The GT robot arrived quickly, did not need to go deep inside, only needed to take samples from the outside, and finally the message from the GT robot showed that there was no virus in the air, including water, after hearing this news, Chen Yang breathed a sigh of relief.

“It’s really stupid, this world is obviously the modern world, Xiaomei, directly invade the database, see what the situation of this virus is, I need specific data!”

Chen Yang suddenly patted his head, Xiaomei seems to have the ability to figure out the situation in that world, but he is stupid to use other methods, there are survivors in that world, even if most of the network is paralyzed, but there are still a small part, and Chen Yang’s satellite can be directly connected to that world, so Xiaomei can directly hack the network.

However, Chen Yang said that sending GT robots to test in the past is not a redundant move, after all, you can also rest assured if you have one more thing to protect yourself, right? Well, he would never admit that he had forgotten to have such a means before.

“Master, after testing, specific virus data has been obtained!”

Saying that Xiaomei gave the specific information of the virus, this world is not any Miri world that Chen Yang is familiar with, and the origin of the virus is indeed the death of human beings themselves, and it is a simple doomsday world.

Even viruses can only be transmitted through infected people, and there is no evolutionary mechanism, and human beings have not acquired special abilities, that is, the pure biochemical world, there is no mystery at all.

“It’s really a simple world, send GT robots to bring out the survivors inside, this world can’t be kept, it’s always a hidden danger, if someone dies and runs inside to do something, it’s bad!”

Chen Yang said that there is never a shortage of people who die in this world, although those guys in the big league dare not make a black hand on him, but in the face of a new emerging world, maybe they will bring the virus out, once brought out any virus holder, then it is a huge threat to the world here, as for what is foolproof.

Chen Yang is very aware of the horror of the virus, and before the fall of that world, there was also such a saying, any biochemical world, except for things that the umbrella company made by itself, has some accidental elements.

So Chen Yang can’t just leave it alone, looking, before people in other worlds react, he has to destroy this place first, a few days is enough, others want to send people over, plus the results of satellite monitoring, it will take at least a month, his GT robot will not carry the virus, after saving people, the monitoring without the virus will be directly thrown to others to deal with.

He does things by himself, he is at ease, others touch this matter, he is not at all at ease, and send GT robots over, there is no need to worry about GT robots problems, people are robots not people, naturally not afraid of being attacked.

And will not be infected with the virus, this virus is in the library, can be detected at any time, although he is not playing technology, but the scientific and technological means are much stronger than this world, plus the system has obtained some scientific and technological information.

Strengthened a wave of Xiaomei, so it’s completely a problem, and to destroy the world, he can’t just go up and finish with a big move, he hasn’t been cold-blooded to this extent, so he sent GT robots over.

With the GT robots that he has accumulated during this time in his hands, he directly dispatched millions of people over, and it took about a week to save people according to Xiaomei’s estimates, of course, Chen Yang also said that this kind of world human beings are collapsed, and there is no moral concept to speak of, so everything that is determined by Xiaomei to be incurable can be directly executed on the spot.

There is no need to save such people.

“It’s really a scary world, but what do you do if you want to be destroyed?”

Lukoya said that she couldn’t think of how to destroy the area equivalent to the size of the earth in their world in the past, how to look at it is a little unrealistic, even if they want to destroy, they need carpet bombing, and the number of dragons they need is very large, so the extinction of the world, let alone ordinary people, it takes a lot of time for their dragon clan to completely move.

“After that, you will know, it just so happens that my big move has no place to put it, and it is really unpleasant to use it only in the consciousness space, this world has come, but it has given me a training ground, but this training ground is a little worse quality.”

Chen Yang said that it is not a problem at all, the advent of this world is completely superfluous, he does not need this world, it is good to be a training ground, anyway, he cannot let this world exist.

In addition, Chen Yang told Xiaomei and asked her to give everyone a warning, let these people not touch this world, otherwise don’t blame him if they die, his warning weight is still very large.

The group soon returned to the Land of Healing, and now he was waiting for the GT robot to finish work, and he would die directly.

And after Xiaohui and others know the existence of such a world, although the strength is strong, but hearing about such a world, it is still a little unacceptable, and the faces of each one are not very good-looking, although this kind of world is not less seen in anime movies and novels, but when it appears in front of them, it is two different concepts.

During the rescue period, whether it was several dragons, or Chen Yang’s partner Xiaohui and others were very curious about what kind of means Chen Yang would use to destroy this world, after all, they didn’t know anything about the tricks of the leader Slime.

What they could understand was Master Jiro’s terrifying point-pointing technique, which Chen Yang had passed on to them through inheritance, but this inheritance really scared them.

How strong is Master Jiro’s ability to point points, and even he can easily stop the earth, even Teppei, under his guidance, directly stopped the collapse of the almost collapsed earth, that kind of means, it is really terrifying.

However, they didn’t seem to find any too huge lethal tricks in the point, so they were not very clear at all.

In this way, in the curiosity of everyone, a week has passed, and the people who should be saved inside have been rescued, and Xiaomei used the GT robot to steal the monitoring of that world, although it is almost invalid, but most of the past still has some information retained.

I dare not say that one hundred percent of the scum was killed, but ninety percent was absolutely cleaned up, and the remaining part, if something is done, will naturally not remain, these people are received by the Grand Alliance and people from other worlds, and there will always be countries that will lack population. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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