiny R.

Because time was so tight, there were only two Lifeline Rs that could be rolled off the production line in a hurry. Courtney brought them to North Africa. It was precisely because of the fate of these two beggars that he and Shiho could barely maintain their existence in North Africa. The defense line will not be pushed all the way by the United.

Now that Shiho expressed his preference to fly the familiar Savior, the extra Lifeline R was naturally transferred to the 'Chairman's confidant'. Even Zhen Asuka had no reason to be dissatisfied with this decision.

Although ZAFT is a militia organization, it still follows the military tradition of speaking with ability. Luna may be a good red-coat if released, but on Minerva currently, the one ahead of her is Aslan. Asuka, Heine, then the two veteran reds, Courtney and Shiho, and finally Ray from the same period, no one can compare to Luna. Naturally, even with a good body, she would not be given priority.

"Please attack Destiny Pulse Gundam R, followed by Cerberus Zaku Warriors!"

"Luna Maria Hawke, Cerberus Zaku Warrior, attack!"

He casually lifted his mask, and the Cerberus Zaku Warrior was the last one to eject. It cannot be said that ZAFT is harshly blaming Luna because of her injury. Cerberus Zaku is also one of the several high-end machines that ZAFT can handle at the moment. Destiny and Legend are still on the production line, and the development of Infinite Justice has encountered some problems. Unstable factors', thanks to Heine's sense of propriety, he rejected the lifeline R and the savior, and Lika temporarily returned to Carpantalia due to the sudden recruitment. Otherwise, in terms of seniority alone, even Courtney would have to go to Fire Tiger.

What appeared in front of Luna was a hell scroll that matched the name of her machine very well. The five aircraft that set out first had turned into green dots on the radar. From Luna's perspective, the sky was filled with the fire caused by the MS explosion.

Green, red, live ammunition, beams, countless weapons flashed across Zaku's display screen in an orderly manner. ZAFT's ground troops also responded with artillery fire. The signals of friendly forces on the radar kept disappearing and adding new ones. For a moment, Luna felt as if her head was stuffed with cotton. She couldn't do any of the movements that were engraved in her instincts, such as locking and avoiding.

It wasn't until the alarm in the cockpit activated Luna's state that she pushed the control stick fiercely, and a red and white sandwich fired by an unknown object barely missed the Cerberus' head and hit a Babi behind her. After using magnification, Luna discovered that the murderer was the joint cutting-edge MA that Aslan showed at the pre-war meeting, a big green crab monster.

"Damn it! You murderers!"

The "Ottersius" high-energy long-range beam cannon moved laterally, and Luna also responded with a long-range sniper shot. As a result, Zamza-Zah just deployed a positron reflection beam shield, making Luna's attack useless.

Before Luna could make the next reaction, a beam boomerang circled up from the bottom of Zamza-Zah's abdomen. Since the positron reflection beam shield could not take care of the lower part, the huge MA was immediately affected by the explosion. To the balance.

The Justice Gundam immediately grabbed the fighter plane, sideways dodged Windam's shot, and the beam cannon on the auxiliary flight system cooperated with the Sirius in its hand to shoot directly through Zamza-Zah's abdominal armor.


Before Luna finished speaking, Pulse Gundam also pierced Gells-Ghe's head with a beam sword directly in front. At the same time, using the momentum of forward charging, he once again used Siegfried's signature - turning around in a small arc, and backhanded the third Two beam sabers pierced the upper body.

"Really, that's not the cockpit anymore!"

Justice Gundam split the second Zamza-Zah with one sword. Aslan looked up and saw the pulse movement, and quickly reminded him that the upper body of Gells-Ghe's assault dagger was just for decoration, and the cockpit had long been moved to the lower half. .

As a result, the pulse gundam's leg nozzles were fully activated, and it jumped directly onto Gells-Ghe's back. Then the beam rifle came close and fired, killing the multi-legged monster in an instant.

Not far away from Justice and Pulse, Shiho's savior flexibly shuttled through the MAs' intensive fire volleys in MA form. After a roller maneuver, the savior also came under a Zamza-Zah, and then directly transformed into In MS form, he fired a volley of plasma beam cannons and successfully scored his first MA kill in his life.

As for Heine's Fire Tiger, it is about to shoot down the second MA, and Courtney and Lei's Lifeline R are also in a no-man's land. The original advantages of large MAs with high offense and defense are completely lost in front of this group of adjusters ACE. It became a burden, and its huge fuselage awkwardly avoided the close combat of the MS.

However, the MAs that lacked elite MS escorts were blown up one after another. The six MSs on Minerva were divided into groups of three. Under the leadership of Justice Gundam and Pulse, they quickly headed towards the core area of ​​the base. Kill it.

At the same time, in the Gibraltar base, Fleur unplugged the infusion tube inserted in her arm, picked up her pink combat uniform with one hand, and turned her back slightly to face the silent man behind her. Said, "Let's go, good dog, oh no, in Africa, the place where you became famous, should I call you the Ghost of the Sand Sea? Former ZAFT elite, Regrett Aaron!"

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