“Of course, after all, one of the purposes of my coming this time is also for this, and the other is that there are some things to explain clearly to you, and there are some things that you can’t influence!”

Chen Yang said that they must die, but also in order to talk to these people, after all, this world is so backward, it will definitely be directly swallowed by several other worlds.

After hearing Chen Yang’s promise, everyone was also relieved, and then passed on information through the crow, first told the situation to the headquarters of the ghost killing team, and then slowly rushed back, this crow Chen Yang was also quite curious.

But then I also listened to the butterfly ninja and said, this is cultivated through some special drugs, which Chen Yang is a little dumb, but also feels reasonable, ghosts destroy the world, it seems that there is nothing, but the biggest problem is this drug.

Thousands of years ago, someone came up with a drug that can make people immortal and obtain an immortal body, and after that, they came up with a drug that can make ghosts turn back into people, anyway, one by one, for the drug, it is a lot ahead of other worlds.

So it’s hard to imagine that if they are given enough space, they can really research out any kind of anti-heavenly drugs, these people are really strange among the strange, obviously the era is so backward, but there is such a turn.

By the time everyone came to the delivery house, it was already dawn, and because You Bean had become a human, so this time Tanjiro was not brought to judge, although the original book made people look a little humiliated, but I have to say that this is a must, you know, these people finally reasonable did not make a move has surprised Chen Yang.

Any person in the ghost killing team has been persecuted by ghosts, so it can be said that the ghosts will be cut when they see them, but as a result, you beans because they proved that they can not be bloodthirsty and do not eat people, these people did not do anything, although it has the effect of Shiki Yaoya, but it also shows that these people are indeed very reasonable, although they look quite unreasonable, but their personalities are very good.

“Has everyone else arrived? Looks like we’re here for a little while! ”

After Chen Yang and the others arrived, they found that the others had arrived, and Chen Yang looked at everyone here, basically they were legendary, all of them were very powerful, and there were many revenants nearby.

Yanzhu Purgatory Kyoshiro, he has his own mother by his side, Butterfly Shinobu has always had her enchantment butterfly Kanae by his side, as for Tomioka Yoshiyuki, he has his enchantment and rabbit by his side, although Tanjiro beheaded the ghost before.

Everyone else has already become a Buddha, but Rabbit has been following because he can’t worry about Tomioka Yoshiyuki.

Others are also followed by a few revenants, and the most is Sorrowful Yu Xingyu and Shiki Yaoya, Sorrowful Yu Xingyu is followed by the children he adopted in the past, perhaps because after he died, so he woke up, and has been following Sorrowful Yu Xingyu, also because of guilt, but he can’t talk to each other, and Sorrow Yuki Yaoya is next to him, that is a dense soul.

Chen Yang who looked at it was speechless, from a thousand years ago. A generation of family members are by his side, this dense person really makes the characters speechless, the leader of the ghost killing team is also a few years, more than a dozen times, the number of people accumulated in the past thousand years, it is really terrifying, dense.

“It’s really a bit of a party, but it’s a pity that I can’t resurrect them all now, if the leader slime is resurrected, then there is probably some way!”

Chen Yang remembered the scene where the leader slime shaped the body of a dragon, but he couldn’t do this now, and the leader slime also had the body of a dragon at that time to successfully shape it, anyway, he was okay with turning into ashes.

“What do you mean by that?”

This sentence made everyone can’t help but be stunned, although they already knew that Chen Yang was somewhat similar to a god, but this sentence still made them a little incomprehensible.

“Now you still don’t understand, then I’ll help you, the magic that embodies the soul, I’ll see……… Got it! ”

Chen Yang said and waved his hand directly, and a black light instantly shrouded the entire delivery house, and then one after another sound and shadow appeared in front of everyone.

“Sister………… Sister! ”

Butterfly Shinobu saw a familiar figure for the first time, and not only her, but others also saw the person they were most concerned about, but Sorrowful Yu Xingyu was silent, because these people around him did not trust him at all, although most of the reason was because of panic, but it also led to a heart demon of Sorrowful Yuxing.

However, for people in this world, the heart is not hardened, so soon after explaining clearly, Sorrowful Yu Xingyu also knew that what the last girl said was not necessarily him, but a ghost.

That kind of words, because the ghost had disappeared at that time, so he was alone at that time, and that kind of words were naturally aimed at him alone, a child of a few years old, plus excessive fright, many things could not be understood.

So it led to tragedy, and Sorrowful Yu Xingyu has forgiven these souls.

“I still have a word to say about you who are about to become a Buddha, if your corpse remains, even if it is only a skeleton, as long as it is not turned into ashes, I can resurrect you, as for what is left, maybe there will be a way in the future, but I can’t do it now, so those of you who want to become a Buddha, think about it, don’t regret it at that time!”

Seeing that many people have golden light coming out of their bodies, about to become a Buddha, Chen Yang had to say a word, but as soon as this sentence came out, the golden light instantly dispersed, who does not want to live again with their families, favorite people to stay together, so at this moment, all the souls that are about to become Buddhas, directly dispersed the golden light, just kidding, they are not idiots, how can they continue to choose to become a Buddha at this time.

Of course, this sentence also shocked everyone.

“Really……… Can it really be resurrected? ”

Butterfly Shinobu’s voice was trembling, since her sister died, she had never been happy, she had always lived in a mask, so she couldn’t be calm now, and so were the others, where there was still the high coldness of the pillar, including Wuichiro, because she saw her brother’s soul, she had also recovered her memory.

However, the souls of the Isayashiki clan are very open-minded, and they die when they die, they just want to see the scene of a tragic death. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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