Because Chen Yang released all the worlds in one breath before, so now the food world is actually complete, the existing relics on the earth have been opened by Chen Yang, according to the system, if you open it again, you have to go to the universe, but now he does not have the strength to rush into the universe, the world of food captive, the universe is more dangerous.

It can be said that it is nothing to be careful after the current strength goes in, but a little more high-profile, basically dead, of course, after he eats all the ingredients, with the ability of two trees, it should be enough to break through the universe.

However, space navigation is not to say that it is just walking, the earth is simply like dust for the universe, so if he wants to sail casually in the universe, he must comprehend the laws of space to a certain extent, so that he can act unscrupulously inside.

Now that his body has been transformed by magic and laws, the space can not cause him any harm, and even he can survive in the space, but the biggest problem is to move, this distance is not comparable on the earth, on the earth his strength is here, just a short trip at will, does not take too much time.

But running into the universe is completely different, and there will be some more strange worlds inexplicably here, these are also Chen Yang does not intend to let go, several worlds come, except for the zombie world is just for him to practice, other worlds have brought him great benefits, immortality, magic, laws, in short, very good.

Therefore, he was reluctant to give up these worlds, and only after he mastered the laws of space in his training space would he go to the cosmic space to find the relics in the universe.

Now his plan is to get other ingredients first, for example, the soup was eaten by the ancestors of the ape king, and then he stayed on the ape king family, and now he doesn’t know if he is still there, if he is not there, he will have to find some of the places where they are, as for the attack on the giant world, that world has been completely occupied.

This is all population and territory, the big league and another world will definitely not let go, and there are already many people in the other world who have turned against the water and directly joined the big alliance, they are actually very clear, that is, the power and strength of the big alliance are too strong.

In this way, the gap will only be widened and widened, and finally, it will be eaten directly, and the situation will only get worse and worse, so they who know the time are handsome, and a large part of them are subject to the grand alliance, so that at least their land is still managed by themselves, and there is one more backer, and the rest is nothing more than an additional leader on the head.

And the people of the big leagues are not stupid, and if they want to become stronger, they have to practice food righteousness, food righteousness is such a thing, and now the kind of play in the food world Chen Yang has not spread at all. It is the version of the Shulin Temple that is broadcast, so even if these people’s mental aspects are a little domineering and some greedy for power, they are also assigned somewhere.

It is not enough to suppress those under their rule, so the power of the grand alliance is also constantly expanding, and Malai was destroyed in a few days, and those people after that were taken away, as for what Chen Yang did not care, as for this part of the brainwashed Eldi people, handed over to them Eldia regime to deal with themselves.

The people of the big league have also taken over the Eldias, so it can be regarded as an area under their rule, as for how they deal with it, it is not about the affairs of the big alliance, it will be very troublesome, after all, so many years of brainwashing is not in vain, just one or two decades is enough to make a place and a thing wrong.

Not to mention now, after so many years, coupled with such oppression, there are almost no people who dare to resist, and there are many people who have been completely brainwashed, such as Jabi and the like, for this kind of people, the Eldian people have no way to isolate this part of the people, and take their children away for re-education, although it is cruel, but there is no way, if you want to reverse that brainwashing, you can’t let them stay together, but the life of this part of the people is at least much better than when the Malai people.

There will be no tragedy one by one, so this can be regarded as a kind of luck, now, this matter is over, Chen Yang plans to go to the seventh continent, the seventh continent is also quite a special continent, because this time also to bring other people, so Chen Yang began to popularize science to everyone.

“The next place we are going to is the seventh continent, any continent in the food world is special, and the seventh continent, the biggest feature is the monkeys and the gigantic environment and creatures, you have also seen the giant creatures in the food world.”

“But the seventh continent is more special, in addition to monkeys, other insects and creatures in the seventh continent have been super gigantic, you can think of it as if you have entered the country of giants, and then you will see for yourself.”

“And our goal is pair, I don’t know if the previous generation of ape kings died, if not, we need to work a little more, if we die, then our next things will be much simpler.”

Chen Yang opened his mouth and said, to be honest, he hoped that Bambina had already hung up, after all, Bambina was the last existence of their clan, and Bambina’s wife died, leaving him no heirs.

After burying his wife, the ape king Bambina has no intention of continuing to find a mate, and he does not have the same immortality as the horse king, so once he dies, Pair will leave his body.

Then reappeared somewhere on the seventh continent, and now Chen Yang’s echolocation can easily wrap the entire earth, let alone just one seventh continent, so it is easier to find.

Otherwise, you also need to use ape martial arts to get down the pair on the ape king, and it is also quite suitable after getting it down.

So he wished that the Ape King would finish early, and when he reached the Seventh Continent, he would be sure.

Now let’s make it clear with everyone, but that kind of soup seems to be quite strange, after drinking a sip, sexual transformation will occur, in short, wait until later, it’s a big deal to drink it back immediately, anyway, whether he becomes a woman, or several other girls become a man, it is estimated that it is quite spicy eyes, he will not let this happen, fortunately, that state is not permanent, otherwise Chen Yang swears, he will never drink it. _

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