Gundam: The wind blowing through the universe

Chapter 388 Those people from the past (7)

As soon as Zhen Asuka finished speaking, Justice Gundam combined his beam sword into two and rushed towards freedom. Siegfried looked up and found that Justice Gundam's starting move was not a killing move, so he did not stop him. move.

In fact, even if Siegfried wanted to stop him, in his current state, it would be difficult to guarantee that he would not go berserk and shoot down both Kira and Zhen here.

After slitting Fleur's neck, his head was once again filled with all kinds of strange voices, some shouting that he 'wanted to wipe out all mankind', some mocking Kira for 'merely human beings', and even more... There were voices that kept convincing him that "the world is changed by a small group of people."

With this mental state, and piloting the nuclear Dawn with light wings, it is entirely possible for Siegfried to kill Kira and Zhen at the same time, and from his heart, he has no feelings for Kira as a friend, or former friend. My friend, I feel disappointed.

The Gundam of Destruction was discovered by the Kingdom a day and a half ago. In order for Lars to prove his ability to his own people and those in Northern Europe who were preparing to leave Eurasia and join the Kingdom, he deliberately set off from Orb one day late.

Moreover, after Mina received the message, it was directly forwarded to the Desert Tigers, so in terms of the time when the message was received, there was no time difference between the two.

No matter how far away the terminal was, based on Siegfried's estimation of the performance of the Freedom Gundam, Kira could arrive at the same time as him, or even arrive at the scene one step earlier than him. He didn't know why Kira arrived late, and he didn't know even if Kira arrived late. Kira arrives first, will he take action against Fleur? Judging from the assassination in the kingdom, Siegfried is pessimistic about this.

But now that Fleur is dead, the Freedom Gundam belatedly comes and directly cuts the TurnΔ machine stick. This behavior is tantamount to provocation in the eyes of Siegfried, who is experiencing extremely emotional ups and downs.

At this moment, despite the countless voices in his head, Siegfried actually developed a sincere admiration for the 'Miss Ryoze' whom he had never met before, because Fleur's death not only blocked Kira's longing for loopholes, and at the same time upgraded Kira to a base god. From a high-dimensional perspective, it was simply a stroke of genius.

Not to mention Kira's failure to upgrade now, the revenge of his ex-girlfriend is like a debuff hanging on him. Even a peak human female like Lux is helpless against this kind of thing, let alone a ten-thousand-year-old Asasi. How decisive can he be expected to be when facing the first woman in his life?

Therefore, Siegfried did not stop the real bird from taking action. Firstly, he was very unhappy with Kira's behavior to protect his shortcomings. Secondly, due to the changes in the timeline, the real bird has been fighting more dangerously at the Gibraltar base since the armory. , basically without Orb wading through the muddy waters, Minerva still lived a relatively comfortable life on earth.

This kind of smooth sailing is not a good thing for Zhen's character. As Orb tears open the underwear of LOGOS and Paradise Base, PLANT must catch Jibril before Orb, otherwise Durandal humans The halo of the savior has to be discounted again.

At the same time, due to the failure of Mayu's treatment, Zhen's hatred towards Atlantic has accumulated to a peak. Even though he now watched Siegfried kill Frey with his own eyes, the young man's temperament made him feel uncomfortable with this scene, but once he sat back in the mobile suit and was not in close contact with the corpse and blood, would he really be affected by his emotions again? No one can guarantee that it will take any irreversible action.

With these strange thoughts, Siegfried watched with cold eyes the Justice Gundam and the Freedom Gundam engaged in a meaningless battle in the snow. He vaguely remembered that the original battle where Pulse shot down Freedom was also in such weather, and even on the beach. That battle was the turning point in the fate of Zhen Asuka.

From the moment he fell to freedom, Zhen was completely reduced to a villain in the Destiny Chapter. He was brainless, twisted, violent and impulsive. It was not until he was finally cut into a machine stick by infinite justice that he briefly marked Asuka's tragic life. On a full stop.

But the current birdman is not crooked. Not only does he regard Siegfried as his idol, he can even ask the question "What is the justice of fighting?" which is obviously a question that he came to after his own thinking.

And as Hilde said, Siegfried's love for Asuka is not because he is an anime protagonist or a high-dimensional traveler who can modify the fate of the natives. It was because Siegfried saw his own shadow in him, the Siegfried Gilfias he was when he first got on the mobile suit two years ago.

However, the current Asuka has no hatred for the Freedom Gundam. He is just dissatisfied with the opponent's seemingly arrogant attitude, so the justice he piloted did not greet the opponent's vital points, let alone carefully study Kira's fighting habits.

With this kind of mentality, how could he be Kira's opponent if he didn't even activate SEED? Although Kira has not become a god now, that is just a lack of mentality. Technically Kira is still worthy of the title of 'the strongest'.

From the moment he opened his mouth, Kira knew that the person sitting in Justice was not Aslan, so without reminiscing about the past, Justice Gundam failed to touch the edge of freedom with several close attacks, and really tried to block freedom with a beam boomerang. The Gundam's evasive route resulted in the free dual-wielding beam swords directly cutting down the boomerang, which really made him understand what the essential gap is.

"Who are you looking down on!"

Although it was his first time to fly the Justice Gundam, it was not difficult for Shin to get started with this type of melee-focused machine. It was just like he was just out of anger. Since the fight, Shin has been holding on without firing weapons, and he is proud of the results. The close combat was almost being dealt with in a 'playing' manner. This feeling finally made Zhen turn on SEED.

Due to the difference in strength, Kira's style of play can easily make the 'victim' feel that he is looking down on me, but Siegfried, who is familiar with Kira, knows that in the eyes of the strongest adjuster, all living beings are equal, and he will not let the opponent If there is a special painting or specially installed machine, we will be ruthless, and we will not deliberately let it go just because the other party is a mass-produced machine.

It was this kind of 'arrogance' based on strength that not only made Yagnis furious, but also made the real flying bird get on the head. The Justice Gundam approached again, relying on the convenience of the two-way beam sword, trying to force Freedom to Enter hand-to-hand combat.

However, the Freedom Gundam directly threw the shield and hit Justice's chest, then kicked away the two-way beam saber, and finally chopped off Justice's head with a knife. For the first time, he was completely defeated by others in the SEED state. .

"I lost"

After confirming that the Justice Gundam had lost its combat effectiveness, Freedom also landed on the ground. In just a moment, the snow had completely covered Fleur's body.

"Siegfried I think"

Kira looked at Siegfried on the screen and hesitated to speak. It was clear that before he left Orb, everyone was still joking about Miri and Thor's child. However, when they reunited again, Siegfried's eyes were filled with murder. The meaning even made Kira feel chilled through the battle suit.

Siegfried first let the Justice Gundam unlock, and then stopped Dawn between the two planes. Finally, he opened the cockpit to signal that he would not continue to attack. Kira then stepped on the sling and landed. Fleur's side.

As a result, the penetrating stab wound on the neck of the corpse once again made Kira turn her attention to Siegfried in the wind and snow.

"I told you, I killed the person."


"I killed that person! Kira Yamato!"

At this moment, things are different and people are different

I have a fever. I may need to rest for a few days. I will take the next test. I will check it later today. It may be because I was shocked when I watched Fengshen on Sunday and was filled with muscles and shirtless men on the screen...

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