Chen Yang couldn’t wait to try to use appetite to condense the mysteries of Wang Food, but what he always thought was too simple, the condensation of appetite was not so simple, a few points of light just appeared in his hand, but the points of light expanded sharply, and then exploded.

There is nothing left, on the contrary, Chen Yang himself is tired and sweating, and it is not simple to control this appetite, Chen Yang also found that he underestimated the difficulty of this trick, but the Four Heavenly Kings never succeeded once when he was a child.

Even when it came to fighting the four beasts, he failed several times before succeeding, Chen Yang still thought too simply, there was no time for accumulation and a lot of training, this trick was obviously impossible to use, and his own appetite was also a problem.

According to Chen Yang’s own estimates, some have learned, and sure enough, at this time, the training space also works, including the experience of the old man Jiro, and you must first figure it out, and then Chen Yang estimates that he will have to be silent for a while to learn such a trick, but before that, Chen Yang still has to go back to the field first.

Strength guarantee, he naturally can’t let go of the guy who forced him to flee in a hurry, this time his level crushed the other party, the strength increased so much, but it is not calculated that one plus one equals two.

After a little adaptation, Chen Yang carried Melk kitchen knife into the ruins again, and went straight to the volcanic area, at this moment some magma lizards have not yet returned, and a few left here, pulling made Chen Yang show a satisfied smile, these bastards are dead this time, this is what he Chen Yang said.

Don’t need to use the guardian tree, directly operate the knife on it, at this moment his speed and strength have skyrocketed a lot, a flash came to the side of a magma lizard, in the moment when the other party did not react, a huge head flew up, the lizard head has not yet fallen, and the heads of other lizards have also taken off one after another.

It wasn’t until after five deaths that the other magma lizards realized that they had been attacked, and it was the bastard who had just slaughtered a large number of their own people, but they found at this moment that this guy’s strength seemed to have become stronger, how could they get their people’s heads off with three strokes and five by two, it was simply terrifying.

However, it is useless for them to defend at the moment, even if they find it, but Chen Yang’s speed has increased too much, it is simply not their eyes can keep up, the speed is so fast, even the afterimage cannot be seen, and Chen Yang with the help of such speed, when he reappears, there is a lizard’s head flying, and although some of the lizard’s heads have been cut off.

But due to the angle of the cut, as well as the strength of the cooperation, it was fleeting, and the lizard himself did not realize that he was dead, and after running a few steps, he found that his head had moved.

After the strength was improved, this could no longer be called a battle, it could only be called a one-sided slaughter, and these magma lizards crawling in the volcanic rock area were quickly slaughtered by Chen Yang.

After killing these guys, Chen Yang was not busy cleaning up, but used echolocation, and the range of echolocation also increased a lot after his strength skyrocketed, directly including the entire magma zone in his mind.

And Chen Yang found that in fact, there are not many magma lizards left, and the resources here cannot feed so many magma lizards, so there are only more than thirty magma lizards left, but one of them is more special in Chen Yang’s echolocation, and its size is much larger than other magma lizards.

“What is this? Magma Lizard King? But since it is a race, just like Troking Kong, it is understandable that a leader was born, I don’t know how strong this leader is! ”

Chen Yang has some play, after his strength skyrocketed, other magma lizards have been completely invisible, under the level suppression, it is estimated that these guys can’t break his defenses, but this magma lizard king doesn’t know, how much strength will be Chen Yang is looking forward to, but it shouldn’t be much higher.

This type of creature has not yet changed to this extent, and the resources here cannot support it to become stronger.

However, the other party hiding in the magma Chen Yang will not go down to swim directly, although it can also resist such damage, but there is no need to rush into the magma, the smell of blood outside will soon attract them, just like the previous one.

Sure enough, under the influence of the same kind of bloody smell, the remaining magma lizards began to move quickly here, and soon a magma lizard rushed out of the magma, and then aimed at Chen Yang.

And Chen Yang waited until they left the magma, he was not polite at all, and began a journey of slaughter, one by one the lizard heads were cut off, and Chen Yang also kicked some lizards’ heads into the magma, and the last remaining magma lizards probably realized that something was wrong, so they quickly rushed out, including the largest one.

However, Chen Yang did not realize what sense of crisis when facing this big guy, to their extent, once it is too dangerous, the body will warn itself, there is no need for subjective consciousness to judge, the body will judge by itself.

But now that nothing is perceived, then it proves that this big guy will not cause him much trouble.

After knowing the situation, Chen Yang also became unscrupulous, first deal with the mob, the boss waits until the final treatment, this is the standard routine of brushing the monster big BOSS, and although this magma lizard king wants to attack Chen Yang, it can also see Chen Yang’s traces, but his own speed is completely unable to keep up with Chen Yang.

“Big guy, you’re too slow!”

After Chen Yang killed the last magma lizard, he looked at the magma lizard king with a funny face, and now it was his turn to be proud.

And the magma lizard king was also angry after seeing that his people were slaughtered, and the magma flames continued to spray, but because the speed was too slow, it couldn’t hit Chen Yang at all, and after Chen Yang approached it, he put away the Melk kitchen knife.

“Just try out my newly acquired tricks with you!”

“Big Bang!”

Although I just watched the power technique, the first attempt, basically did not even exert one-tenth of the degree, but the power of this punch is also strong enough, Jiro old man can use this move to play the effect of space travel, directly blast the other party out of the earth.

Chen Yang couldn’t do it, but this punch still directly threw the body of the Magma Lizard King and rushed into the sky.

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