For Chen Yang, there is no problem in slaying dragons or not slaying dragons, this country is pro-dragon kingdom is right, and it has also signed a contract with dragons, but what does it have to do with Chen Yang, he wants to slay dragons, it is too simple, killing an ant is almost the same, so he now uses this chip in exchange for Ram and Rem, there is no problem at all.

“You don’t have to worry about the strength of the dragon slayer, I will introduce you to a guest, you can meet him tomorrow morning, he will help you slay the dragon, and you only need to promise or not now, a word of effort!”

Chen Yang didn’t care about Rozwal’s eyes at all, and Rozval was now a little surprised, everything that Chen Yang showed now made him have to move, and even if the other party did not have this strength, it was nothing to agree, anyway, after the transaction was completed, it was just the loss of two maids, and these two maids his plan was used to complete his plan.

So if the deal can be completed, he said without caring at all.

“Since Your Excellency is so confident, then I will agree to Your Excellency, but only after completing the dragon slaying can the transaction be completed!”

Rozvall said with a smile, in this regard, Chen Yang also nodded, this point is the most basic, if it weren’t for Ram and Rem only listening to this guy, he wouldn’t have wasted so much effort, a troublesome horse.

“Then wait for tomorrow morning, tomorrow morning someone will come back to help you, it is definitely an existence you can’t imagine!”

After speaking, Chen Yang left, this existence Rozvall must not have imagined, after all, using dragons to slaughter dragons or something, Fafner’s current strength is already very strong, although the country’s divine dragon is also one of the ceilings, but in the face of Fafner can only kneel, so let Fafner help is definitely not running.

Rozvall didn’t think much about this, whether he could wait until tomorrow morning to find out, so he also went out with him, anyway, there is nothing for him here now.

The two did not leave for a long time, but after the two came out, the others stared at them with a curious face, wondering what was going on, but both of them kept silent, completely ignoring the curiosity of others.

This made everyone hold their breath, but there was no way to know the situation and it was very helpless.

In this way, a blink of time passed, during which Ram also went to inquire about the situation, but Rozval did not say anything, in fact, Ram’s strength is also very strong, if there are horns, Ram’s strength is still above the complete Parker.

This is the real horror place, the next morning, everyone got up to do something, but soon there was a loud noise outside, and then a huge figure appeared outside the courtyard of Rozvall.

“This is, it’s really a surprise, no wonder I dare to say that I can help me slay the dragon, I can command the dragon clan, and this coercion is too strong, maybe I can really defeat that guy!”

Rozval was shocked when he saw the magic dragon method outside, but then it was indeed ecstasy, he now only thinks about slaying the dragon and resurrecting his teacher, and the rest does not want at all, and if there is great help, then it will definitely not be a problem.

“Wow……… Is this a dragon, what a dragon will appear here, and it looks so evil! ”

Fafner itself is a magic dragon, and it is also on the chaos side, so it can be determined that it is indeed a dragon on the evil side, and there is a big difference from the dragon, but Fett’s courage is still very big, but before this sentence is finished, he was picked up by the cold sweaty Roma Ye and brought back, and he was still there.

“Sister, if I’m right, it should be a dragon!”

“Reim, you shouldn’t have seen it, because I saw it too!”

At this moment, the two sisters couldn’t help but sing a double reed.

“How, Your Excellency Rozvall, with Fafner’s help, you should be able to easily kill the dragon!”

At this time, Chen Yang appeared in Rozwal’s study and said with a smile, as for Rozval, he was already excited and nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

“I didn’t expect that Your Excellency could drive such a dragon, is the other party’s name Fafner, with his help, it shouldn’t be too big a problem!”

Rozwal: That’s an exciting.

“Then the next step is for Fafner to help you, you can go with Fafner to find trouble with the dragon now, after all, this guy Fafner cherishes time!”

Chen Yang was not wrong, but Fafner cherished his time in order to use it to play games and nothing else.

If Rozvall knew about it, he would definitely complain crazy, but the dragon on the side of the dragon maid of the Xiaolin family, it seems that the only one who appears from beginning to end is the Emperor of Ending, and the other dragons are not normal.

“In this way, then I will set off now, as long as the goal is achieved, I will immediately hand over Ram and Rem to you!”

After saying that, Rozvall flew out directly from the window, and then directly led the way to Fafner, he did not dare to step on Fafner’s back, and Fafner would not allow him to do so, so one after the other, one person and one dragon flew away.

“So Lord Rozvall still knows such a dragon?”

Rem asked a little sluggishly, and at this moment, Ram was also shocked and had nothing to say, because she didn’t know ah.

“I didn’t expect to see such a magical scene early in the morning, what the hell is that guy going to do? Forget it, whatever he wants to do, as long as it doesn’t affect us! ”

When Parker woke up, he found that the dragon appeared in front of him, and he was also frightened, although he didn’t know what happened, but as long as Emilia was okay, he wouldn’t care so much.

No one knows, yesterday evening, Chen Yang and Rozval’s deal, now, Chen Yang is planning to meet Beatrice, this elf is also quite good, a mobile library, take away to others to learn magic in the future is also good.

Anyway, the people here, except for Rozval, the others he is ready to directly pack and take away.

But before that, he planned to go to have some breakfast first, and the cooking skills of these two maids were quite good, although they were not as good as anyone around him, but they were still okay.

They have all opened and hanged, and if these two maids also open and hang, the result is only strong and not weak. _

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