Early the next morning, Master Shiquan left early and went to the other elders to propose, and soon, Chen Yang got the news, Master Shiquan as a recommender, just like other elders recommending, only need to finally confirm it, if you can really find the heir of the Yongling Dao, those people are too late to be happy.

After all, kitchenware such as the Yongling knife is not available to everyone, so it is also put away, if everyone can use it, they naturally do not want any heirs to appear, but the problem is that no one can use it except the heir.

And the dark cooking world is aggressive, they can only look for the heir of the Eternal Spirit Dao as much as possible, so everyone who is proposed, they will watch, and there are heavy soldiers outside, even if someone makes bad to steal it, they can’t get out.

If it was so easy to keep and get away, then the people in the dark cooking world would have already taken this thing away, how could it be kept until now, the reason why Chen Yang let Master Shiquan out instead of taking it himself was also because he was too lazy to fight with others.

Although he is not afraid of this kind of small trouble, but trouble is trouble after all, it is naturally best to have less trouble.

Under the recommendation of Master Shiquan, Chen Yang also came to the Daxian Temple, and under the leadership of several elders, he came to the place where the Yongling Dao was stored, and at this moment the Yongling Dao was placed in a box, and it was sealed with some dragon-like talisman paper.

Seeing this, Chen Yang couldn’t help but want to continue to complain, could it be that it was a demon sealed here? It is also sealed with this strange talisman paper, what is the use of this thing attached to it.

The moment the box opened, a pillar of light rose up into the sky, hitting a huge vortex in the sky, but the vortex was fleeting, looking at such a special effect appearance, Chen Yang was too lazy to complain, he remembered, although the background era of the Xiaodang family world is normal history, but it seems that the legendary kitchenware is completely different.

This thing was cast seven thousand years ago, so there were ancient cooks and the like seven thousand years ago, and sure enough, this world is not a normal world, so there are so many magical foods.

“Holding the Eternal Spirit Dao, whether you can become the heir of the Eternal Spirit Dao depends on the final assessment!”

The leading elder spoke, and Chen Yang took the Yongling Dao without hesitation, and the moment he picked it up, a golden dragon rushed out of the Eternal Spirit Knife, and then directly sneaked into Chen Yang’s body, which was actually a contract.

A contract to recognize the Lord did no harm to people, and Chen Yang could sense the existence of the Eternal Spirit Dao very clearly, but this golden dragon was directly kicked out after entering his consciousness space.

There are two super terrifying guys in it, this golden dragon is too weak compared to the leaders slime and Jiro, not kicked out by others, but because of that terrifying coercion.

So it can only be said that it is very tragic, can only stay in Chen Yang’s pasta, Chen Yang estimated, this should be the most humiliated since the Yongling Dao recognized the Lord, but who is too weak in its Dao Spirit?

However, the famous knife is indeed good, even in the food era, there are not many kitchen knives with consciousness, and it can even be said that it is rare among the rare, so the Yongling knife is already very good.

After the golden dragon entered Chen Yang’s body, the tyrannosaurus pattern entrenched on the blade body slowly appeared.

“It is really good that the heir of the Yongling Dao will have the tyrannosaurus pattern that only the heir of the Yongling Dao will have, after so many years, has the heir of the Yongling Dao finally appeared again?”

Many elders were shocked, but now the legendary kitchenware really recognizes the Lord, this is amazing, as for the Master of Ten Perfections, he shook his head, this is strange if he is not recognized by the Lord, in his consciousness, Chen Yang is a bullish existence, although not an immortal, but the recognition of the Lord This kind of thing is not a hand-to-hand capture?

“System, ask a question, if I reforge the Yongling Dao, will it make the Yongling Dao’s ability to make immortal cuisine disappear?”

Chen Yang looked at the Yongling Dao and asked, this Yongling Dao looked good, but what he wanted to create was a weapon that could be used to fight and cook at the same time, not a simple kitchen knife.

“No, as long as the material of the eternal spirit knife is used, the sword spirit already exists independently, only need to reforge the blade body, the sword spirit will re-lodge in it, as for the immortal cuisine, it is because the soul of the eight kitchenware resonates with the materials of the eight kitchenware, so as long as the material is used, then even if it is recreated, it can be saved.”

“Of course, this also needs the blessing of this system, if ordinary people do this, although the sword spirit can be transferred, but it cannot survive in the outside world for a long time, so ordinary people use this method, and they will inevitably scrap the legendary kitchenware.”

“But this system is different, this system can temporarily receive the souls of Dao Spirit and other kitchenware, and protect them, and when the reforging is completed, it will be reintegrated into it, which will not affect the production of immortal cuisine!”

The system quickly responded, and Chen Yang also showed a surprised expression, this legendary kitchenware represents the huge luck of the Xiaodang family’s world, he also asked the system, once this world is integrated, the huge luck on the eight kitchenware will be assimilated into food luck, this part of food luck even Chen Yang can not ignore casually.

So if the eight kinds of kitchenware have recognized the master, then this food luck is added, he will really be food luck against the sky, and even can reach the degree of qualitative change, as for what kind of qualitative change, the system did not tell Chen Yang for the time being, but this did not prevent Chen Yang from looking forward to it.

“Since the heir of the Yongling Dao has appeared, then the dark cooking world will inevitably begin to move, other kitchenware also needs their own heirs, young people, the map of other kitchenware we will transfer to you, since you have been recognized by the Yongling Dao, then please help other kitchenware find their heir!”

The elders opened their mouths and said, although a person can indeed make a variety of kitchenware recognize the owner, but this kind of person is too rare, the appearance of a person recognized by the kitchenware is already very awesome, where dare to ask for other ah.

So they have now also transferred the map to Chen Yang, such kitchenware is placed in Chen Yang’s hands, they can also rest assured, and this kitchenware has resonance, it is estimated that they can find other heirs of the legendary kitchenware more easily. _

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