After some twists and turns, everyone returned to the Food Forest Temple, and Chen Yang had already taken out the three-headed sleeping Nitro, and now he was waiting to be roasted and eaten, although this thing is extremely strong, but as long as it is not revived, its own defense is actually not very strong.

“Yangjun, do you really want to eat this kind of thing? It looks so strange! ”

Looking at the three-headed Nitro that Chen Yang put on the fire rack, Xiaohui and the others were still a little frightened, after all, Chen Yang had already told them what this thing looked like, so now that they ate this thing, intelligent creatures, they were still a little confused.

“Of course, my strength must grow rapidly, after all, the food world is a big problem, the food world will not be the same as the human world, divide you into areas, separate the guys of each level, in the food world, maybe you will encounter thousands of levels of existence, so don’t eat these guys, even if I am in the food industry, I will die nine times!”

Chen Yang is very clear that there are too many roadblocks after entering, and if he wants to survive well, his strength is necessary, so he must eat these Nitros, which is a necessary point to become stronger.

Looking at Chen Yang’s appearance, Xiaohui and others did not plan to continue to persuade, because persuasion was useless, Chen Yang was basically the appearance of having made up his mind, how could this be persuaded, soon, several Nitros were roasted, it is estimated that these Nitros could not have imagined that they would be directly roasted when they slept.

In fact, the ingredients of the food era are the same as these Nitros, they are very strange, many creatures, that kind of defense, let alone fire, magma poured on it is just for bathing, and even if the temperature rushes to thousands of degrees, it can be carried down.

But it will be roasted, think about it, there is no one, although Chen Yang is ready, but eating this human-like creature, it is still a little diaphragmatic, but when it is time to eat, you still have to eat, so I endured the discomfort and ate this thing.

And this time he chose to swallow raw, to his extent, raw swallowing is too simple, after eating, it is basically digested in an instant, the three heads of nitro are directly swallowed by him, and at this moment his body also began to change rapidly.

“This little guy actually found Nitro, and he really ate it!”

At this moment, in Chen Yang’s consciousness space, the leader slime and Jiro were a little stunned, looking at the Nitro that appeared in front of them was a little confused, everything they ate would appear in front of them, they could eat casually, which was equivalent to another level of eating, but this sudden appearance of Nitro really shocked the two of them.

“Hahahaha, this kid is really powerful, he really dares to eat Nitro, you must know that the old bastard of Yilong was also a Nitro, so he didn’t eat it to death, and among these guys, you have eaten a lot.”

“This kid is really ruthless, but I like this kind of personality, it’s much better than Ichiryu’s bastard!”

The leader slime was constantly laughing maniacally, he shook his head at this, he naturally knew why the leader slime wanted to scold a dragon angrily, after all, many things behind the leader slime are dragon concerns, but a dragon is completely unappreciative.

It is strange that the leader slime has done a lot of useless work, and it is strange that he is not angry, the leader of the family, slime, was one of the strongest in the universe, and NEO has been killed by him several times. As a result, after encountering a dragon, he was really moved by this super big virgin, and now he meets Chen Yang, a ruthless guy, he naturally likes it.

This Nitro dared to eat, and I dared to do it in the first place.

“Ruthless is indeed ruthless enough, I hope he won’t regret it in the future, but this cell seems to be starting to change!”

Although they could not monitor what was happening outside and were shielded by the system, they could sense Chen Yang’s cell changes, and the three-headed Nitro, although good, was enough for Chen Yang’s cells to transform.

How many good things the Nitro family has eaten is unknown, so their meat is also a good thing, eating it can not only convert cells, but also activate cells, so Chen Yang’s current strength is beginning to rise upward.

And the people outside looked at Chen Yang at this moment and began to change, the flesh became a little transparent, almost you can see the blood vessels and bones inside, etc., looking extremely scary, although Xiaohui and others were also surprised, but did not dare to touch Chen Yang casually.

If they really cause something bad, it will not be good, they are not all Xiaobai, they can only watch at this time.

This is Chen Yang’s cells are evolving, constantly transforming the general cells in the body, so this situation will occur.

Soon, Chen Yang’s muscles and others began to reappear, only this time it became more pure.

“Is it done?”

After his body fully recovered, Chen Yang opened his eyes, and he could sense the terrifying energy fluctuations in his body.

“Well, what are you guys looking at me like that?”

Seeing several girls around looking at themselves with a monster expression, Chen Yang was a little puzzled and worried at the same time, after all, although the old man Jiro turned into a food demon, although there is nothing in a complete physical state, but it seems that if the unsealing is not complete, it is a real monster, Chen Yang does not want to become a monster.

“Yangjun, just look in the mirror to know!”

Saying that, Erinai also took out a small mirror to Chen Yang, and Chen Yang, who was a little worried, was a little blinded after taking a photo, because he didn’t become a monster, but more like a little white face.

Before, because of the food cell, his strength continued to increase, and his muscles continued to increase, although he would not become a super muscular man like Ah Yu and others, but masculinity was also indispensable, but now after this conversion, he has become a little white face.

If he is not using it, the muscles on his body will almost completely disappear, and this skin is much better than Xiaohui’s gourmet cell transformation.

“I haven’t heard that this has a beauty effect after eating Nitro, and this is turning me directly into a little white face, what is this!”

Chen Yang was a little crying and laughing, this was indeed beyond his expectations, but he was also relieved, he didn’t turn into a monster, if he became a monster, there was really no place to cry, but he turned into a little white face or something, he was still a little uncomfortable.

Especially this little white face with better skin than Xiaohui and them, how strange it looks. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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